Группа авторов

Список книг автора Группа авторов

    Архимандрит Софроний (Сахаров)

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    Книга посвящена архимандриту Софронию (Сахарову; 1896–1993) – известному богослову, духовнику и старцу XX века, сотаиннику и ученику преподобного Силуана Афонского. Многим он известен как автор книги «Старец Силуан». Митрополит Иерофей (Влахос) говорил: «Если отец Софроний не святой, то святых не бывает!» В книге собраны фрагменты жизнеописания старца, его наставления, советы, духовные размышления и воспоминания. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

    Святитель Иоанн Шанхайский

    Группа авторов

    Книга посвящена святителю Иоанну (Максимовичу; 1896–1966), удивительному святому – молитвеннику, прозорливцу, блаженному чудотворцу, проповеднику, богослову. Святитель Иоанн был одним из апостолов XX века, сохранивших Русскую Церковь в рассеянии. Однажды святитель Николай Сербский сказал о нем: «Он ангел Божий в человеческом обличье». В книгу вошли фрагменты жития святителя, его наставления, советы, воспоминания о нем. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

    Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков)

    Группа авторов

    Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков; 1880–1961) – один из самых высокообразованных архипастырей своего времени, богослов, миссионер, великий молитвенник, старец и талантливый духовный писатель. Он прожил долгую жизнь – восемьдесят один год – и был свидетелем многих переломных событий ХХ века. Владыка встречался со многими выдающимися людьми. Книга содержит наставления владыки Вениамина, его воспоминания и рассказы.

    Invertebrate Histology

    Группа авторов

    The first comprehensive reference to invertebrate histology   Invertebrate Histology  is a groundbreaking text that offers a comprehensive review of histology in invertebrates. Designed for use by anyone studying, diagnosing, or researching invertebrates, the book covers all major taxonomic groups with details of the histologic features, with color photographs and drawings that clearly demonstrate gross anatomy and histology. The authors, who are each experts in the histology of their respective taxa, bring together the most recent information on the topic into a single, complete volume.  An accessible resource, each chapter focuses on a single taxonomic group with salient gross and histologic features that are clearly described in the text and augmented with color photographs and greyscale line drawings. The histologic images are from mostly hematoxylin and eosin stained microscopic slides showing various organ systems at high and low magnification. In addition, each chapter provides helpful tips for invertebrate dissection and information on how to process invertebrates for histology. This important book:  Presents detailed information on histology of all major groups of invertebrates Offers a user-friendly text that is organized by taxonomic group for easy reference Features high-quality color photographs and drawings, with slides showing histology and gross photographs to demonstrate anatomy Provides details on invertebrate dissection and processing invertebrates for histology Written for veterinary pathologists, biologists, zoologists, students, and other scientists studying these species,  Invertebrate Histology  offers the most updated information on the topic written by over 20 experts in the field.

    Halogen Bonding in Solution

    Группа авторов

    Long-awaited on the importance of halogen bonding in solution, demonstrating the specific advantages in various fields – from synthesis and catalysis to biochemistry and electrochemistry! Halogen bonding (XB) describes the interaction between an electron donor and the electrophilic region of a halogen atom. Its applicability for molecular recognition processes long remained unappreciated and has mostly been studied in solid state until recently. As most physiological processes and chemical reactions take place in solution, investigations in solutions are of highest relevance for its use in organic synthesis and catalysis, pharmaceutical chemistry and drug design, electrochemistry, as well as material synthesis. Halogen Bonding in Solution gives a concise overview of halogen bond interactions in solution. It discusses the history and electronic origin of halogen bonding and summarizes all relevant examples of its application in organocatalysis. It describes the use of molecular iodine in catalysis and industrial applications, as well as recent developments in anion transport and binding. Hot topic: Halogen bonding is an important interaction between molecules or within a molecule. The field has developed considerably in recent years, with numerous different approaches and applications having been published. Unique: There are several books on halogen bonding in solid state available, but this will be the first one focused on halogen bonding in solution. Multi-disciplinary: Summarizes the history and nature of halogen bonding in solution as well as applications in catalysis, anion recognition, biochemistry, and electrochemistry. Aimed at facilitating exciting future developments in the field, Halogen Bonding in Solution is a valuable source of information for researchers and professionals working in the field of supramolecular chemistry, catalysis, biochemistry, drug design, and electrochemistry.

    Metal Oxide Nanocomposites

    Группа авторов

    Metal Oxide Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications summarizes many of the recent research accomplishments in the area of metal oxide-based nanocomposites. This book focussing on the following topics: Nanocomposites preparation and characterization of metal oxide nanocomposites; synthesis of core/shell metal oxide nanocomposites; multilayer thin films; sequential assembly of nanocomposite materials; semiconducting polymer metal oxide nanocomposites; graphene-based metal and metal oxide nanocomposites; carbon nanotube–metal–oxide nanocomposites; silicon mixed oxide nanocomposites; gas semiconducting sensors based on metal oxide nanocomposites; metal9;]organic framework nanocomposite for hydrogen production and nanocomposites application towards photovoltaic and photocatalytic.

    Новая Юность № 5/2020

    Группа авторов

    «Новая Юность» – это литературный журнал с 25-летней историей. Платформа для тех, кто только начинает свой путь в литературе, и тех, кто уже имеет в ней имя. Как показывает практика, соседство такого рода взаимовыгодно. Нам важен не жанр в чистом виде, а его литературная интерпретация, поэтому мы публикуем не только стихи, прозу, но и переводы, и литературоведческие штудии, и краеведческие эссе, и исторические очерки. Читайте в номере: Александр Вергелис. Дама бубён варила бульон Арина Остромина. Два. Точка. Ноль Юлия Ким. Не такая Уистен Хью Оден. Заметки о музыке и опере Роберт Фрост. The Road Not Taken и многое другое

    Green Energy

    Группа авторов

    Like most industries around the world, the energy industry has also made, and continues to make, a long march toward “green” energy. The science has come a long way since the 1970s, and renewable energy and other green technologies are becoming more and more common, replacing fossil fuels. It is, however, still a struggle, both in terms of energy sources keeping up with demand, and the development of useful technologies in this area. To maintain the supply for electrical energy, researchers, engineers and other professionals in industry are continuously exploring new eco-friendly energy technologies and power electronics, such as solar, wind, tidal, wave, bioenergy, and fuel cells. These technologies have changed the concepts of thermal, hydro and nuclear energy resources by the adaption of power electronics advancement and revolutionary development in lower manufacturing cost for semiconductors with long time reliability. The latest developments in renewable resources have proved their potential to boost the economy of any country. Green energy technology has not only proved the concept of clean energy but also reduces the dependencies on fossil fuel for electricity generation through smart power electronics integration. Also, endless resources have more potential to cope with the requirements of smart building and smart city concepts. A valuable reference for engineers, scientists, chemists, and students, this volume is applicable to many different fields, across many different industries, at all levels. It is a must-have for any library.