The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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for who you are and not for being accommodating.

      Luck maker: Be loyal and true to who you are.

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      February 6-born are charmers. Well liked by just about everyone, they have a winning way about them. They are also never wrong-footed by the unexpected, always willing to courageously explore new territory, and this boldness generally earns them universal praise. Approval really matters to them, but this need for affection isn’t a one-way street; in many ways, life is one big love affair for them. The only downside to their perpetually love-struck approach is that when people don’t warm to them or things don’t go their own way, they can get easily hurt. Sometimes disillusionment can make them behave in overly dramatic ways, which can irritate rather than endear.

      Born captivators, they can use their people skills to bring them success in public relations, politics, the media, public speaking, sales, marketing, promotion, vlogging and teaching, and may also be drawn to research, humanitarian causes, social reform, the arts and science and, in some instances, the world of sport. They tend to be obsessed with their physical appearance and need reminding that true beauty comes from within. For self-care, every time you are tempted to compromise yourself to win approval from others, gently tap your forehead with your fingers as a physical reminder to turn the focus on being true to yourself.

      These people make passionate lovers, but they tend to be in love with the idea of love, forever seeking that endorphin high. They need to be careful not to go from lover to lover or to sacrifice who they are to accommodate others, and to understand that companionship is not just about pleasing others but also about trust, respect and having boundaries. There is a turning point in their mid-forties onward when they finally and fully understand that their self-worth needs to be based on more than popularity. Once they make sure their emotional needs are not sacrificed to the altar of people-pleasing, their destiny is to inspire others to follow their example and believe life can be really good, and with that kind of positive expectation, more often than not it is.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Lovers, 6, 8, Saturday, Wednesday, turquoise, pink

      Born today: Babe Ruth (baseball player); Ronald Reagan (US president); Mary Leakey (paleoanthropologist)

      Potential: Optimistic, charming

      Dark side: Needy, disillusioned


       7 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Prophet

       “I dream of a better world”

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      The life lesson: is to talk less and do more.

      The way forward: is to remember that actions speak louder than words.

      Luck maker: Don’t take everything personally. Not everything is about you.

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      People born on February 7 are progressive, with a sharp sense of fairness. It is impossible for them to witness injustice without speaking out. They are prophets with a vision and a desire to help others and right wrongs. They have little patience for conformity and, if forced into a corner, may “act up,” with disruptive behavior. They have a wonderful imagination and a youthful approach, so when this tendency is combined with their spontaneity and lack of planning, they can come across as child-like. Others may dismiss them as dreamers, but this is a mistake as they do often turn dreams into reality. Although they are natural communicators, when they feel misunderstood or things don’t go their way, they can retreat into cynicism. For self-care, tap your heart with your hand to remind yourself to always speak with integrity whenever you are tempted to spin the truth.

      Born storytellers, these people can present information in a compelling way and often make excellent writers, teachers, actors, journalists, politicians, lecturers, filmmakers, salespeople and social-media influencers. Their analytical mind may draw them to science and medicine or they may become self-employed. Whatever they choose, they need work that offers them stacks of variety and challenge and an opportunity to create positive change. Humanitarian and social causes certainly appeal, as does the world of alternative healthcare. Prone to stress, February 7-born will find that wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with soothing shades of blues or greens can produce a calming effect.

      In relationships they tend to put loved ones on a pedestal and this can lead to problems when these don’t live up to the promise. Those born on this day need to accept people for who they are, not for what they could be. They must also understand that life isn’t either right or wrong, and there will always be shades in between and many paths to the greater good. In their early forties they become more open-minded. Their destiny, once they learn to accept that others won’t always agree with them, is to be a modern-day prophet who encourages rather than commands others to initiate reforms to make the world a fairer and better place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Chariot, 7, 9, Saturday, Monday, blue, purple

      Born today: Charles Dickens (author); Loren Carpenter (scientist and co-founder of Pixar); Chris Rock (comedian)

      Potential: Visionary, spontaneous

      Dark side: Cynical, unrealistic


       8 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Hypnotist

       “I have a dream”

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      The life lesson: is to avoid attraction to the seedier side of life.

      The way forward: is to acknowledge rather than repress negative feelings and to understand what these feelings are trying to tell you.

      Luck maker: Surround yourself with positive and inspiring people.

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      Those born on February 8 think on a grand scale and are often in touch with the future, shaping it with their progressive ideas. They have an intuitive understanding of people and situations, and are often able to spot future trends. The hypnotic power that they possess gives them astonishing influence over others and they are well aware of that power, sometimes coming across as serious or grave as a result. They have a sense of humor, but don’t relish idle conversation and prefer to get to the heart of the matter. Prone to procrastination and indecision because they see so many