Книги о Путешествиях

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Witboy in Africa

Deon Maas

City boy Deon Maas flees the suburbs in search of adventure, and Africa is where he reckons he will find it. Over a period of 15 years he embarks on several journeys, once with his whole family in tow, to discover what it means to be African.He ends up ducking pirates in Madagascar, spending a night with oil thieves in Nigeria and narrowly escaping death at a roadblock in the Congo. Interwoven with his travel stories is his search for local music and the musical legends of the countries he visits. His stories are spiced with fascinating characters, strange sightings and… his cocky attitude! Anything but the typical tourist, Deon sets out to meet the locals and experience the underbelly of every new city. This means that he often ventures to places where he isn’t meant to be and he ends up in a tight spot more than once.Impudent and blatantly honest, even ordering a hotel breakfast can become an adventure when Deon Maas is involved. His self-deprecating humour and off-beat take on most situations make for an unforgettable reading experience.

Witboy in Afrika

Deon Maas

Stadsjapie Deon Maas besluit om te vlug uit die voorstede en Afrika in te vaar. Oor ’n tydperk van 15 jaar onderneem hy reise na verskeie lande noord van die Limpopo om te ontdek wat dit beteken om ’n Afrikaan te wees.Hy beland gereeld in die moeilikheid, maar danksy sy vlymskerp humorsin omskep hy enige taai situasie gou in ’n opwindende avontuur. Soos die aand wat hy saam met olie-diewe in Nigerië deurbring en die keer toe hy tydens sy wittebrood van seerowers in Madagaskar moes vlug. Maar dit is ook vir hom belangrik om die plaaslike mense te leer ken en iets te wete te kom van ’n vreemde land se geskiedenis en veral sy musiek. Deon is allesbehalwe jou gemiddelde toeris – kleurvolle karakters en ongewone ervarings is alles deel daarvan om Afrika op die Maas-manier te beleef.

The Long Way Home

Dana Snyman

Renowned travel writer Dana Snyman goes in search of his roots as he grapples with his place in South Africa today. He starts this distinctly South African story with the first Snyman, born of a white father and a slave mother. His travels take him off the beaten track, and his encounters with the forgotten people of the back roads are filled with the humour and compassion he is known for.On a last trip home, to visit his seriously ill father, he also goes looking for the homes of Julius Malema and Jacob Zuma.Honest, moving, yet filled with hope and a uniquely South African humour.

Путешествие на Восток. Восток и Запад. Часть 9

Елена Козодаева

В данной книге собраны очерки о путешествии автора по Байкалу (Иркутск, Слюдянка, Аршан, Ольхон, Листвянка, Тальцы) в июле 2020 года.

How to Survive the Kokoda Track

Richard Godden

Trekking the Kokoda Track is a big ask for anyone, this book hopefully will make your trip cost effective, enjoyable as well as give a guide on what to take, what to do and what not to do. I cover all aspects of walking the track

Mt Kilimanjaro & Me

Annette Freeman

Ever wondered if you could climb a mountain? Maybe one of the Seven Summits? What if you are a middle-aged, unfit, inexperienced business woman with a sedentary job? This is the story of one such woman who decided to leave her office job in Sydney and go climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa. She tells the tale with wry humour, undaunted – well, only a little daunted – by the difficulties of spending nine days and eight nights on the slopes of the mountain, dealing with no running water, hours of uphill slog, high altitude – and what do you do about the toilet thing, anyway? The African mountain is a very dangerous place and several people die up there each year. But this is the story of how and why anyone in their right mind would try to touch the snows of Kilimanjaro.

Does This Island Go To The Bottom?

Eric H. Pasley

I was born and raised in Southern California. I grew up with a strong love for the ocean and all the life found in it. I have over 4,000 dives, give or take. I have certified divers from all over the world. I Started teaching diving in a small dive shop in Irvine CA. called Liburdi's Scuba Center in 1993. From there I left the rat race and moved to the United States Virgin Islands and worked on St. Thomas and St. Croix. After a few nasty hurricanes I jumped on a plane to Aruba where I worked for Pelican Watersports until the year 2000.
I married one of my students towards the end of my island hopping hiatus. I now live in Duluth, Minnesota with my wife Lori and two daughters Miraeya and Maddie.

India Journal

Mark McGinnis

Mark W. McGinnis – «This journal documents a three week trip to India in 2000. It is a tale of an an arrogant American who believes he can handle whatever he encounters in a distant land. This myth is rapidly dispelled by India. The primary purpose of the trip is to research for a book of Buddhist animal wisdom stories I am planning. I travel part of the Buddhist pilgrimage path and have some of the best and worst experiences of life. The book features my sketches and photography from the trip and a sometimes humorous and sometimes painful narrative of my travels.»

A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English

Robert D. O'Brian

The Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide, Spanish to English, highlights over 7,500 selected Spanish words that have either the same spelling and meaning as their English counterparts or contain easily recognizable English meanings.<br><br>This guide jump-starts the student into a knowledge of Spanish or English, by concentrating on easily recognizable words common to these languages. It teaches a basic vocabulary by word association.<br><br>This guide is designed after the &quot;vocabulary first&quot; method of language instruction as advocated by the author. The student then is taught how to structure a particular vocabulary into meaningful sentences and concepts.

Hitch-hiking around the USA

Valery Shanin

3 round-the-world voyages20 travel books published97 countries visited1,000,000 km traveled"Global hitch-hiker" Valery Shanin: 365 days a year in somebody's else carsHitch-hiking around the USA – his first trip abroad and his first book translated.