During his career at the Martinez Administration Medical Center in California Dr Merrill was responsible for the care of thousands of men with prostate cancer and has performed hundreds of curative radical retropubic prostatectomies. In this eBook Dr. Merrill shares the knowledge gained from this experience with the reader. It is the author's strong belief that no one should die of prostate cancer in the 21st century. Dr Merrill also believes that the key to beating this potentially lethal cancer is early diagnosis and aggressive surgical removal of the cancer before it has spread beyond the confines of the prostate. Younger cancer free males should use the information in this book to be sure that they are being properly screened for prostate cancer at appropriate intervals. Men who have developed prostate cancer may use its contents to familiarize themselves with the pros and cons of the available methods for treating prostate cancer including open surgery, radiation therapy, brachytherapy, cryosurgery, laparoscopic surgery and robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery. It is essential that the male with prostate cancer have this information at his finger tips when discussing his treatment options with the urologist or radiotherapist. The treatment choices for males with metastatic disease are also addressed while stressing the advantages of the subcapsular approach to orchidectomy. Finally, Dr Merrill addresses the all important issue of how to pick a surgeon.
There are tons of books out there telling you how to improve your chances of getting into medical school. All of these tomes are based on the assumption that the prospect reader wants to become a medical doctor. The author of this eBook believes that, in this day and age, the question should be not how you can get into Medical School but whether or not you should ever consider going to Medical School in the first place.<br>This book paints a very different picture of the medical profession than the one most students, and their parents, envision when they set out on the long arduous pathway to achieve a MD degree. In some ways deciding on a medical career today is similar to entering a bad marriage that was doomed to failure from its inception because of some fatal flaw in one or both of the participants or because the supposed benefits of the union were wildly exaggerated.<br>When considering a medical career today one must carefully weigh the options available in today's multifaceted work place wherein there are literally endless opportunities to become financially secure in a variety of challenging occupations. More importantly, today's prospective medical student should consider very carefully whether the ultimate financial benefits of a medical education can even remotely compensate them for all the years of study and hard work it will take to become an MD, let alone the massive debt most of them will have to take on to achieve this rather dubious goal.<br>This 10 chapter 6653 word fact filled eBook deals with all of these important issues in a straight forward fashion. If you, or your son or daughter, is considering a medical education this may be one of the most important books you will ever read! <br>Finally, this book should be read by young people, students in their junior or senior years of high school. If you stumble onto the book after having completed a year or two of premed in college and then decide that a medical career is not for you, a significant amount of time and money will have been wasted taking courses like chemistry and physics that may have little or no application to other fields of interest.
This eBook covers 66 of the most beautiful campgrounds in Northern California. Ninety- eight colored photographs enhance the written text.<br><br>The campgrounds reviewed are located along the Northern California coast, the magnificent Redwood Empire and Humboldt counties Bigfoot country. <br><br>The author was raised in southern Humboldt and owns property on the Klamath River. As such, he is uniquely qualified to describe the area to the reader.