CONTRIBUTORS: E. Byron Anderson, K. K. Yeo, Margaret Eletta Guider, OSF, Lester Edwin J. Ruiz, Brent Waters, Namsoon Kang, Luis R. Rivera, and David Esterline.
Theological education in the United States finds itself in untested circumstances today. Rapid social change is creating an increasing multicultural, multiracial, and multireligious context for leadership formation. At the same time, international enrollment, cross-border educational initiatives, student and faculty exchanges, and more are connecting US theological schools with a global community of Christian teaching and learning. How do US theological institutions «locate» themselves within this global ecology of theological formation so as to be both responsible participants and creative shapers within it? That is, how do they discern their proper place and role? It is questions like these that the contributors to this volume explore. Building on the decades-long discussion about the globalization of US theological education, this book argues that, in engaging such questions, US theological institutions have much to gain from a sustained conversation with the burgeoning literature on the internationalization of American higher education. This research offers theological institutions a trove of insights and cautionary tales as they seek to discern their rightful place and role in educating leaders in and for a global Christian church.
CONTRIBUTORS: E. Byron Anderson, K. K. Yeo, Margaret Eletta Guider, OSF, Lester Edwin J. Ruiz, Brent Waters, Namsoon Kang, Luis R. Rivera, and David Esterline
This festschrift contains original missiological contributions from colleagues and former doctoral students of Dr. Sherwood Lingenfelter. It highlights his twin research interests of anthropology and leadership and points to the profound influence of Sherwood Lingenfelter upon the contemporary missiological landscape. These chapters signal the continuation of his legacy, a flourishing of creative, anthropologically driven mission and leadership studies. Contributors to this work include a marvelous diversity of authors, women and men, voices from North and South, East and West, representing well Dr. Lingefelter's significant global impact.
Even in the twenty-first century, critical and creative engagement with modern and postmodern philosophy is still a rarity in Orthodox circles. This collection of essays makes a contribution to overcoming this deficit. Eight scholars from six different countries, working on the intersection between Orthodox thought and philosophy, present their research in short and accessible essays. The range of topics spans from political philosophy to phenomenology, metaphysics, philosophy of self, logic, ethics, and philosophy of language. This book does not promote one particular approach to the relationship between Orthodox theology and philosophy. Yet all authors demonstrate that Orthodox scholarship is not confined to historical research about the Byzantine era, but that it can contribute to, and enrich, contemporary intellectual debates.
Theological schools are currently facing a perfect storm of jeopardies that threatens their future prospects and even survivability. The squall is all the more menacing for free-standing seminaries that are not connected to a university, and especially for free-standing mainline Protestant or mainline denominational seminaries. This book brings together a stellar and diverse cast of administrators and professors working within different theological schools to reflect on the present crisis of theological education, and on the question of the possible future of mainline Protestant and mainline denominational theological schools in the United States.
Though the Roman Empire has been a hot topic within New Testament studies in the twenty-first century, its military aspect has–strangely–been almost entirely neglected. This volume will fill that lacuna by reprinting pivotal, but difficult to access, essays on the topic from the past forty years. The book will help bring scholars up to speed on what Roman military experts have been saying on the matter and give a sense for key developments within the field over the last forty years. The contents of this book include a variety of pivotal essays, though most are difficult to find without access to a major research library.
The book explores how African Christians in Ghana can think eco-theologically about the nexus of mining, waste pollution, water pollution, and land degradation. In 2017, the government of Ghana banned illegal mining and declared war against any activity that does not complement environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. The Christian church needs academic resources to support the campaign against the destruction of the land, water bodies, and environment. The papers presented generate theological imaginations in shaping the political campaign against the destruction of the land and the environment. Reflection on areas related to the theme includes: «The Concept of Land in the Bible»; «The Christian Church and the Galamsey Menace in West Africa»; «The Fulani Cattle Headsmen and Care for the Land»; «The Bible and the Environment: Towards an Agenda for Eco-theology in African Theological Institutions»; «Stewardship of the Land»; «The Menace of Mining in Ghana»; «Destruction of Water Bodies in Ghana»; and «The Menace of Plastic Waste in Ghana.» This volume will serve as a textbook for theological students, the church, and other governmental agencies.
This volume contains previously unpublished sermons by Jonathan Edwards on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Edwards preached these sermons during his Northampton pastorate, and repreached some of them between 1728 and 1751. The importance of the Epistle to the Galatians has been recognized throughout the Christian practice of preaching. As such, these sermons have significance for its place in the Protestant tradition since the Reformation, but they also highlight Edwards's thought on the nature of faith and works, flesh and spirit, and Christ and the Holy Spirit. To assist the reader, preceding the sermons are two introductions that describe Edwards's preaching style and method, and provide an historical context for the sermons themselves.
Written by nationally and internationally known homileticians and preachers, this book offers a fascinating survey of the significant developments in preaching, beginning with the Old Testament, moving through the history of preaching, and concluding with a look into the future, all while offering practical suggestions for meeting the challenges that lie ahead. In a unique way, it addresses both the academic issues raised during each period and the practical implications for preaching today and in the future.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 is the day that changed America. A Republican business mogul and reality television host who once proclaimed that if women didn't accept the intimate advancements of men, then men were could simply grab these women by a particularly sensitive extremity below their stomachs, snatched the electoral collegiate vote and since then has worked tirelessly on reversing President Barack Obama's progressive policies and pushing immigration legislation backwards.
This vital resource guide incorporates the basic understandings of spiritual care with the current social, emotional, existential and spiritual needs of African Americans simply surviving in Trump's violent America. It's one-of-a-kind, offering specific spiritual care strategies and interventions for African Americans dealing with particular physical, social and emotional health challenges in the midst of rising statistics of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia leading to violence in the United States.
Intended for anyone in academia or the helping professions, this comprehensive work benefits those seeking to provide spiritual care to African American hospital patients, counseling clients, church congregants and parishioners, military veterans, or returning service members. The contributors to this anthology are experts in their respective fields who offer a new, refreshing, and energizing perspective on important issues impacting African Americans.
Eight different historical-theological studies are assembled here under the title Respect for the Jews. They focus primarily on positive Catholic attitudes toward Jews during the turbulent years of the first half of the sixteenth century. The number of authors and texts are relatively small, but need to be brought out into the open. For the first time, a speech in praise of the language of the Jews by the early ecumenist, Georg Witzel (1501-1573), is made available in English. Other Catholic Hebraists who are featured include Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), Matthaeus Adrianus (ca. 1470-1521), Robert Wakefield (died 1537), and Nicolaus Winmann (ca. 1500-1550). Their brilliant works are presented in front of the sinister backdrop of the vicious attacks against the Jews by the well-educated Catholic convert of Jewish descent, Johann Pfefferkorn (ca. 1469-1521), a self-appointed Catholic missionary to the Jews, and also against the background of the scandalous outbursts of the Grobian Reformer, Martin Luther (1483-1546). Volume 4 of the author's Collected Works fosters the idea that Jews and Christians are «study partners,» rather than antagonists–as visualized in the new statue «Synagogue and Church in Our Time» (as shown on the cover).