Группа авторов

Список книг автора Группа авторов

    A Time for Creation

    Группа авторов

    Offers liturgical texts for a variety of services with a focus on creation, from daily prayer to services of the word, school assemblies, eucharistic celebrations and seasonal services to mark the agricultural year.

    Библия для самых маленьких

    Группа авторов

    Книга познакомит юных читателей с наиболее интересными для детей библейскими рассказами. Иисус Христос, Дева Мария, отважный Давид, мудрый Иосиф, грозный Голиаф, непослушный Иона и многие другие библейские герои оживают на страницах книги благодаря самобытным чудесным иллюстрациям. Дети узнают о том, как жить с верой в сердце, побеждать зло и служить добру. «Библия для самых маленьких» допущена к распространению Издательским советом Русской Православной Церкви.

    China's Rise in Mainland ASEAN

    Группа авторов

    In today's rapid rise and expansion of China's influence all around the world and in ASEAN during the past two decades, there has been an increasing awareness of various countries and regions adjusting themselves to the new trends, both in terms of opportunities and risks alike. This has become necessary due to the rapid changes in many aspects &#x2014; political landscapes, economic issues, as well as social and cultural considerations. This book, China's Rise in Mainland ASEAN: Regional Evidence and Local Responses, provides timely insights on some of the latest issues pertaining to ASEAN and China, rapidly shifting interactions and upcoming geostrategic challenges.ASEAN can be said to be undergoing a new era, with China becoming more intertwined and involved with the ASEAN region than ever before. The complexity of the regional dynamics means that this phenomenon cannot be captured with a single narrative or discipline of study. In addressing the matters at hand, this book sets out to examine and provide deeper understandings on the regional implications, and local responses from ASEAN countries, and from the perspective of the region as a whole. The underlying rationale is that adequate understanding on the matters involved in this new ASEAN&#x2013;China era will help to encourage better and mutually beneficial relationships between both sides.The analysis of this book will be categorized into four main themes &#x2014; (1) 'The Big Picture', concerning China's policies, strategies, and diplomatic stances, (2) 'Implications and Responses', dealing with how ASEAN members react and respond to China's actions and regional influence, (3) 'Perspectives on Trade, Investment and External Debt', which handles the economic facets of the ASEAN&#x2013;China interactions, and (4) 'Connectivity in Focus', addressing various emerging and existing dimensions of connectivity expansion between ASEAN and China, both physical and virtual.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Introduction <i>(Suthiphand Chirathivat, Buddhagarn Rutchatorn, Wasutadon Nakawiroj)</i></li><li>Xi Jinping's Thought and Mainland ASEAN <i>(Vira Somboon)</i></li><li>The Effects of Lancang&#x2013;Mekong Cooperation on the Mainland ASEAN Countries: Opportunities or Challenges? <i>(Yang Baoyun and Patcharinruja Juntaronanont)</i></li><li>China's Rising Influence in Mainland ASEAN: Implications for and Responses from Myanmar <i>(Aung Kyaw)</i></li><li>Contemporary Economic Influences of China and India in Mainland ASEAN: Comparative Perspectives <i>(Anupama Devendrakumar)</i></li><li>China's Rising Influence in Thailand: Transborder Human Mobility and Its Impacts <i>(Supang Chantavanich)</i></li><li>Increasing Reliance of Vietnam on the Chinese Economy: Causes and Impacts <i>(Tuan Pham)</i></li><li>Vietnam&#x2013;China Economic Cooperation: Aid or Burden? <i>(Nguyen Van Chinh and Dinh Thi Thanh Huyen)</i></li><li>Determinants of FDI and Policies for Attracting Chinese FDI into Laos <i>(Somdeth Bodhisane and Thantavanh Manolom)</i></li><li>Influence of Chinese Investment in the Mining Sector in Laos: Land Concession and Concession Fees <i>(Alay Phonvisay and Thantavanh Manolom)</i></li><li>China's Rising Influence and its Implications on Myanmar&#x2013;Thailand Trade <i>(Mu Mu Theint)</i></li><li>Experiencing the Dian-Vi&#x1EC7;t Railway Corridor as Panoramization: A View from the Past <i>(Stan BH Tan-Tangbau)</i></li><li>Thailand&#x2013;Laos&#x2013;Vietnam&#x2013;Southern China: Land Logistic and Transportation <i>(Nisachol Thaithong and Nisarat Thaithong)</i></li><li>The E-commerce Landscape in ASEAN and China: A Virtual Bridge between The World's Largest Market and ASEAN's Emerging Markets <i>(Wasutadon Nakawiroj and Pak Veerastien)</i></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Students and researchers interested in China Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, ASEAN studies, and International Relations; and policymakers and practitioners in the field of China Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, ASEAN Studies and International Relations.Asian Studies;China Studies;Southeast Asian Studies;ASEAN Studies;ASEAN;Mainland ASEAN;Lancang-Mekong;China;India;Thailand;Vietnam;FDI;Laos;Dian-Việt Railway Corridor;Myanmar;Transborder Human Mobility;Economic Cooperation;Mining Sector;Trade;Land Logistics;Land Transportation;E-Commerce;Emerging Markets0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>This book aims to bridge the gaps observed between evidence-based practical analyses and the perceptions of various agents</li><li>This book aims to help various stakeholders in Mainland ASEAN facing challenges from the shift in China's role in the region with an adequate understanding or providing suggestions for supporting measures to be well found by all parties involved</li></ul>

