Urban Fantasy, eines der spannendsten Genres der phantastischen Literatur, bietet den Raum für die literarische Verarbeitung dessen, was uns als Gesellschaft umtreibt. Das urbane Setting, in dem magische Wesen oft unerkannt unter Menschen leben und wirken, ist ideal, um auf die verschiedenen Diskriminierungsformen in unserer Gesellschaft aufmerksam zu machen: Rassismus, Sexismus, Ableismus, Antisemitismus und weitere Arten der Menschenfeindlichkeit gehören nicht nur in Deutschland zur Alltagswirklichkeit. Auch der privilegierten Öffentlichkeit ist das inzwischen bekannt. Doch die wenigsten haben bisher etwas von Intersektionalität gehört. Dieser Begriff drückt aus, dass eine Person nicht nur von einer, sondern von mehreren Diskriminierungsformen betroffen ist. Schon eine einzelne Unterdrückungsform macht es für Menschen fast unmöglich, als gleichwertig respektiert zu werden, sich in den Medien repräsentiert zu sehen und gehört zu werden – und je mehr Unterdrückungsformen auf einer Person lasten, desto unmöglicher wird es. In der deutschsprachigen Fantasy sind intersektionale Charaktere bisher leider rar gesät. Daher räumen wir in Urban Fantasy: Going Intersectional den Geschichten einen Platz ein, die Intersektionalität im Fokus haben, wie die der asexuellen Vampirin, der chronisch kranken lesbischen Hexe, der muslimischen Superheldin, der übergewichtigen Sirene oder der transsexuellen Elfenprinzessin. Die Anthologie enthält neben einem ausführlichen Vorwort der beiden Herausgeber*innen 21 bisher unveröffentlichte Kurzgeschichten von Nora Bendzko, Jenny Cazzola, Aşkın-Hayat Doğan, Luna Day, Patricia Eckermann, David Grade, Stefanie Huber, Antonia Knoll, Oliver Kontny, Jade S. Kye, Marcel Lewandowsky, Victoria Linnea, Robin Nayeli, Isabella von Neissenau, Lena Richter, Ronja Schrimpf, Schwartz, James A. Sullivan, Teresa Teske, Judith Vogt, Annie Waye und Amalia Zeichnerin.
What happens when the internet is absorbed into everyday life? How do we make sense of something that is invisible but still so central? A group of digital culture experts address these questions in Metaphors of Internet: Ways of Being in the Age of Ubiquity. Twenty years ago, the internet was imagined as standing apart from humans. Metaphorically it was a frontier to explore, a virtual world to experiment in, an ultra-high-speed information superhighway. Many popular metaphors have fallen out of use, while new ones arise all the time. Today we speak of data lakes, clouds and AI. The essays and artwork in this book evoke the mundane, the visceral, and the transformative potential of the internet by exploring the currently dominant metaphors. Together they tell a story of kaleidoscopic diversity of how we experience the internet, offering a richly textured glimpse of how the internet has both disappeared and at the same time, has fundamentally transformed everyday social customs, work, and life, death, politics, and embodiment.
This book serves as a reference for scholars, researchers and practitioners to update their knowledge on methodologies, theoretical analyses, modeling, simulation and empirical studies on blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Chapters on the evolving theory and practice related to distributed ledger technologies and peer-to-peer digital currencies are intended to provide comprehensive coverage and understanding of their uses within the technological, business, and organizational domains.The contributions from this volume also provide a thorough examination of blockchains and cryptocurrencies with respect to issues of management, governance, trust and privacy, and interoperability.Contributed by a diverse range of authors from both academia and professional fields, this reference book presents frontier research in the fields of blockchains and cryptocurrencies.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>A Literature Review in Support of Blockchain Technologies <i>(Sam Goundar, Zaahid Shah, Neha Singh, Goel Lal and Anil Singh)</i></li><li>A Taxonomy of Blockchain Applications <i>(Sam Goundar, Shalvin Chand, Jalpa Chandra, Akash Bhardwaj and Fatemeh Saber)</i></li><li>Blockchain Means More Than a Software to Democracy: Access to Fundamental Rights of Sixth Dimension <i>(Andrea Garcia and Sam Goundar)</i></li><li>Autonomous Agriculture Marketing Information System Through Blockchain: A Case Study of e-NAM Adoption in India <i>(Jitendra Yadav, Madhvendra Misra and Sam Goundar)</i></li><li>Attack Vectors for Blockchain and Mapping OWASP Vulnerabilities to Smart Contracts <i>(Akashdeep Bhardwaj and Sam Goundar)</i></li><li>Blockchain Application in Fiji's Aviation Industry <i>(Sam Goundar, Elvis Chandra, Divesh Anuj, Bharath Bhushan and Kennedy Okafor)</i></li><li>Blockchain-based e-Voting Application <i>(Sam Goundar, Rukshar Khan, Kunal Chand, Emmenual Reddy and S P Raja)</i></li><li>Blockchains for Supply Chain Management Networks <i>(Sam Goundar, Sheenal Chand, Pranesh Chand, Nizam Khan, Asneel Raj and Rajiv Pandey)</i></li><li>Comparison of Three Different Darknet Cryptocurrencies in e-Commerce in Our Digital Era <i>(Sam Goundar, Rahul Chand, Fariha Tafsil, Reema Mala and Reshma Nath)</i></li><li>Cryptocurrencies — An Assessment of Global Adoption Trends <i>(Sam Goundar, Niumaia Tabunakawai, Jobe Tamata, Arpana Deb and Salsabil Nusair)</i></li><li>An Overview of Cryptocurrencies for Online Payments of Enterprise Systems <i>(Sam Goundar, Anil Singh, Semiti Saini, Fariha Tafsil, Shafina Shabnam and Krishneel Prakash)</i></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Scholars, researchers and practitioners involved in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Blockchains;Cryptocurrencies;Distributed Ledger Technologies;Bitcoin;FinTech0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>A comprehensive reference guide covering different aspects of blockchains and cryptocurrencies</li><li>Contributed by a diverse range of authors from both academia and professional fields</li></ul>
