Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch. Eva Mazza

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Название Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch
Автор произведения Eva Mazza
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781928420415

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can’t, or you won’t?”

      “Jen, Patty could sue me for unfair dismissal. She could also turn this thing around and label it sexual harassment.”

      “Well, John, pity you didn’t think about that before she had you in her mouth.” Jen’s tone changed. It was threatening and resolute; a tone John had seldom, if ever, heard her use. “It’s either her or me. And if you don’t fire Patty, things are going to get really messy in Stellenbosch. Another golden boy’s reputation sullied. I can just see the headlines.”

      “Don’t do anything impulsive, Jen. Please. I made a mistake.” He heard her scoff at ‘mistake’. “Fuck, Jen please just give this time to settle. At least give some thought to our kids.” Hopefully they would make her think more rationally. “I love you, Jen. Believe me, if anyone’s sorry, it’s me.”

      He looked at his phone. She had dropped the call.

      John wiped his sweaty palms on his towel. How was he going to get rid of Patty? The only way she would leave was if he offered her a cash settlement; a very hefty one, one that would make her disappear with her jaw all but wired shut.

      He didn’t hesitate. He was exhausted after a thoroughly shit end to his party, but somehow his anger had given him a second wind. He dialled Patty’s number.

      “John?” Patty said, as if she had been waiting for his call.

      “Listen, Patty, I’ll cut straight to the chase. Don’t contact my wife again. She’s gone through enough shit without you harassing her!”

      “Hello, John.”

      She sounded a lot calmer than he was. “I called her to apologise.”

      In fact, he thought she sounded amused. This irritated him even more. He had no time for games.

      “Do you think sorry’s going to fix things? You’ve made it worse.”

      A WhatsApp message beeped in his ear. He read it before it disappeared from his screen.“You ok? Trying to reach you. Can’t face lunch or Mom. Do you mind if I bail?” Another potential fire he’d have to put out. An ongoing battle of wills. It was easier not having to explain Jen’s absence; he’d use Brig as an excuse to cancel lunch with Pete.

      “Of course sorry won’t fix it,” Patty said. “I wanted to explain what happened. How drunk you made me.”

      John stopped her. “Like you had no choice. Don’t you fucking accuse me.” He stopped. Time to shift the focus of the conversation to Jen. “Jen told me to tell you to leave her the fuck alone. Her words. If Jen swears, you know she’s really pissed off.” He paused. His voice became softer, more controlled, as if he were reasoning with a child.

      “Patty, I can’t let things get messy. I don’t want to hurt my children and, believe it or not, I value my marriage. Patty? Are you still there?”

      “Well, seems a bit late for that, doesn’t it, Mr Pearce?” she laughed.

      John held his temper. “Look, I’m gonna need you to leave. You’re brilliant at your job, Patty and this will have a huge effect on sales, but Jen’s demanding I fire you.”

      “I can’t just quit my job, John. Where would I go? You said it yourself. While we’re on the subject of ‘values’, I value the money.” Was there panic in her voice?

      It seemed to John that he was at least moving towards having a reasonable discussion with her. He could hear her inhale deeply and imagined her tits rising. She was calm when she said, “Look, I also feel uncomfortable working with you after what happened last night.”

      Maybe this was easier than he had anticipated. “I agree. Then you’ll go?” He sat up smoothing out his hair.

      “Not so fast. Not without a settlement.”

      “Okay, fair enough.” John wanted this done and dusted as soon as possible. He wanted to concentrate on fixing his marriage, and getting Patty out the way was a huge start. “Three months’ salary and I’m prepared to pay you the average commission you earned over this period last year.”

      Patty laughed. “Oh, John, do you honestly think I’m going to go away for that measly amount? You do realise just how messy things can get?”

      John’s bath towel loosened as he got off the bed. He readjusted it firmly around his hips, determined not to pander to her. “Well, going to a gentlemen’s club isn’t such an unusual thing, Patty. I’ll admit to it. Granted, it’s going to be a rough few weeks, what with my friends and their wives, but I didn’t do anything bad. I did what all boys do.”

      “If the threat of exposing you doesn’t frighten you enough, I’ll carry on working for you. I have a very thick skin. How your wife will react to me still being around, a constant reminder of your lust, is really your problem.”

      “Don’t. Please, Patty.”

      Patty’s tone hardened. “How will she cope, I wonder, with the scandal?” She laughed loudly at the thought. This only incensed John. “Like I said before, I’ll have to tell her how you’ve sexually harassed me at work. I wonder if Pete will attest to this? There seems to be no love lost between you two. And a heads up, I think he’s on to you by the way. And I’ll sue you, John, and you’ll have to pay me for unfair dismissal and sexual harassment.”

      John sat down hard at the edge of the bed. The bitch had him by the short and curlies. He tried to appeal to her softer side. She was, after all, a woman. “Patty, don’t you give a shit about Jen? Think about her. She’s been a friend to you. If anybody doesn’t deserve this, it’s her.”

      “Do I deserve to be given the short end of the stick, huh, John? The truth may hurt Jen, but a little bit of a wake-up call might save her from complete humiliation and make her stronger. And you? Well, you may learn to stick to your marriage vows and to take stock of those ‘values’ you were telling me about.” Again, she laughed mockingly. “Although, it’s highly unlikely.

      “No, John, I’m saving myself from you, and if by chance your happy marriage is forfeited, I view it as reparation.”

      His whole body shook. “Name your fucking price! This was premeditated wasn’t it? You’re a fucking whore.”

      She ignored him. “I’ll have to think about how much; it has to be worth my while.”

      “Don’t call me until you have a figure.” John threw his phone on the bed before slamming his way into the bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth, anything just to cool down. The mirror reflected dark rings under his eyes. It was clear he needed sleep.

      He heard the phone ring. “Jesuuuuus!” he cussed aloud as he walked back into the bedroom. It was Brigit.

      “Brigit, I’m sorry, love, I was on another call. No, Brig, don’t speak about Mom like that, please. She’s your mother.”

      There was a rustle behind him. He jumped on seeing a shadow at the door. Frankie. How long had she been standing there?

      “I can’t talk to you now, Brigit. Frankie’s come to visit.” His phone fell as he tried to stop Frankie from lunging towards him.


      The spa was an outrageously expensive retreat for the locals. Jen’s lifestyle was above average and, although the price of a stay in the lodge included treatments, it cost much more than even she had anticipated. She had nowhere else to go. This is becoming my mantra! She gave the young lady John’s platinum credit card and hoped the amount would go through. It didn’t.

      “Try budget,” Jen suggested, not flinching; nothing could make her flinch anymore.

      “Six or twelve months, Mrs Pearce,” she politely enquired.

      “Let’s try six.”
