Группа авторов

Список книг автора Группа авторов

    Вестник гражданского права № 3/2018 (Том 18)

    Группа авторов

    Вестник гражданского права – научный журнал. Основан в 1913 году. Издание возобновлено в 2006 году. Особенность журнала состоит в систематическом освещении фундаментальных вопросов теории гражданского права, имеющих непосредственное значение для его практического применения и дальнейшего развития. Его главная цель – публикациями, на своих страницах, содействовать развитию в России цивилистической мысли, ее влиянию на законотворчество и правоприменение, взаимному обогащению судебной практики и цивилистической доктрины, образованию в стране сообщества цивилистов. Содержание журнала составляют теоретические статьи, часто монографического характера, по актуальным проблемам гражданского права, публикации работ цивилистов прошлого, материалы, посвященные практике разрешения споров по гражданским делам, статьи, содержащие анализ и критику отдельных наиболее значимых проектов в сфере гражданского законодательства, заключения научных учреждений по ним, материалы обсуждения законопроектов в экспертных и научных советах, работы зарубежных ученых по проблемам, представляющим интерес для развития и применения российского права и пр. Основные рубрики журнала: Проблемы частного (гражданского) права Политика права Цивилистическая мысль прошлого Иностранная наука частного права Журнал «Вестник гражданского права» включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата юридических наук.

    Вестник гражданского права № 2/2018 (Том 18)

    Группа авторов

    Вестник гражданского права – научный журнал. Основан в 1913 году. Издание возобновлено в 2006 году. Особенность журнала состоит в систематическом освещении фундаментальных вопросов теории гражданского права, имеющих непосредственное значение для его практического применения и дальнейшего развития. Его главная цель – публикациями, на своих страницах, содействовать развитию в России цивилистической мысли, ее влиянию на законотворчество и правоприменение, взаимному обогащению судебной практики и цивилистической доктрины, образованию в стране сообщества цивилистов. Содержание журнала составляют теоретические статьи, часто монографического характера, по актуальным проблемам гражданского права, публикации работ цивилистов прошлого, материалы, посвященные практике разрешения споров по гражданским делам, статьи, содержащие анализ и критику отдельных наиболее значимых проектов в сфере гражданского законодательства, заключения научных учреждений по ним, материалы обсуждения законопроектов в экспертных и научных советах, работы зарубежных ученых по проблемам, представляющим интерес для развития и применения российского права и пр. Основные рубрики журнала: Проблемы частного (гражданского) права Гражданское право в комментариях Политика права Цивилистическая мысль прошлого Иностранная наука частного права Журнал «Вестник гражданского права» включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата юридических наук.

    Russian Law Journal № 4/2020 (Том VIII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 3/2020 (Том VIII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 2/2020 (Том VIII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 1/2020 (Том VIII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 4/2019 (Том VII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 3/2019 (Том VII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 2/2019 (Том VII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.

    Russian Law Journal № 1/2019 (Том VII)

    Группа авторов

    The Russian Law Journal (RLJ) is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.