The Anatomy of Bridgework. William Henry Thorpe

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Название The Anatomy of Bridgework
Автор произведения William Henry Thorpe
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066234959

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and tearing action along the web just above the angle-bars, as to cause a rip in one of the girders, well open for some distance, and which could be traced for 14 feet as a continuous crack.

      Fig. 8.

      Fig. 9.

      It will be noticed in the figure that the T stiffeners occur only at the outer face of the web, and that the inner vertical strips stop short at the top edge of the angles, the result being that under load the flange would tend to twist around some point, say A, at each stiffener, inducing a serious stress in the thin web at that place, while away from these stiffeners the web would be more free to yield without tearing. The fact that at a number of the stiffeners incipient cracks were observed, some only a few inches long, suggests this view of the matter.

      A case of web-failure from other influences coming under notice showed breaks at the upper part of the web extending downwards.

      In this bridge, of 32 feet span, which had been in existence thirty-two years, the webs—originally 14 inch thick—were, largely because of cinder ballast in contact with them, so badly wasted as to be generally little thicker than a crown-piece, and in places were eaten through; in addition to which, the road being on a sharp curve, the rail-balks had been strutted from the webs to keep them in position, the effect of which would be to exert a hammering thrust upon the face of the web at the abutting ends, and assist in starting cracks in webs already much corroded. A feature of this case, tending to show that the breaks resulted as the joint effect of waste and ill-usage by the strut members, rather than by excessive stress in the web as reduced, is to be found in the fact that the girders when removed were observed to be in remarkably good shape—i.e. the camber, marked on the original drawings to be 112 inch, still showed as a perfectly even curve of that rise, which would hardly have been the case if the lower flange had been let down by web-rupture, the result of excessive web-stresses.

      Occasionally webs will crack through the solid unwasted plate, in a line nearly vertical; not where shear stress is greatest, but generally at some other place, and from no apparent cause, either of stress or ill-usage. The writer has observed this only in the case of small girders not exceeding 2 feet in depth; and, for want of any better reason, attributes these cracks to poor material, coupled with some latent defect. In a bridge having some thirty cross-girders, each 26 feet long, about every other one had a web cracked in this manner after many years’ use.


      Web-cracks of the kind first indicated, are perhaps, the most probable source of danger in plate-girders, of any which are likely to occur. The fault is insidious, difficult to detect when first developed, and perhaps not seen at all till the bridge, condemned for some other reason, has the girders freely exposed and brought into broad light. The manner in which old girders are sometimes partly concealed by timberwork, or covered by ballast, makes the detection of these defects an uncertain matter, unless sufficient trouble is occasionally taken to render inspection complete.

      The manner in which girders with wasted and fractured webs will still hang together under heavy loading seems to warrant the deduction that, in designing new work, it can hardly be necessary to provide such a considerable amount of web-stiffening as is sometimes seen; experience showing that defects of the web-structure do not commonly occur in the stiffening so frequently as in the plate, and then in the form of cracks.

      A case of web-buckling lies, so far, without the author’s experience. There is no need to introduce, for web-stresses alone, more stiffening than that which corresponds to making the stiffeners do duty as vertical struts in an openwork girder; in which case it is sufficient to insure that the stiffeners occurring in a length equal to the girder’s depth shall, as struts, be strong enough in the aggregate to take the whole shear force at the section considered, in no case exceeding this amount on one stiffener. For thin webs in which the free breadth is greater than one hundred and twenty times the thickness, the diagonal compressive stress may be completely ignored, and the thickness determined with reference to the diagonal tension stress only.

      There is one fault which frequently shows itself in stiffeners though not the result of web-stresses, and when performing an additional function—viz., the breaking of T stiffener knees at the weld, where brought down on to the tops of cross-girders, due to the deflection of the floor, as shown in Fig. 10. When such knees are used, the angle may properly be filled in with a gusset-plate to relieve the weld of strain and prevent fracture.

      Fig. 10.

      There is some little temptation in practice to make use of the solid web as a convenient stop for ballast, or road material. Special means, perhaps at the cost of some little trouble, should be adopted, where necessary, to avoid this.

       Table of Contents

      With these, as with plate-girders, deficiency of strength—i.e. of section strength—is seldom so marked as to be a reasonable cause of anxiety. In particular instances faults in design may result in stresses of an abnormal amount, though rarely to an extent occasioning any ill effects. The practice of loading the bottom flanges at a distance from the centre, the bad effects of which have already been dealt with as applied to plate-girders, is not commonly resorted to in girders having open webs, nor are these so liable to be heaped with ballast in immediate proximity to essential members of the structure.

      Some defects are, however, occasionally seen which may be remarked. Top booms of an inverted U section are sometimes made with side webs too thin, and having the lower edges stiffened insufficiently, or not at all. Where this is the case, the plates may be seen to have buckled out of truth, showing that they are unable, as thin plates, to sustain the compressive stress to which the rest of the boom is liable. The practice of putting the greater part of the boom section in an outer flange, characteristic of this defect, has the further disadvantage of throwing the centre of gravity of the section so near its outer edge as to make impracticable the best arrangement of rivets for connection of the web members. Further, since all the variation in boom section is thrown into the flange-plates, the centre of gravity of the section has no constant position along the boom—an additional inconvenience where correct design is aimed at.

      These considerations indicate the propriety of arranging the bulk, or all, of the section at the sides, thus reducing or getting rid of the objections named.

      Where the bottom boom consists of side plates, only one point demands attention. It is found that, though nominally in tension, the end bays are liable occasionally to buckle, as though under compressive stress, and need stiffening, not excepting girders which at one end are mounted on rollers. This might seem to indicate that the rollers are of no use; but it is conceivable the resistance arises from other causes, such as wind forces, or as in the case of a bridge carrying a railway, in which the rigidity of the permanent-way may be such that the bridge-structure, in extending towards the roller end, cannot move it sufficiently, causing a reversal of stress on the lighter portions of the bottom boom at the knuckle end; or by the exposed girder booms becoming very sensibly hotter than the bridge floor, and by expanding at a greater rate, cause this effect, from which rollers cannot protect them.

      In counterbracing consisting of flat bars it is desirable either to secure these where they cross other members, or stiffen them in some manner to avoid the disagreeable chattering which will otherwise commonly be found to occur on the passage of the live load.

      Occasionally diagonal ties are made up of two flat bars placed face to face, to escape the use of one very thick member. Where this is