Theresa Cheung

Список книг автора Theresa Cheung

    Der Zukunftscode

    Theresa Cheung

    Präkognition ist der wissenschaftliche Name für Vorhersagen der Zukunft, die auf einem besonderen, sogenannten sechsten Sinn beruhen. Häufig auch Wahrsagung genannt, ist Präkognition die am meisten dokumentierte parapsychologische Erfahrung. Oft findet das Phänomen in Träumen statt. Aber auch Visionen, akustische Halluzinationen, plötzliche innere Bilder und das Gefühl von intuitivem Wissen werden von Betroffenen beschrieben. Die Autorinnen erläutern, welche verschiedenen Typen von Vorhersage es gibt, und zeigen auf, in welchen Fällen die Grenzwissenschaften eine Erklärung haben und in welchen nicht. Darüber hinaus schildern beide persönliche Erlebnisse, berichten von zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und lassen führende Wissenschaftler und Experten zu Wort kommen. Vor allem aber geben die Autorinnen uns Werkzeuge an die Hand, mit denen jeder von uns das ihm innewohnende Potenzial, in die Zukunft zu sehen, schulen und im eigenen Leben einsetzen kann.

    The Ultimate PCOS Handbook

    Theresa Cheung

    With this practical handbook you can start to see PCOS symptoms improve in as little as 2 weeks. Based on the latest scientific research and the authors' first-hand experience, it will empower you to take back control of your body- and your life. Packed with all the essential information to naturally beat the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.PCOS authorities and fellow sufferers Colette Harris and Theresa Cheung will empower you to take back control of your body and beat naturally the often embarrassing symptoms of this syndrome, including weight gain, acne, excess body hair, mood swings, depression and exhaustion. Packed full of the latest science, up-to-date nutrition and the best in self-help and natural therapies, their comprehensive book shows you how to:• Take control of your body with simple dietary changes • Reduce spots and excess hair • Boost body confidence and self-esteem • Choose the right supplements and best natural self-help remedies • Protect yourself from high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes

    The Dream Dictionary from A to Z [Revised edition]

    Theresa Cheung

    In this newly revised and updated edition, unlock the secrets of your dreamlife with the most comprehensive A–Z reference book on dream interpretation you'll ever find.Have you ever wondered what your dreams are trying to tell you? Now you can finally find out.Packed with fascinating information, The Dream Dictionary from A to Z is an extensive collection of the symbols that appear in your dreams and how to interpret what they mean for you.Dreams are universal, and every culture throughout history has tried to unlock the secrets of the unconscious mind through the interpretation of dreams. Understanding the unique meanings of dream symbols can help in the way you experience your waking everyday lives and even foretell the future.Designed to be kept right near your bed, The Dream Dictionary is organised from A to Z, so you can easily look up instant answers about the people, places, and ideas that you dreamed the night before. You’ll also discover the various meanings and interpretations of your dreams. For example, cats in dreams can represent the secretive side of a person’s nature, and they can also denote a desire for sex or a warning of hidden dangers.Now with newly updated entries including social media, money and television, as well as chapters such as ‘The 50 Most Common Dreams’ and ‘The 10 Dreams You Should Never Ignore’.Whatever your dream symbol or experience, you’ll find an amazing treasure trove of thousands of interpretations in The Dream Dictionary.

    The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

    Theresa Cheung

    Did you know that your birthday can give you surprising details about your personality profile, your ideal partner, and your dark side? The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays combines astrology, psychology, numerology and tarot for practical advice on how to make the best of yourself and shape your future.The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays couldn't be simpler to use–just turn to the page of your birthday and discover the secret to exactly who you are, based on a unique combination of astrology, numerology, tarot, colour theory and psychology. This combination of approaches provides an uncannily accurate profile for each birthday of the year. But you don’t just get an in–depth personality profile, you can also get an expanded reading for each astrological sign as well.• Find out what your greatest challenges are and how to solve them;• Discover your best side–as well as your dark side–and how to make the best of both;• Compare and contrast your astrological reading with your birthday profile to reveal your unique strengths;• Find out who those special people are that you are drawn to, and the special years in your life that will be significant;• Discover your career and life goals, how to manage love and relationships, and how to maximise your health.This compelling reference book gives you insight into your own birthday profile and astrological sign, but don’t forget to turn the pages and find out the secrets of your friends, family, lovers and colleagues too!