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    Great Transition in India

    Группа авторов

    India is undergoing a great transition, as the post-reform generation strikes out into the world. The thinking, attitudes, culture, political preferences, consumption patterns and ambitions of the post-reform generations differ greatly from that of the earlier generations. As a consequence, the country is also witnessing rapid changes not only on the socio-political and economic fronts but also on the humanities front. This book seeks to explore great transition in India through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. In doing so, it lays foundation not only for understanding India but also in initiating a new chapter for Indian and South Asian studies. With contributions by leading scholars, the book will be of great interest to students, researchers, and for anyone wishing to explore India in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>About the Editors</li><li>About the Contributors</li><li>Acknowledgements</li><li>Introduction <i>(Chanwahn Kim and Rajiv Kumar)</i></li><li>Caste and Social (Dis)Integration: Exploring Theoretical Transitions <i>(George Kunnath)</i></li><li>Transition in India's City-Making: New Urbanism and the Remaking of Citizenship, Class and Community <i>(Sanjay Srivastava)</i></li><li>India Transitions: Culture and Society during Contemporary Viral Times <i>(Priya Kapoor)</i></li><li>Impact of Hinduism on Buddhism: Exploring the Transition in India's Religious Landscape <i>(Kamakhiya Narain Tiwary)</i></li><li>The Encounter of Hinduism and the West: The Reawakening of Mother India in Religious Nationalist Discourse <i>(Lloyd Price)</i></li><li>Hindu Nationalism in India: A Historical Perspective <i>(Ashutosh Kumar)</i></li><li>Hindi in Multilingual India: Exploring the Transition since Independence <i>(Srijan Kumar)</i></li><li>India's Political Economy 1947&#x2013;2020: A Critical Exploration <i>(Diego Maiorano)</i></li><li>Great Transition in Indian Politics: Reflections on the Dynamics of Party System <i>(Rajiv Kumar)</i></li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Undergraduate and graduate students specialising in South Asian studies, with a specific focus on India. Academics with a research interest in India and South Asia, and Indian history, culture, economy, and politics. Policymakers seeking an in-depth understanding of India. Great Transition in India;Interdisciplinary Approach;Humanities;Social Science;Indian Economy;Indian Society;Indian Culture;Indian Religion;Hindu Religion;Buddhism in India;Caste;Hindu Nationalism;Muslim Nationalism;City-Making in India;New-Urbanism in India;Indian Party System;Power of Competition;Democracy0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>This book will be the first which addresses with ongoing transition in India. It is also unique because it will critically explore the transition from an interdisciplinary perspective</li></ul>

    Leadership Style

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    In the past 40 years, the remarkable growth of China has caught the world's attention. In this groundbreaking book, two presidents of CEIBS, the top business school in China, dissect the leadership styles of top industry figures in contemporary China.This book uses real stories, real experiences, and real research from Chinese companies to show how businesses are actually run in China. Global readers will gain an invaluable understanding of Chinese leadership and how to work with Chinese businesses.<b>Contents:</b><ul><li>Show Your Leadership 'Presence' <i>(Stephen Denning)</i></li><li>Mindfulness: The Quiet in the Eye of the Storm <i>(Ben Bryant and Jeanny Wildi)</i></li><li>Stand Your Ground or Compromise? <i>(Charles P Garcia)</i></li><li>To Be a Liberating Leader <i>(Isaac Getz)</i></li><li>Leaders Who Do Not Have Decent Work <i>(Simon Caulkin)</i></li><li>Reformers that Step Down from the Altar <i>(Liu Xue)</i></li><li>Does Your Job Match Your Personality? Analysis and Suggestions of Personalities of Chinese Managers <i>(Jean Lee)</i></li><li>How does the Board of Directors Manage the 'CEO Replacement Plan'? <i>(Li Yang)</i></li><li>Feng Lun: 'I am Zero' <i>(Zhu Qiong)</i></li><li>Joining a Time-Honored Enterprise: My Days in Tata Steel <i>(B Muthuraman)</i></li><li>Wang Shi Hovered Between the Eastern and Western Cultures <i>(Zhu Qiong)</i></li><li>Zhang Chaoyang: Through the Flames <i>(Liu Zhengzheng)</i></li><li>Be a Genuine Craftsman: The Source of Happiness for an Advertising Godfather <i>(Liu Zhengzheng)</i></li><li>The Parent Zong Qinghou <i>(Zhi Weiyong)</i></li><li>Are You a Narcissistic Leader? <i>(Art Kleiner)</i></li><li>Thinking Map for Leaders <i>(S Ramnarayan, Sudhanshu Palsule and Manoj Pawar)</i></li><li>Peter Senge: The Era of Global Companies is Coming to an End <i>(Piao Baoyi)</i></li><li>Today's Stable World is Dangerous &#x2014; Dialogue with Jim Collins <i>(Stephen Bernhut)</i></li></ul> <br><b>Readership:</b> Students and academics specializing in leadership, global managers in multinational companies, businesses having offices in China. Leadership;CEIBS;Leadership Styles;Global Leadership Research;Chinese Companies0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Best selection of the top business review by the Presidents of CEIBS</li><li>Covers different leadership styles prominent industry figures like Mr Zhang Chaoyang, Zong qinghou, Wang Shi and so on</li><li>Serves as a good reference for global leadership research, especially for China-related cases</li></ul>