    Economics of G20

    Группа авторов

    The G20 (or Group of Twenty) is an international body established to manage the global economy, and includes members from developing economies.This reference set examines the issues facing developing countries and studies the role that the G20 can play in light of continuing challenges and objectives to meet the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).Volume 1 sets out the state of the world economy and the intricate functions of the G20 in policy coordination and economic cooperation. It also deals with the interests and strategies of some developing country members of the G20. These chapters answer questions such as what the country expects from the G20, the strategies adopted to achieve its ends, the extent to which it sees itself as a representative of developing countries in its region and how does it seek to represent them.The G20 has also centred its efforts around helping countries achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Volume 2 concentrates on trade issues and the prospects of achieving the SDGs. In this context, it examines whether the SDGs themselves are a desirable goal in terms of what the nature of development is which underlies these goals.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>About the Editors-in-Chief</li><li>Acknowledgements</li><li>Introduction</li><li><b><i>Volume 1: Developing Countries and the Need for G20:</i></b><ul><li><b>Part 1 State of the World Economy and the Role of the G20:</b><ul><li>G20 and International Economic Coordination: Lessons from the Inter-War Years <i>(Manmohan Agarwal)</i></li><li>The Economic Situation of Countries in Sub-Saharan Countries: What Can Be Done by the G20? <i>(Manmohan Agarwal and Amrita Brahmo)</i></li><li>Latin America's Economic Performance: What Ails It? <i>(Manmohan Agarwal and Amrita Brahmo)</i></li><li>What Realistically Can the G20 Contribute to Development? <i>(Manmohan Agarwal and John Whalley)</i></li><li>The 2008&#x2013;2009 Crisis and Developing Countries <i>(Manmohan Agarwal and Adrita Banerjee)</i></li></ul></li><li><b>Part 2 Country Perspectives:</b><ul><li>Argentina, G20 and Beyond: The 'Outsider' Saga <i>(Aparajita Gangopadhyay)</i></li><li>Indonesia's Role in the G20: Assessing the Critical Link in the ASEAN Chain <i>(Shankari Sundararaman)</i></li><li>Saudi Arabia and the Millennium Development Goals <i>(P R Kumaraswamy and Md Muddassir Quamar)</i></li><li>Turkey, G20 and Global Governance: Aspiration and Limitation <i>(Anwar Alam)</i></li></ul></li><li>Index</li></ul></li><li><b><i>Volume 2: How Developing Countries can Achieve Sustainable Development Goals:</i></b><ul><li><b>Part I Trade:</b><ul><li>Which Way Forward? The Role of Free Trade for the Development of the World Economy <i>(Cora Jungbluth and Thie&#x03B2; Petersen)</i></li><li>China and Global Economic Governance <i>(Tian Huifang)</i></li></ul></li><li><b>Part II Sustainable Development Goals:</b><ul><li>Prospects for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals <i>(Manmohan Agarwal and Adrita Banerjee)</i></li><li>Guardian of the Common Good or National Power Projection? What Role for the G20 in the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development? <i>(Thomas Fues)</i></li><li>The G20 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development <i>(Imme Scholz and Clara Brandi)</i></li><li>The Potential of SDG-3 for Reducing Health Inequities: Across and Within Nations <i>(T Sundararaman and Alok Ranjan)</i></li><li>Universal Healthcare and Africa: Key Policy Challenges and the Role of G20 <i>(T C James)</i></li></ul></li><li><b>Part III Education:</b><ul><li>The Goals Concealed in the Goal Revealed: Taking Forward Global Education from SDG 4 <i>(Arshima Champa Dost)</i></li><li>Public Investment in Education and Out of School Children: The Case of India in South Asia <i>(Susmita Mitra and Manmohan Agarwal)</i></li></ul></li><li>Index</li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Economists, researchers and scholars in international economics, developing economies and international economic governance, especially those studying the effect of the 2008 crisis on developing countries such as Africa and Latin America; researchers and political scientists in international political economy. G20;The 2008 Crisis and Developing Countries;Developing Countries and the G20;G20 and Sustainable Development;Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa;Economic Development in Latin America;Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>No similar books are currently available; the book provides a detailed analysis of the expectations for developing countries from the G20 in meeting their sustainable development goals both in terms of growth and social achievements</li></ul>

    Кошки. Письма на заметку

    Группа авторов

    Никола Тесла, Элизабет Тейлор, Чарльз Диккенс, Анна Франк, Т. С. Элиот, Рэймонд Чандлер, Джек Керуак, Айн Рэнд – все они были неравнодушны к кошкам и писали о них в письмах. Эти послания вошли в том «Кошки» серии «Письма на заметку». В книге собраны трогательные признания о том, как кошки вдохновляли на научные открытия и борьбу за более безопасный мир, спасали от хандры и жестокости, утешали, делились нежностью и внушали любовь. Письма публикуются с комментариями, поясняющими, при каких обстоятельствах они были написаны. Составитель книги Шон Ашер – коллекционер и охотник за самыми интересными письмами со всего мира. Его сайт lettersofnote.com невероятно популярен: каждую неделю его посещает более 1,5 млн человек, а среди фанатов числятся Стивен Фрай, Кейтлин Моран и Ник Хорнби. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

