Книги о Путешествиях

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Provence je t'aime

Gordon Bitney

You have been invited to visit the famous French region of Provence, to experience its rural beauty and sunny splendour. Your guide is Gordon Bitney who, with his wife, has just bought a villa there.<br><br>Join the Bitneys on summer adventures as they renovate their villa and travel lavender-scented backroads, visiting ancient ch&Atilde;&#162;teaux and Roman ruins. Discover, along with them, the region&#39;s bounty through its wines, cheeses, olives and escargots. Follow their adjustment to a different culture and their humorous challenges in dealing with tradesmen who have their own ideas about everything, including what day they will arrive. Bicycle past vineyards and orchards that are drenched by storms and warmed by the southern sun, and then harvest grapes in the fall with a vineyard owner.<br><br>From country fare to haute cuisine in the south of France, Provence, je t&#39;aime radiates good food and heart-warming pleasure from every page. If you have been to Provence, after reading this book you will want to return; if you haven&#39;t yet visited you will yearn to go.

Provence for All Seasons

Gordon JD Bitney

It&#39;s almost spring, and the Bitneys have returned for another season in Provence amid the olive trees, orchards and vineyards. With the renovations of their villa almost done, there is now time to learn more about the land they want to live in…<br><br>Great sights lie within easy reach: the magnificent Roman Pont du Gard; Aix-en-Provence, where myriads of fountains blow water into the air; Arles, where Van Gogh painted his greatest masterpieces; and there are even unexpected festivals along the way.<br><br>For Gordon Bitney, this also becomes his own personal journey: adapting to another culture, learning French and finding his legs on a bicycle. His wry sense of humour about himself and others brings a measure of fun to every page. He says, &#39;How can you resist a place that gets three hundred sunny days every year?&#39;

В объятиях Удава

Дмитрий Смирнов

Двое друзей отправляются по приглашению в экзотическую страну. Запланированный отдых превращается в противостояние с эксцентричным "дедом" – хозяином квартиры, в которой молодые люди остановились. Как выяснилось, он живое воплощение гоголевских персонажей. Из-за патологической скупости, цепкости и беспощадной жёсткости характера он получил убийственное прозвище Удав…

Kardec's Spiritism: A Home for Healing and Spiritual Evolution

Emma Inc. Bragdon

Especially of interest to those involved with healing and healthcare: The first book to describe contemporary spiritual healing centers in Brazil including a psychiatric hospital where spiritual healers collaborate with conventionally trained healthcare professionals. There are more than 12,000 of these centers in Brazil; 20-40 million Brazilians use this resource for spiritual growth, healing, and to maintain wellness. These Centers welcome people of all religions and cultures, offering effective forms of healing as a free service.<br><br>The introduction to the philosophy of Spiritism is presented in a clear, easy to understand manner. The description of the methods for healing used over more than 150 years demonstrate that Brazil has developed an effective model of integrative health care.<br><br>The author spent half of each year, 2001-2012, in Brazil studying these centers and hospitals. She is a psychologist, teacher, prolific author and pioneer in the area of healing and spiritual awakening. She suggests that importing components of Brazil&#39;s Spiritist Centers could help us improve our ailing healthcare system.

Gaeta....In Versi

Nicola M.D. Tarallo

In quaranta poesie di Maria D&#39;Agnese Magliocca gli angoli pi&Atilde;&#185; suggestivi di Gaeta descritti con straordinaria sensibilit&Atilde; . La raccolta, curata dal nipote Nicola Tarallo, &Atilde;&#168; quasi una guida della citt&Atilde; , reca informazioni su tradizioni, usi, ricorrenze e ravviva ricordi che possono sembrare personali, ma sono patrimonio di ogni autentico Gaetano.

Everest Here Continents Collided

Alex W Milne

Everest Here Continents Collided was written for the trekker, the armchair mountain enthusiast and the educationalist, who want to understand the spectacular continental collision that has shaped the roof of the world. It is a guide to the geology and scenery of the Khumbu, allowing the trekker to appreciate the nature of the rocks and glaciers they encounter on the classic trek to Everest.

