The collection comprises 165 postcards of Gaeta with views of the city from the years preceding World War II up through the 1960s, which belonged to the author's grandfather, Nicola Magliocca, an accomplished and beloved Gaetano. There are also reproductions of the paintings of artist Carlo Bossoli depicting the siege of Gaeta (1860-1861).
In Paris, the so-called radiant city, Matthew Bowles, freelance journalist, suffers a dark time. Holed up in a bare apartment in the 8th arrondissement, he's recuperating physically, though not emotionally, from injuries sustained in a shooting in Hebron. His memory of the event is murky, and although the media has deemed him a hero – he may or may not have tried to save a man and his child – Matthew is repulsed by the attention. Unable to work, Matthew reluctantly agrees to write a book "about what got you shot" for which a New York literary agent promises "six figures on spec." This is the project he tries to get on with in those times when he's free from depression, free from the panic attacks triggered by certain sounds or crowd situations. More often than not, Matthew is mired in the memories of other war zones – Beirut, Herzegovina, Rwanda, Iraq – where he has worked as a war correspondent. There's a "sack of skulls" he carries around with him. Surfacing, as well, are memories of his rural Nova Scotia childhood: a barn on fire, horses trapped. Recollections of his mother – a woman who held on until Matthew got away from home – explain, perhaps, Matthew's tender regard for Sadia Ferhat, a Lebanese woman who, with her father and brother, runs a restaurant in Matthew's district. Doing what he can to save Sadia's son, who is teetering on a life of drugs and crime, Matthew's life intersects in surprising ways with former colleague Jack Sadler, photo-journalist and ex-mercenary, now living in Paris and also recovering from war trauma. Jack's presence in Paris is, at first, a comfort. Tough, burly, and resilient, Jack knows how to deal with panic: "'there's part of the brain that always lives in the present tense of the trauma .... doesn't realize that whatever shit happened to you isn't still happening .... convince your lizard brain that time's moved on.'" The intersection of these three lives is Davis's story in The Radiant City, a novel that, like Dante's Inferno, spirals downward. The Paris underground – literally and metaphorically – teems with betrayal. The authorial compassion of this book is, however, radiant.
News reports – including a segment on 60 Minutes – have depicted the entire country of Mexico as being an absolute mess, awash in blood and guns on every street corner. Ironically, people living there have a dramatically different perspective, especially in the "fly-in" destinations that continue to hold their value.<br><br>Despite what you may have heard, read and seen, the country is not under siege. The laid-back lure of Mexico's beaches, forests, deserts, people, and culture has been capturing visitors and second-home buyers for decades and has become an international draw no longer driven solely by Americans and Canadians. Not only is land plentiful, exotic, captivating, and beautiful but also it is typically more affordable than most of the property found in America's getaway areas.<br><br>Much has been written about the kidnappings, roadside hijackings, crooked cops and ever the infamous bandidos in some of the regions of Mexico. Most of the violence south of the border, however, is directly related to the drug cartels and the authorities who are trying to eradicate them. There is absolutely no pattern of any innocent U.S. citizens being randomly murdered in drug violence. <br><br>In this book, we will meet other second-home buyers, investors and retirees who share positive views about living and investing south of the border. We will show you their answers to our questions about crime and occupancy in key areas of the country. We'll also explain why Mexico will become a needed alternative especially for 59,250,000 baby boomers that have not saved enough to fund their retirement years.
Exciting, fun and humorous family adventure vacation story. A wild and challenging raft trip my children and I took through the River of No Return Wilderness in Idaho on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River.<br><br>From planning for the trip, travel by small plane, fascinating river guides, and mixed bag of clients, to running wild white-water rapids, spills and thrills on the river, wildlife encounters, camping, hiking, and forest fires, the story tells how our family rose to the challenge and grew from the experience.<br><br>Set in one of the great remaining wilderness areas of the United States, the story evokes in your mind the sights, sounds, smells and feelings of being on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. You will see the breathtaking vistas, hear the thundering rapids, smell the campfires, and feel the splash of cold water from the white- water rapids drench your body.<br><br>When you are done reading the story you will probably get the itch to raft the Middle Fork too!