    Male Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

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    The quintessential book on the rapidly expanding field of male aesthetic surgery from renowned experts! During the past decade, there has been an exponential increase in the number of men undergoing aesthetic surgery in the U.S., with an estimated 1.3 million procedures performed annually. Male Aesthetic Plastic Surgery by Douglas Steinbrech reflects expertise and insights from one of the most-sought-after pioneers in male surgery, along with a Who's Who of contributing authors. While many texts have been written on female aesthetic surgery, this generously illustrated resource fills a void in the literature. Divided into four sections and 45 chapters, the book reflects the background history and male-centric perspective that sets male aesthetic surgery apart from its female counterpart. Essential steps are detailed for each procedure including the physical exam, anatomical variations, patient selection, preoperative preparations, postoperative care, and invaluable pearls and pitfalls to maximize results and avoid complications. Of special interest, each chapter features bullet steps for quick and easy reference before entering the OR. From innovative, never-before published techniques, such as a sub-fascial abdominal silicone six-pack to the rapidly changing world of male body contouring, the textbook covers a broad range of cutting-edge and emerging techniques. High quality illustrations, bulleted text, and superb videos enhance the ability to understand and perform each procedureA full spectrum of facial approaches including male blepharoplasty, facelift in men, chin augmentation, facial fat grafting, cheek shaping, male rhinoplasty, and hair restorationState-of-the-art body techniques including diverse methods to correct gynecomastia, high abdominal definition, gluteal sculpting, abdominal contouring, chest sculpting, and muscular augmentation with implantsThe latest injectable, laser, and men's skincare procedures, including the use of neurotoxins, Kybella, and energy-based techniquesA comprehensive glossary of surgical terms provides a quick reference for daily practice This is a must-have resource for all plastic surgeons, dermatologic surgeons, and aesthetic doctors who treat male patients.

    Les Églises d’initiative africaine

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    La littérature sur le thème des Églises d’initiative africaine est très abondante en anglais, mais ce phénomène n’est pas encore un sujet de réflexion très abordé et approfondi dans le monde francophone. Il suscite souvent des réactions stéréotypées et négatives qui contrastent avec l’appréciation positive des membres et des promoteurs des Églises d’initiative africaine. Comment faut-il donc voir ce mouvement d’envergure croissante ?
    Cet ouvrage donne la parole à la fois aux membres et missiologues issus des Églises d’initiative africaine et aux voix extérieures pour présenter ce phénomène en faisant une description puis une évaluation de la contextualisation faite par ces Églises et mouvements. Ce deuxième texte en français sur les Églises d’initiative africaine rédigé dans une perspective évangélique est le fruit d’un travail collectif des doctorants en missiologie de la Faculté de théologie évangélique de Bangui au Cameroun, élargi à quelques missiologues du Réseau évangélique de missiologues pour la francophonie. Il intéressera tous ceux qui désirent mieux connaître les Églises d’initiative africaine.