The research of functional materials has attracted extensive attention in recent years, and its advancement nitrifies the developments of modern sciences and technologies like green sciences and energy, aerospace, medical and health, telecommunications, and information technology. The present book aims to summarize the research activities carried out in recent years devoting to the understanding of the physics and chemistry of how the defects play a role in the electrical, optical and magnetic properties and the applications of the different functional materials in the fields of magnetism, optoelectronic, and photovoltaic etc.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Studying Properties of Defects <i>(Francis Chi-Chung Ling, Shengqiang Zhou and Andrej Kuznetsov)</i></li><li>Defects Physics in 2D Nanomaterials Explored by TEM/STM <i>(Jinhua Hong, Maohai Xie and Chuanhong Jin)</i></li><li>Defects in Perovskites for Solar Cells and LEDs <i>(F Biccari, N Falsini, M Bruzzi, F Gabelloni, N Calisi and A Vinattieri)</i></li><li>Color Centers in Wide-Gap Semiconductors for Quantum Technology <i>(Y Yamazaki, S Onoda and T Ohshima)</i></li><li>Point Defects in InN <i>(Xinqiang Wang and Huapeng Liu)</i></li><li>Dopants and Impurity-Induced Defects in ZnO <i>(M Azizar Rahman, Matthew R Phillips and Cuong Ton-That)</i></li><li>Ferromagnetism in B2-Ordered Alloys Induced via Lattice Defects <i>(Rantej Bali)</i></li><li>Defects-Induced Magnetism in SiC <i>(Yu Liu)</i></li><li>Ferromagnetism in ZnO-based Materials and Its Applications <i>(Muhammad Younas)</i></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Graduate and research students, professionals.Defects;Functional Materials;Optoelectronic Materials;Magnetic Materials;Energy Materials;Single Photon Source;Two-Dimensional Materials;Defects Induced Magnetism;Solid State Electrolytes;Photocatalysis;Indium Nitrate;Silicon Carbide;Zinc Oxide;Iron Aluminide0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Comprehensive reviews of how defects influence functionalities of different functional materials in different aspects</li><li>First book summarizing defects and functional materials, and how the defects influence the materials properties</li><li>The chapters are written by the frontier researchers in the fields</li></ul>
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Robust screening alongside early diagnosis and prompt management is essential for preserving vision. Advanced ophthalmic nurse practitioners, optometrists and orthoptists are increasingly becoming part of a multi-disciplinary team approach that is designed to provide the best outcomes for our patients.This full-colour book has been written by experienced ophthalmologists and optometrists, and details all that a practitioner needs to know about the condition. It will also serve as a useful reference for junior ophthalmic trainees and medical students.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Foreword</li><li>Acknowledgements</li><li>List of Contributors</li><li>Introduction</li><li>Anatomy <i>(Pierre Rautenbach)</i></li><li>Definition and Classification <i>(Neil Bowley)</i></li><li>Examination Techniques <i>(Neil Bowley)</i></li><li>Investigations <i>(Thomas Sherman)</i></li><li>Eye Drops <i>(Andrew Swampillai)</i></li><li>Lasers <i>(Adam Booth)</i></li><li>Surgery <i>(Abhijit A Mohite and Imran Masood)</i></li><li>Improving Quality of Life <i>(Katie Smith and Pam Adams)</i></li><li>Developing a Holistic Approach to Glaucoma Management <i>(Michael Smith)</i></li><li>Useful Resources</li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Ophthalmic nurse practitioners, opticians, orthoptists, ophthalmologists. Glaucoma;Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioners;Optometrists;Opticians;Orthoptists0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Focused, yet comprehensive, introduction to glaucoma</li><li>Dedicated chapters on anatomy, clinical examination techniques, imaging (visual fields, optical coherence tomography and ultrasound biomicroscopy) and common medical treatments</li><li>Introduction to available laser options</li><li>Overview of surgical techniques including Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) and Aqueous Shunt Devices</li><li>Advice on helping patients maintain quality of life, and towards developing a holistic approach to management</li><li>Well-illustrated with both hand-drawn illustrations and colour photographs</li></ul>
Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Человек и современный мир» – электронное периодическое издание, освещающее широкий спектр проблем социогуманитарного знания, человековедения, экологии, психологии и других научных проблем, касающихся мира современного человека. Журнал публикует результаты научных исследований научно-педагогических работников вузов, научных и практических работников, аспирантов, студентов, а также для всех, кого интересует проблематика журнала. Журнал адресован ученым, аспирантам, соискателям, магистрантам, преподавателям-практикам, студентам. Публикации в журнале учитываются как опубликованные работы при защите диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней России и зарубежья.
Международный научно-исследовательский журнал «Человек и современный мир» – электронное периодическое издание, освещающее широкий спектр проблем социогуманитарного знания, человековедения, экологии, психологии и других научных проблем, касающихся мира современного человека. Журнал публикует результаты научных исследований научно-педагогических работников вузов, научных и практических работников, аспирантов, студентов, а также для всех, кого интересует проблематика журнала. Журнал адресован ученым, аспирантам, соискателям, магистрантам, преподавателям-практикам, студентам. Публикации в журнале учитываются как опубликованные работы при защите диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней России и зарубежья.