    Мамы. Письма на заметку

    Группа авторов

    Сильвия Плат, Мартин Лютер Кинг – младший, Джордж Бернард Шоу, Луиза Мэй Олкотт, Бетти Дейвис, Рихард Вагнер, Марта Геллхорн, Маргарет Митчелл, Уинстон Черчилль и многие-многие другие самыми пронзительными письмами обменивались со своими матерями. Эти послания собраны в томе «Мамы» серии «Письма на заметку». В этой книге матери и дети делятся друг с другом радостью и горем, шутят и обижаются, вдохновляют друг друга и тревожатся за тех, кого любят сильнее всх на свете. Это переписка, наполненная мудростью, самопожертвованием и самыми глубокими человеческими чувствами. Составитель книги Шон Ашер – коллекционер и охотник за самыми интересными письмами со всего мира. Его сайт lettersofnote.com невероятно популярен: каждую неделю его посещает более 1,5 млн человек, а среди фанатов числятся Стивен Фрай, Кейтлин Моран и Ник Хорнби. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

    Любовь. Письма на заметку

    Группа авторов

    Письма о любви писали Симона де Бовуар, Фрида Кало, Владимир Набоков, Людвиг ван Бетховен, Александр Пушкин, Джон Стейнбек, Нельсон Мандела и многие-многие другие. Эти послания невероятной силы собраны в томе «Любовь» серии «Письма на заметку». В книге есть и первые робкие признания, и взаимные упреки при расставании, сожаления о неразделенной любви и ликование взаимных чувств. Письма публикуются с комментариями, поясняющими, какими были отношения между авторами переписки и как они завершились. Этот переполненный эмоциями сборник вызовет отклик в каждом, у кого есть сердце. Составитель книги Шон Ашер – коллекционер и охотник за самыми интересными письмами со всего мира. Его сайт lettersofnote.com невероятно популярен: каждую неделю его посещает более 1,5 млн человек, а среди фанатов числятся Стивен Фрай, Кейтлин Моран и Ник Хорнби. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

    Putin's Russia

    Группа авторов

    This volume seeks to fill the vacuum created by the Joint Economic Committee of Congress's decision to cease publishing comprehensive assessments of Russia's performance and potential. It provides readers with authoritative descriptions of Russia's economy, military prowess and international ambitions. The volume does not settle controversies, but does provide readers with an objective basis for assessing Russia's prospects without the distortions caused by fake news and disinformation wars.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li><b><i>Russian Economy:</i></b><ul><li>Putin's Muscovite Economy <i>(Steven Rosefielde)</i></li><li>Russia's Macroeconomy &#x2014; A Closer Look at Growth, Investment and Uncertainty <i>(Torbj&#x00F6;rn Becker)</i></li><li>State-Led Innovation and Uneven Adaptation in Russia <i>(Satoshi Mizobata)</i></li><li>Fundamentals and Recent Trends in Russian Banking <i>(Victor Gorshkov)</i></li><li>Russian Health and Demographic Trends and Prospects <i>(Judyth Twigg)</i></li><li>Can Russia Catch Up/Keep Up? Russian Science and Education in Putin's Fourth Term <i>(Harley Balzer)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Russian Defence:</i></b><ul><li>Russian Defence: Economic Constraints and Potential <i>(Steven Rosefielde)</i></li><li>Military Potential Revisited <i>(Masaaki Kuboniwa)</i></li><li>Can Russia Sustain Its Defence Buildup? <i>(Stephen Blank)</i></li><li>The Fighting Power of Russia's Armed Forces <i>(Petteri Lalu)</i></li><li>On War and Peace: Russian Security Policy and Military-Strategic Thinking <i>(Gudrun Persson)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Russian Politics:</i></b><ul><li>Russian International Relations: Russia's Great Power Revival and Engagement with the Global Community <i>(Lance Alred and Madina Rubly)</i></li><li>Western Sanctions against Russia: How Do They Work? <i>(Susanne Oxenstierna)</i></li><li>Russia's Arctic Policy: Between Confrontation in Europe and Irrelevance in Asia <i>(Pavel Baev)</i></li><li>Russia's 'Turn to the East', 2012&#x2013;2018 <i>(Andrei P Tsygankov)</i></li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Academics, professionals, policy-makers and students interested in Russia.Putin's Russia;Renewed Cold War;Russian Economy;Russian Arms Build-Up;Russian Foreign Policy;Russia's Annexation of Crimea;Russian Economic Sanctions;Russia's Arctic Ambitions;Russian–Chinese Relations;Russian Cyberwarfare;Russian Demography;Russian Education and Health;Russian Technology;Authoritarianism;Globalization;Democracy;Arms Control and Disarmament00