    Bridging the Theory-Practice Divide in International Relations

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    There is a widening divide between the data, tools, and knowledge that international relations scholars produce and what policy practitioners find relevant for their work. In this first-of-its kind conversation, leading academics and veteran practitioners reflect on the nature and size of the theory-practice divide. They find that the gap varies by issue area and over time.The essays in this volume use systematic data gathered by the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) Project over a fifteen-year period. As a whole, the volume analyzes the structural factors that affect the academy’s ability to influence policy across issue areas and the professional incentives that affect scholars’ willingness to attempt to do so. Individual chapters explore these questions in the issue areas of trade, finance, human rights, development, environment, nuclear weapons and strategy, interstate war, and intrastate conflict. Each substantive chapter is followed by a response from a policy practitioner, providing their perspective on the gap and the possibility for academic work to have an impact. Bridging the Theory-Practice Divide in International Relations provides concrete answers and guidance about how and when scholarship can be policy relevant.

    Text- und Diskurswelten in der massenmedialen Kommunikation

    Группа авторов

    Der mit der Digitalisierung der Kommunikation einhergehende Wandel von Kommunikations- und Medienkulturen beeinflusst die Produktionsbedingungen und den Rezeptionsrahmen von Texten sowie kommunikative Praktiken und kommunikatives Handeln. Um kommunikative Praktiken zu vollziehen und kommunikatives Handeln möglichst effektiv zu gestalten, entstehen vielfältige diskursive Kommunikationsräume, in denen mediale Akteure zu verschiedenen Zwecken miteinander agieren. Mit der Verlagerung der kommunikativen Praktiken in die digitale Welt kommt es zur Verlinkung von Texten zu Diskursen, die multisemiotisch und multimedial geprägt und auf Interaktion ausgerichtet sind. Dieses Buch ist solchen diversen textuellen und diskursiven Erscheinungsformen der massenmedialen Kommunikation gewidmet, die auf der Grundlage erschlossener Textkorpora interdisziplinär untersucht werden. Gegenstand der breit gefächerten Diskussion sind hier einzelne Texte und zusammenhängende Textformate in verschiedenen Medien sowie diskursiv organisierte Textwelten diverser multimodaler und -medialer Ausgestaltung.

    Italien-Polen: Kulturtransfer im europäischen Kontext

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    Die kulturgeschichtlichen Beziehungen zwischen Italien und Polen sind vielfältig und werden in ihren unterschiedlichsten Facetten als innereuropäischer Kulturtransfer gedeutet. Die hier versammelten Beiträge zeigen wechselseitige Beziehungen in der Geschichte, der Literatur, der Sprache und verschiedenen Bereichen von Wirtschaft (Bergbau, Porzellan) und Kultur (Kino, Küche, Architektur) auf. Es kommen dabei Expertinnen und Experten aus Italien, Polen und Deutschland zu Wort.

    De la oración al discurso: estudios en español yestudios contrastivos

    Группа авторов

    Esta obra ofrece un acercamiento a la oración desde diversas perspectivas lingüísticas, con atención especial a la subordinación oracional y sus repercusiones desde el punto de vista discursivo. Aunque todos los trabajos incluidos en este volumen se centran primordialmente en el español, algunos lo hacen adoptando una perspectiva contrastiva. En ellos, se estudiarán cuestiones relacionadas con los enlaces oracionales, cuestiones más amplias relacionadas con la subordinación (tiempos, modos verbales, oraciones subordinadas específicas), para terminar estableciendo una conexión con la modalidad oracional, dentro de ella la modalidad evidencial.

    Aesthetics in Dialogue

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    The impact of aesthetics is increasing again. For today’s scholars, aesthetic theories are a significant companion and contribution in studying and ana-lysing cultural phenomena and production. Today’s scene of aesthetics is more global than what it is in most disciplines, as it does not just include scholars from all over the world, but also keeps on applying philosophical traditions globally

    Gewissheiten im Wandel

    Группа авторов

    Nach den verheerenden Krisen im 14. Jahrhundert wuchs in Europa der Wunsch nach grundlegenden Reformen in Kirche und Gesellschaft. An dieser Suche beteiligten sich neue wie alte Kräfte: Humanisten ebenso wie Mitglieder der Reformorden, Fürsten und städtische Eliten. Im interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen der Geschichts-, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft sowie der Kir-chen- und Rechtsgeschichte untersuchen die Beiträge Wissensformierung und Handlungsorientierung in der Zeit von 1350-1600. Jenseits älterer Epochen-typologien wird aus der Sicht verschiedener Fächerkulturen versucht, diesen Zeitraum in seiner eigenen Dynamik und Widersprüchlichkeit zu erfassen.