The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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       “My magic is just beginning”

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      The life lesson: is learning to control your impulses.

      The way forward: is to understand that your emotions are not in charge of you; you are in charge of your emotions.

      Luck maker: Discipline is an essential ingredient for success.

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      January 27-born are often blessed with outstanding creative talents that are likely to emerge early in their lives. Material gain is unlikely to be the main motivating force—their motivation is more a personal desire to challenge themselves, to create the life of their dreams. They love the journey more than the arrival, the thrill of the chase. Intelligent, they often pick things up very quickly, and their talent for careful planning but also adapting effortlessly along the way to the new can turn them into trendsetters.

      Born studious, these people have the potential to rise to public office and power in high places. They love learning and will use their knowledge and creativity to help others. Social welfare, the healing professions, counseling, teaching, childcare and mentoring others appeal to them. They can also be good freelancers and may use their creativity in the arts, theater, social media or music. Their tendency to become self-absorbed can lead to stress, anxiety and sudden outbursts of rage, so it is important they prioritize regular rest and time out. For self-care, perform a yoga tree pose or spend time close to a tree. Let your imagination sense the deep roots of the tree. Feel yourself slowing down and becoming grounded and balanced, but with your head still stretching to the skies.

      The love life of those born on this day is exciting and never dull. Taking things more calmly in their relationships and learning to slow down in all areas of their lives is beneficial. They need to follow up their quick starts with a disciplined work ethic. This doesn’t mean they should repress their generous, open child-like exuberance; it just means they need to get into the habit of finishing what they start if they want to find fulfillment and be taken seriously by others. Fortunately, in their mid-twenties, they reach a turning point that offers them opportunities to become more mature and show the world that their early promise can be fulfilled; this trend continues as they age. Once they learn the importance of patience and seeing things through, their destiny is to both astonish everyone with their utterly unique creativity and help make others feel special at the same time.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hermit, 1, 9, Saturday, Tuesday, blue, red

      Born today: Mozart (composer); Lewis Carroll (author); Samuel Ting (physicist)

      Potential: Enthusiastic, intelligent

      Dark side: Restless, immature


       28 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Star Performer

       “I am in love with my life”

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      The life lesson: is managing a constant need to be admired.

      The way forward: is to understand that the happiness and approval you are seeking must come from within.

      Luck maker: Stop trying so hard. Learn to relax, trust yourself and notice your luck improve.

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      Those born on January 28 project a confident and charming image. They are star performers with terrific creative potential. Impressing others means as much to them as their achievements, but more often than not their achievements are so special that others are impressed. These people must follow their own path; when this rebellious streak is properly channeled it can help them forge ahead. They understand the importance of hard work and have great insight into the motivations of others. This combination of innovation, insight, practicality and discipline makes them pioneers in whatever field they choose. They are also often known for and highly respected for their integrity and willingness to speak truth to power.

      Born designers, they have a flair for anything artistic, as well as architecture, property development, dance and music. Careers that involve communication, public relations, video, YouTube and writing are also ideal. High achievers with the ability to motivate others and a strong sense of justice, they can also do well in the law, management and business, as well as social, humanitarian and political reform. They tend to be impulsive and over-eager, and would benefit from mind and body techniques, such as meditation and martial arts, that can teach them mental control. For self-care, say “I am worthy” out loud, so both your mind and heart can hear and you start to believe it.

      These people’s love lives tend to be complicated because they want everybody to love them, but they do need to learn to spread themselves a little less thinly. Despite their star quality, those born on this day run the risk of needing to be told over and over again how special they are. They may also make foolish, unrealistic decisions in their attempt to be noticed. Fortunately, around the age of 23 and again around the age of 53, they make a powerful shift toward greater emotional maturity. Once they learn to listen to their intuition, their destiny is to be noticed and to use their undoubted star quality to make a positive impact on the world.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Magician, 1, 2, Saturday, Sunday, blue, gold

      Born today: Mikhail Baryshnikov (dancer); Elijah Wood (actor); Colette (author)

      Potential: Progressive, dedicated

      Dark side: Unrealistic, attention-seeking


       29 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Mystic Warrior

       “I see potential for good in everyone and everything”

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      The life lesson: is dealing with confrontation.

      The way forward: is to calmly state your opinion and remain true to yourself.

      Luck maker: Be proactive. Reactive people are led by impulses and reeds blown in the wind. Proactive people recognize they can’t always control what happens, but they can control how they react.

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