The Anatomy of Bridgework. William Henry Thorpe

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Название The Anatomy of Bridgework
Автор произведения William Henry Thorpe
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066234959

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upon a bottom not absolutely rigid, will rock and give the necessary relief; but it is obvious, if the resistance to movement is sufficiently great, and the girder cannot slide or roll on its bearings, bedstones will probably loosen, as, indeed, frequently happens.


       Table of Contents

      It is seldom that girders of this description—or, indeed, of any other—show signs of failure from mere defect of strength in the principal parts, even though somewhat highly stressed; and instances tending to support this statement will be given in a later chapter. For the present, it is proposed to indicate peculiarities of behaviour only, generally, but not always, harmless.

      Though now less often done, it was at one time common practice to load plate-girders on the bottom flange by simply resting floor timbers, rails, troughs, or cross-girders upon them. In outside girders one result of this is to cause the top flange to take a curve in plan, convex towards the road, every time the live load comes upon the floor of the bridge, upon the passing of which the flange resumes its figure, though still affected by that part of the load which is constant.

      A bridge of 47 feet span, carrying two lines of way, having one centre and two outside girders, with a floor consisting of old Barlow rails, resting upon the bottom flanges, showed the peculiarity named in a marked degree.

      The outside girders, under dead load only, were, as to the top flanges (see Figs. 4 and 5), 114 inch and 1116 inch respectively out of straight in their length, but upon the passing of a goods engine and train curved an additional 118 inch, or 238 inches in all, for one outside girder, and 2316 inches for the other.

      The centre girder, having a broader and heavier top flange, curved 58 inch towards whichever road might be loaded. The effect of such horizontal flexure is clearly to induce stresses of tension and compression in the flanges, which, being (for the top flange) compounded with the normal compressive stress due to load carried, results in a considerable want of uniformity across the section.

      Fig. 4.

      In the case under notice, the writer estimates the stresses for an outer girder top flange at 4·5 tons per square inch compression for simple loading, and 5·5 tons per square inch of tension and compression, on the inner and outer edges, due to flexure, resulting when compounded in a stress of 1 ton per square inch tension on the inside, and 10 tons per square inch compression on the outside edge. In this rather extreme case the stress on the inner edge, or that nearest the load, is reversed in character.

      The effect described appears to be not wholly due to the twisting moment. It is apparent that whatever curvature may be induced by twisting alone must be aggravated in the compression flange by its being put out of line.

      The writer does not attempt here to apportion the two effects in any other way than to say that the greater part of the flexure appears to be due to the secondary cause. Consistent with this view of the matter is the fact that the inclination of the girder towards the rails greatly exceeded the calculated slope of the Barlow rail-ends when under load, being about five times as great. The inference is that the floor rails bore hard at their extreme ends, at which point of bearing the calculated twisting moment accounts for less than one-half of the flexure observed in the flanges.

      Fig. 5.

      The girders upon removal in the course of reconstruction again took the straight form, showing that the very frequent development of the stresses named had not sensibly injured the metal, though the bridge carried as many as three hundred trains daily in each direction, and had done so for very many years.

      The deformation of the top flange only has been noticed, yet the same tendency exists in the bottom, though the actual amount is much less, both because the lower flanges are in tension, and are also in great degree confined by the frictional contact of the cross bearers, even where no proper ties are used. In the case dealt with the bottom flanges of the outer girders curved 18 inch outwards only.


      With the broad flanges commonly adopted in English practice, twisting of the girders, under conditions similar to the above, will not generally be a serious matter; but with narrow flanges possessing little lateral stiffness it might be a source of danger.

      Fig. 6. Fig. 7.

      Fig. 6. and Fig. 7.

      The twisting may be limited in amount by introducing a cross-frame between the girders, from which they are stiffened; by strutting the girders immediately from the floor itself, in which case they cannot cant to a greater extent than that which corresponds to the floor deflection; or by designing the top flange to be unsymmetrical with reference to the web, as in Figs. 6 and 7, with the object of insuring that under the joint effect of vertical loading and twisting, the stress in the flange shall at maximum loads be uniform across the section, and allow it to remain straight. This may be secured by making the eccentricity of the flange section equal to that of the loading. For instance, if the load be applied 3 inches away from the web centre, the flange should have its centre of gravity 3 inches on the other side of the centre line. It can be shown that this is true throughout the length of the girder, and irrespective of the depth. An instance in which flange eccentricity being in excess, curvature outwards resulted, will be found in a later chapter on deformations, etc. It will not generally be necessary to make the bottom flange eccentric, as it is commonly tied in some way; but if done, the eccentricity should be on the same side as for the top. The flanges remaining straight under these conditions are not subject to the complications of stress referred to in the case first quoted. The author has adopted both the last named details in bridges where he has been obliged to accept unfair loading of the kind discussed.

      It should be remarked that by the two first methods, if the stiffening frames are wide apart and attached direct to the web, there is a liability for this to tear, under distress, rather than keep the girder in line.

      There is one other possible consequence of throwing load upon the flanges of a girder of a much more alarming nature. In girders not very well stiffened, it may happen that the frequent application of load in this manner finally so injures the web-plate, just above the top edge of the bottom angle-bars, as to cause it to rip in a horizontal direction. More likely is this to happen with a centre girder taking load first on one side, then on the other, and again on both together. Cases may be cited in which cracks right through the webs 3 feet or more in length have resulted from this cause. It is very probable, however, that in some of these cases the matter was aggravated by the use of a poor iron in the webs, as at one time engineers, from mistaken notions of the extreme tenuity permissible in webs near the centre of a girder, would, if they could not be made thin enough, even encourage the use of an indifferent metal as being quite good enough for that part of the work.

      An instance of web-fracture from somewhat similar causes may be here given.

      In a bridge of 31 feet 6 inches effective span, and consisting of twin girders carrying rails between, as shown in Figs. 8 and 9, the load resting upon the inner ledges, formed by the bottom flange,