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    Urban Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion

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    This publication about the urban agenda in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) is timely as the world economy embraces the region with accelerated growth. An important element of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economic Community, the GMS is expected to catch up with the rest of Asia by 2050. With urbanization levels still averaging about 30%, gross domestic product contributions of towns and cities have moved ahead to 50%–60%. By 2050, when urban areas in the GMS reach 64%–74%, urban gross domestic product will grow to an estimated 70%–80%. The challenge lies in consolidating and deepening development along the existing corridors and improving the environmental conditions to prepare for future green growth developments.

    Poverty and Sustainable Development in Asia

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    This joint publication from the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute features selected papers from the September 2009 conference on the social and environmental impact of the global economic crisis on Asia and the Pacific, especially on the poor and vulnerable. The publication is designed with the needs of policy makers in mind, utilizing field, country, and thematic background studies to cover a large number of countries and cases. This publication suggests that the crisis is an opportunity to rethink the model of development in Asia for growth to become more inclusive and sustainable. Issues that need to be more carefully considered include: closing the gap of dualistic labor markets, building up social protection systems, rationalizing social expenditures, addressing urban poverty through slum upgrading, promoting rural development through food security programs in pro-poor growth potential areas, and concentrating climate change interventions on generating direct benefits for the environments of the poor.

    Resurging Asian Giants

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    The economies of the People's Republic of China and India have seen dramatic growth in recent years. As their respective successes continue to reshape the world's economic landscape, noted Chinese and Indian scholars have studied the two countries' development paths, in particular their rich and diverse experiences in such areas as education, information technology, local entrepreneurship, capital markets, macroeconomic management, foreign direct investment, and state-owned enterprise reforms. Drawing on these studies, ADB has produced a timely collection of lessons learned that serves as a valuable refresher on the challenges and opportunities ahead for developing economies, especially those in Asia and the Pacific.

    Improving Health and Education Service Delivery in India through Public–Private Partnerships

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    Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have shown their ability to meet some of the challenges in the health and education sectors both in India and overseas. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been assisting the Government of India since 2006 to develop PPPs across sectors in India, through a programmatic joint PPP Initiative, Mainstreaming PPPs in India. Under the initiative, a special task team of the ADB, together with the Government of India's Ministry of Finance and KPMG consultants undertook a rapid assessment study to develop possible PPP solutions for meeting the challenges of India's health and education sectors. Assessments of local PPP projects in the sector, consultations with state government officials in India, and best practice examples from the United Kingdom and other countries, have led to the development of this report. This report will therefore provide a quick guide to international and national PPP cases in the sectors as well as practical ideas and suggested models to interested project sponsors, especially within government bodies responsible for sector development. Development of possible PPP projects based on some of the models and ideas suggested herewith will hopefully spur investment and efficiency gains in health and education infrastructure and service delivery mechanisms of the country.

    Third ASEAN Chief Justices' Roundtable on Environment

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    From 15-18 November 2013, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) chief justices and their designees convened in Bangkok, Thailand for their third roundtable on environment with the theme «ASEAN's Environmental Challenges and Legal Responses.» Distinguished speakers and the judicial participants shared their knowledge and experiences in dealing with the region's environmental challenges, and the various means and innovations they have implemented to effectively address these challenges. The ASEAN judiciaries agreed on how they could advance regional collaboration and accelerate the implementation of «A Common Vision on Environment for ASEAN Judiciaries» (the «Jakarta Common Vision»), such as by establishing National Working Groups on Environment and an ASEAN Judiciaries Working Group on Environment, and prioritizing the attendance of their chief justices at the annual ASEAN Chief Justices' Roundtable on Environment that is supported by the Asian Development Bank.

    Attaining Sustainable Energy Access for All

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    The energy policy of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) focuses on maximizing energy access, promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, and promoting improved governance and capacity in the energy sector to strengthen the capacity of developing member countries to meet critical energy needs. This publication seeks to further ADB's efforts to promote knowledge sharing among stakeholders and help identify the policy, regulatory, and legal barriers to energy access; design and implement effective frameworks; and develop strategies to scale up energy access for all. This publication also seeks to serve as a reference for stakeholders and menu of options for further action.

    Lose to Gain

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    A crucial issue that confronts development in South Asia is how to build a better life for people displaced by infrastructure development projects. This book comprises recent displacement and resettlement case studies conducted by eight anthropologists in South Asia. Each contributor wrote around the key theme of the book: Is involuntary resettlement a development opportunity for those displaced by development interventions? In this book, «resettlement» carries a broader meaning to include physical and economic displacement, restricted access to public land such as forests and parks, relocation, income rehabilitation, and self-relocation. The book demonstrates that despite significant progress in national policies, laws, and regulations, their application still requires more commitment, adequate resources, and better supervision.

    Trade and Trade Facilitation in the Greater Mekong Subregion

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    The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Program, with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other development partners, has scored impressive gains in promoting regional connectivity over the past 2 decades. Efforts have also been made to strengthen institutions and policies for trade and transport facilitation to increase the impact of the regional physical infrastructure. This book, prepared under an ADB technical assistance project financed by the Australian Agency for International Development, brings together studies highlighting deeper, structural challenges to trade facilitation in the GMS, including need for governance and bureaucratic reforms, trade competitiveness, and improved alignment of the regional corridors to trade flows. Importance of greater synergy between subregional and regional platforms for trade facilitation, for example between the GMS and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), is also highlighted. The analyses should be of interest to development practitioners working to improve trade and transport facilitation in the GMS, elsewhere in Asia, and in the rest of the world.

    Toolkit for Public–Private Partnerships in Urban Water Supply for the State of Maharashtra, India

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    Under the joint initiative of the Government of India and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), «Mainstreaming PPPs in India,» ADB supports state public–private partnership (PPP) cells in several challenging sectors in state-specific activities to arrive at possible PPP structures. In Maharashtra, ADB supported the Department of Urban Development and Water Supply and Sanitation to develop possible PPP structures in the water supply and sanitation sector. After studying possible PPP structures, their applicability in the context of selected sample cities were assessed leading to the development of proposed term sheets, which were identified as suitable and feasible for implementation. This tool kit is expected to assist the relevant public entities in Maharashtra state for developing PPP-based projects in water supply and sanitation, and may also be used as reference by similar other cities across the country.

    Tool Kit for Public–Private Partnerships in Urban Bus Transport for the State of Maharashtra, India

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    Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have been proven to catalyze both investments, for bridging investment gaps and improving efficiencies in delivery of services. The Government of India (GOI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), through a pioneering PPP Initiative «Mainstreaming PPPs in India,» have therefore been supporting selected state PPP cells in creating an enabling environment by developing capacities, facilities, and PPP model structures for specific sectors. Improvements in urban infrastructure both for enhancing the quality of life and for increased productivity are critical. Developing mass transit solutions for the urban population is especially a crucial element of this. The Urban Development Department of the Government of Maharashtra was therefore supported under the GOI–ADB PPP Initiative for identifying and developing possible PPP structures for urban bus transport-based solutions in four selected sample cities. Assessments of national and international best practices, local circumstances, and consultations with municipal and private stakeholders have led to this PPP tool kit. The tool kit should be useful for public entities in the State of Maharashtra for developing PPP-based projects in urban bus transport and could also provide a reference point for use in other cities, across the country, for project development.