Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive look at the knowledge and skills required to lead and manage at every level of nursing, emphasizing the crucial role nurses play in patient safety and the delivery of quality health care. Presented in three units, readers are introduced to a conceptual framework that highlights nursing leadership and management responsibilities for patient-centered care delivery to the patient, to the community, to the agency, and to the self. This valuable new edition: Includes new and up-to-date information from national and state health care and nursing organizations, as well as new chapters on the historical context of nursing leadership and management and the organization of patient care in high reliability health care organizations Explores each of the six Quality and Safety in Nursing (QSEN) competencies: Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics Provides review questions for all chapters to help students prepare for course exams and NCLEX state board exams Features contributions from experts in the field, with perspectives from bedside nurses, faculty, directors of nursing, nursing historians, physicians, lawyers, psychologists and more Nursing Leadership & Management, Fourth Edition provides a strong foundation for evidence-based, high-quality health care for undergraduate nursing students, working nurses, managers, educators, and clinical specialists.
The applications of gamification and the contexts in which game elements can be successfully incorporated have grown significantly over the years. They now include the fields of health, education, work, the media and many others. However, the human and social sciences still neglect the analysis and critique of gamification.<p> Research conducted in this area tends to focus on game objects and not gamification's logic as its ideological dimension. Considering that the game, as a model and a reference, laden with social value, deserves to be questioned beyond its objects, The <p><i>Gamification of Society</i> gathers together texts, observations and criticisms that question the influence that games and their mechanics have on wider society. The empirical research presented in this book (examining designers' practices, early childhood, political action, the quantified self, etc.) also probes several different national contexts – those of Norway, Belgium, the United States and France, among others.
Die Psychotherapie hat eine lange historische Entwicklung mit einem reichhaltigen Arsenal an theoretischen Konzepten, bewährten Interventionen und klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Evidenz. Es findet auch eine stetige Weiterentwicklung und Differenzierung statt. Dabei können Entwicklungskontexte und solides Wissen gelegentlich auch in Vergessenheit geraten oder unter neuem Namen «neu entdeckt» werden, was erschwert, ein übergreifendes «Kernwissen» bezüglich Psychotherapie zu verfestigen. Mit diesem Buch soll der aktuelle Stand der Theorieentwicklung und Praxis mit Blick auf die vier psychotherapeutischen Hauptverfahren im Kontext ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte dargestellt werden, was auch einer gelegentlichen «Geschichtsvergessenheit» entgegenwirken kann. Das vorliegende Buch ist aber kein Geschichtsbuch, sondern ein aktuelles Lehrbuch, das einen verfahrens- und schulenübergreifenden Überblick über die Grundlagen der Psychotherapie gibt.
The ongoing digitalization of social environments and personal lifeworlds has made it crucial to pinpoint the possibilities of digital teaching and learning also in the context of English language education. This book offers university students, trainee teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators an in-depth exploration of the intricate relationship between English language education and digital teaching and learning. Located at the intersection of research, theory and teaching practice, it thoroughly legitimizes the use of digital media in English language education and provides concrete scenarios for their competence-oriented and task-based classroom use.
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