The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hanged Man, 3, 5, Saturday, Thursday, blue, pink

      Born today: Abraham Lincoln (US president); Charles Darwin (scientist); Raymond Kurzweil (inventor)

      Potential: Original, purposeful

      Dark side: Intolerant, moody


       13 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Enigmatic Expert

       “I live my life my way”

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      The life lesson: is to avoid rushing into things.

      The way forward: is to take a deep breath, ask others for their opinion and list the pros and cons before making a decision.

      Luck maker: Get in touch with nature. It will calm your mind and make it easier for you to connect with the wisdom of your intuition.

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      People born on February 13 are exuberant, original and daring. They see a world of exciting possibilities. Trailblazers, they are at their best when performing, and their unique presentations have the potential for greatness. Although they are often the center of attention, there are parts of themselves they keep private, giving them an enigmatic quality that only serves to intrigue their audience more. Being a little wild, they will almost certainly encounter criticism. It is important for them to hold fast to their individuality and to resist the urge to fit in. They just need to find the right goals to which to devote their considerable energy and their success is assured.

      Born entertainers, these people love adventure and acclaim, and their versatility makes them ideally suited to the world of entertainment, music, media and vlogging. Science, education, counseling, astronomy, aviation, politics, social reform, charity work or setting up their own business may also appeal. They need to make sure they don’t take reckless risks with their health, and should follow a balanced diet and moderate rather than intense exercise routine. For self-care, mind–body exercises, such as yoga, tai chi or meditation, can help bring a sense of inner calm.

      February 13-born may flit from one relationship to another, eventually finding love with someone as elusive and dramatic as themselves. They can lead with their hearts rather than their heads, and this spontaneity has heart-breaking risks. Sometimes they can come across as bossy or eccentric; they do need to learn to look before they leap. After the age of 37 there is a turning point, suggesting they will become more aggressive and focused in pursuit of their goals. Once they are able to listen to both their heart and their head, and find a sense of inner security, these elusive but extrovert individuals really come into their own when entertaining and educating others. Their destiny is to express themselves and, by so doing, to influence and inspire their adoring fans to express themselves, too.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Death, 4, 6, Saturday, Sunday, blue, green

      Born today: Peter Gabriel (singer and activist); Robbie Williams (singer); El Rubius (YouTube star)

      Potential: Unique, fun

      Dark side: Bossy, reckless


       14 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Vulnerable Wit

       “My word is my bond”

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      The life lesson: is to acknowledge and manage your emotions.

      The way forward: is to understand that negative emotions should not be repressed, because they have an important message to deliver.

      Luck maker: Don’t gossip or have enemies, as you never know who can help you one day.

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      Those born on February 14 are charming, intelligent and warm-hearted, but also shrewd observers of human frailties. They think fast, often communicating in brilliant one-liners, but their incisive wit can work both for and against them. They can be wonderfully entertaining yet also blunt, driving others away with wounding comments. Their sarcasm tends to surface most when they feel impatient or frustrated because others aren’t responding to their demands. And because others open up to them easily, they need to be careful that they don’t become gossips. Their jovial banter can be a way for them to camouflage their true feelings. They are typically the first to cry when a sad song is played or to feel heart-breaking empathy for those who are suffering. This tender vulnerability can often surprise those around them, given their cool exterior.

      Born broadcasters and interviewers, these people make great talk-show hosts, editors, podcasters, researchers and networkers. The world of banking, insurance or the stock market may appeal, as might writing, publishing or the art and entertainment worlds. Their empathy may draw them to education or social reform and charity work, and their verbal and analytical skills help them excel in business or science. They often give the appearance of being calm and in control, but underneath they are prone to insecurities. They would benefit from the inner calm that regular meditation can bring them. For self-care, if you feel angry or stressed, punch a cushion, scream or write in a journal to help you release rather than repress tension.

      In relationships those born on this day can seduce people with their words, humor and spontaneity, but they should apply some of their penetrating insight to themselves as well as others, and understand that their emotions bubble so quickly to the surface because they have been repressed. Fortunately, from their mid-thirties onward, they become more emotionally self-aware. They may appear tough, but there is great emotional depth behind their banter and, with them around, life always seems easier, lighter and much, much happier. Their destiny is to influence and inspire others with the power of their bright words and ideas.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Temperance, 5, 7, Saturday, Wednesday, blue, green

      Born today: Mike Bloomberg (politician); Carl Bernstein (journalist); Gregory Hines (choreographer)

      Potential: Astute, engaging

      Dark side: Sarcastic, demanding


       15 FEBRUARY