"Other Voices, Other Towns" has, in reality, taken Caleb Pirtle III a lifetime to write. During the thirty years he has been writing about travel across this great land, he spent much of his time listening to those whose paths he crossed. <br><br>Pirtle collects people. He collects their stories. He is firmly convinced that everyone who has ever walked across the street has a great story to tell if only someone will take the time to listen.<br><br>Pirtle has recorded many of them in "Other Voices, Other Towns." The sketches, the anecdotes, the tales they tell, the memories they have stored, their lessons of life make you feel better or make you want to cry. <br>Their stories are filled with disappointments and with inspiration: The blind man who tends his beehives in the Smoky Mountains and knows that someday "I'm going to where the mountains are higher and prettier and you don't get bee stung." The rancher who bought a whole town because it had a beer joint, and he could get a drink any time he was thirsty. The woman who built a major university on the strength of a dime. The grieving father searching for "the best little girl in the world." The vagabond who became a great writer because he flunked grammar and could not enroll in college. The last man on the mountain, the last survivor on an island, the last woman strong enough to tame though not civilize the Okefenokee Swamp. The teacher who taught history in school by singing the lessons he had written as songs. The men who created "Lum and Abner." The scientist digging for clues to prove a space ship had crashed in the backyard of Aurora, Texas. The performer who rescued the abandoned remains of a crumbling theater. The actor who figured out that a theater ticket was worth a mess of greens or a gallon milk during the Great Depression. The old con artist and wildcatter who defied the odds and discovered a great oilfield. The politician who had one cause, passed it in the legislature, and went home because there were no other bills that concerned him. The fishermen who stumbled across pearls in a landlocked lake. The girl singer who rode in a small RV behind the star until she became the star. The sad journey down the trail of broken promises. And the greatest worm fiddler of them all.<br>For Pirtle, other voices in other towns, have all been joined together to form the traveler's story.
Travel around the world in an 18 day journey! This book includes: several of the ancient man-made wonders I visited and and how to travel to each. Experiences include riding a camel along with interesting people I met. <br><br>Read about the drama that occurred along the way, including having to repair a broken backpack on the very first day, missing a flight and other incidents. Learn of an effective travel communication aid that helps with getting around in areas where English is not spoken. Over 80 photos.
Every age has its heroes, and its villains. Richard III, King of England (1483-1485) was a villain, a monster perhaps, but that's Shakespeare's version, sourced from documents which were either pro-Tudor or blatantly anti-York; the War of the Roses – The Continuation.<br><br>But, was he so very evil? Not according to a small group of enthusiastic individuals called Ricardians who seek to have the truth told. The central character of this work of fiction – Laura Kempe – is determined to undertake her own investigation, using a combination of common sense, instinct and more than a touch of ESP. She gets more than she bargains for however when she reaches for the ultimate prize; the truth about what happened to the "Princes in the Tower" and unwittingly unleashes a chain of events which threaten to destroy her and her travelling companions.<br><br>Witty, amusing and provocative, this is a story overflowing with little-known facts, bizarre encounters and finally, unremitting evil. A traveler's tale? Absolutely! But, be warned! For those who seek knowledge must come prepared, for often it seems that Truth is jealously guarded to the death, and sometimes beyond!<br><br>Reputed to be the most concise and historically accurate rendering of King Richard III yet set within the confines of an intelligently written, exciting and frequently amusing story line.
This eBook covers 66 of the most beautiful campgrounds in Northern California. Ninety- eight colored photographs enhance the written text.<br><br>The campgrounds reviewed are located along the Northern California coast, the magnificent Redwood Empire and Humboldt counties Bigfoot country. <br><br>The author was raised in southern Humboldt and owns property on the Klamath River. As such, he is uniquely qualified to describe the area to the reader.
«Путешествия оптимистки» – сборник очерков потрясающего автора, которая на своём примере показывает читателю, что путешествиям все возрасты покорны, а наша планета – кладезь уникальных по красоте и удивительных по истории мест, достойных восхищения и непрерывного пути. Путешествовать возможно при любой погоде и различном финансовом достатке, а ещё путешествия спасают от хандры и помогают держать себя в отличной физической форме. Осталось выбрать маршрут, с которым поможет определиться эта книга, собрать рюкзачок и отправиться навстречу незабываемым впечатлениям!
Ever wondered what it is like to be captain on a cruise ship? This book gives you more information than you will ever need..<br><br>The Captain's Journal is a sequel to the successful Captain's Log.<br><br>Author Hans Mateboer, long time captain for some of the worlds most prestigious cruise lines takes you on a wonderful journey of personal experiences. <br><br>Many of the stories you will read are hilarious, some are compassionate but in the end, every story goes back to the basics of everyday life on board these great ships.