Hills of Eden

Jory OSB Sherman

Jory Sherman&#39;s first book for Gallivant Press, The Hills of Eden, is a deeply personal look at the green highlands of Missouri and Arkansas. His work could easily be described as a travel book. He does lead the reader down beautiful and poignant mountain highways and long-forgotten back roads to places that reflect the timeless legacy and unforgettable characters of the Ozarks. <br><br>As he has written: &quot;All the dirt roads lead somewhere, and I have followed many of them since that first morning, a wanderer and an explorer, never expecting anything but always finding something of great value, whether it be a diamond-strewn creek in sunlight or a midnight river full of dancing stars, or a verdant woodland glade.&quot;<br><br>Or maybe it&#39;s a memoir of the time Sherman spent in the highlands, the time, he says, that was both mystical and magical &quot;as if the green spring hills were being born at just that moment, as if they had lain dormant beneath a low sky full of heavy clouds, waiting for that first kiss of sunlight, waiting for me.&quot; <br><br>He has written: &quot;These green hills and memory percolates up through the thick layers of civilization in my mind … The hills that first morning arose out of a thick mist like some Brigadoon stage set that appears only once in a span of years, then disappears until another generation spawns.&quot;<br><br>Others may prefer to use The Hills of Eden as a devotional because the power and the passion of his writing, the depth of his insights, the raw energy of his thoughts are stimulating, motivational, and inspiring. His words, his stories, those he met within the highlands remain firmly implanted in your mind long after the final pages have been read.<br><br>As Jory Sherman remembers: &quot;I discovered long ago that it&#39;s not the things that last. It&#39;s not the things we see and touch which endure in reality, but the images of those things that are important to us, that seem to mirror memories in the soul. The images are those intangibles that we can summon from some deep place inside us and relive and enjoy again and again, though we be far from home, far from the hills and hollows that we have journeyed through to find our own truths, our own personal mythology.&quot;<br><br>As reviewer Lee Kirk wrote: &quot;This is the sort of book that may be pulled down again and again on those days when you&#39;re feeling blue, or when you&#39;re somewhere else and need to smell and feel the Ozarks one more time.&quot;

Sailing In Newfoundland and to the Azores

Neil Hammond Bose

This is a book of days and moments spent sailing on the east coast of Newfoundland and over the Atlantic to the Azores. Newfoundland is a beautiful cruising ground, one of the best in the world for a short period of the year in July and August, perhaps from late June. Optimistically and romantically, the Bay of Exploits has been called the Caribbean of the north. Many cruising days in summer start from calm in the morning, develop into a strong wind in the afternoon, sometimes as much as 25-30 knots, and drop to a peaceful calm again at the moorings in the evening. It can be sunny and warm throughout. The effect is exaggerated by starting and ending at a really sheltered anchorage, of which there are many on the coast. <br><br>The book has some factual information on anchorages and passages, but this should be used with the usual caution of any cruising information. Newfoundland has a rugged coast for those who like to be self sufficient and it suits the cruising sailor who does not expect to find a shop, chandlery or restaurant in every harbour. There are places where one can sail for several weeks without seeing another sailing boat.

Prepare Yourself for China: The Visitor's Survival Guide to China. Second Edition.

Brian Hammond Bailie

China is a whole other planet (and you&#39;re the alien).<br><br>Hit the ground running with this essential know-how and friendly advice based on a decade of personal experience plus the hard-earned wisdom of dozens of veteran expats.<br><br>Indispensable knowledge from the school of hard knocks, punctuated with real life anecdotes, this essential survival guide gives you the confidence to take China in your stride and prepare for the extraordinary everyday situations that other advice books overlook.<br><br>The casual writing style and easy reference sections make this China survival guide an indispensable and entertaining addition to your library, and will help you avoid making the same mistakes as the countless thousands who have gone before you.<br>Included is a concise business section that describes Chinese business culture, business meeting survival tactics; plus a brief description of your choices of business entity, and an overview of the hoops you need to jump through to begin exporting your products to the world&#39;s most exciting economy.

Gaeta - Una Finestra Sul Passato

Nicola PhD Tarallo

Una collezione di 165 antiche cartoline del maestro Nicola Magliocca con vedute della citta dagli anni precedenti la seconda guerra mondiale agli anni &#39;60. Include anche riproduzioni dei quadri del pittore Carlo Bossoli sull assedio di Gaeta del 1860-1861.