More Moaning. Karl Pilkington

Книги о Путешествиях.

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More Moaning

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781782117322

Автор произведения Karl Pilkington

Жанр Книги о Путешествиях


Издательство Ingram

After going on a journey of discovery in The Moaning of Life, the enlightened one – otherwise known as Karl Pilkington – finds himself back on the road.
In his search for the answers to life's big questions, Karl has therapy in Tokyo to try and reduce the size of his head, he spends time in California with a man and his five wives, in New York he tries his hand at painting with his own vomit and travels to Berlin to have his future predicted by a blind man, via his bum cheeks.
Will his travels around the world bring him any closer to the meaning of life? Find out in his hilarious new book.