Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch. Eva Mazza

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Название Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch
Автор произведения Eva Mazza
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781928420415

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stupid hard-ons and their pre-coital banter!”

      His blue eyes softened. Those eyes. Brigit thought they were her godfather's most endearing feature.

      “I’m sorry, my darling. This is something that you obviously spoke to your mom about. She does know, doesn’t she?”

      Brigit could feel her jaw tighten. “You are joking, aren’t you? Mom and I are notoriously not close. Also, she is such a prude when it comes to relationships and the ‘right’ thing to do.”

      “I think you should be a lot more forgiving of your mom,” Lee said softly. “She loves you dearly.”

      Brigit snorted. “I know I sound like a child, but I have mommy issues. My therapist thinks they’re actually daddy related but I’m not buying into her theory.” Then, as an afterthought, “While we’re on the subject of parents, you won’t tell Daddy about Pierre?”

      “Who’s Pierre?”

      “The lecturer! He’d kill him.”

      Brigit had kept Pierre a secret. She had no girlfriends she could confide in and anyway she knew the consequences if it ever got out. As for John, she would never have told him, even now. John would kill any guy who broke his baby’s heart.

      Lee laughed. “Now you’re the one joking. I’m not going to say anything to anyone; especially about spending time here with you this afternoon. It feels kind of inappropriate.”

      Brigit smiled at him. All men were boys, no matter their age. “I know that you feel uncomfortable, but why should you? If Mom met your son for lunch…” She burst out laughing. “Not a good example. Mom would never meet Clive for lunch or go to his apartment for an aperitif. Okay, your secret’s safe with me.”

      Brigit walked unsteadily into the kitchen to get Lee another bottle of red, returning with the bottle and a glass for herself. Ever the gentleman, Lee took the wine, opened it, then poured her a glass, handing it to her as he spoke. “Shit, Brig, take it from me. It’s so difficult, this parenting stuff. And as for marriage, that ain’t easy either. It’s no wonder kids might come out of it a little scathed. But you must know that your mom and your dad – both of them – have your best interests at heart. They really do.” Brigit frowned. “They do,” he iterated.

      By the time six o’clock came, they had drunk the entire bottle of wine and Brigit was plastered. She had moved back on to the couch and had snuggled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Thanks for listening,” she slurred.

      “Pleasure my girl.” She had felt Lee’s awkward attempt at a feel-better pat on her shoulder. It made her giggle a little. “Can you not call me ‘my girl’? I’m an adult.”

      “You’re right. I’m sorry. But you called me Uncle!” He grinned and then his face became serious. “Hey, I’d better get going.” He glanced down at his Rolex. “I’m going to be late for the guys. Last poker night before your dad turns fifty-five.” He was about to stand but Brigit was up before him. She hitched up her peasant skirt and straddled herself across his lap. Drunkenly, she placed her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him.

      He turned his mouth away from hers.

      “Don’t,” he said. “Please don’t do that, Brig.”

      “Why?” she asked. “It’s what I want.”

      “I don’t think it is what you want. And it’s not what I want.” He spoke to her like her father did when she was a child.

      She climbed off his lap. “You don’t want me?”

      “Brigit, you’re young enough to be my daughter.” Brigit rolled her eyes at him. “Do you want more reasons? I have a whole list for you. Christ, I held you in my arms when you were born. I’m your godfather! Your dad is my best friend and I respect your mom enormously. And you. I respect you.”

      Brigit felt foolish. Lee held her chin and turned her face towards him. “Look at me, Brig. Please don’t think this is easy for me. I’m flattered. I’m a man, an old man. And you’re gorgeous. But don’t forget I’m married. Can you imagine the hurt we’d cause all round if any of… this happened?”

      Lee left the apartment quietly. Brigit lay on the couch, embarrassed and humiliated, even though he had tried not to make her feel that way. Except for their brief encounter at the party, she had managed to avoid contact with Lee. Knowing that it was only polite, she texted him back, making light of her temper tantrum: “Glad it’s going strong. I know I shouldn’t have left, but it’s what I’m known for, so best I don’t disappoint.”

      The thought of Sunday’s lunch exhausted her. I just can’t face an argument with Mom and, knowing me, there will definitely be a fight. What was the point? Her father’s birthday would be ruined a second time. She resolved to cancel with him first thing in the morning.


      Patty had sobered up. She knew this because performing oral sex on her boss had begun to make her queasy and a lot less lusty. However, the outcome kept her motivated to finish what she had begun.

      As her mind began to clear, she realised the impact this could have on Jen should she ever find out. She liked her; it just baffled her how blind Jen was (or pretended to be; the jury was out). But Patty knew that, for the most part, it was easier to turn a blind eye than confront the truth. Perhaps she would’ve done the same if she was in Jen’s well-heeled shoes?

      “John-John wants you, baby,” he groaned. “Can you feel how hard he is?”

      I should have known! she thought as her mouth wrapped around John-John. John’s type named their dicks to apportion the blame should they be accused of any sexual impropriety.

      She wanted to gag. Luckily Patty was a girl who was good at blowjobs – expert in fact. So, John and his insatiable prick’s demands weren’t anything she couldn’t handle. Her boss wasn’t any different to the many men with whom she had come into contact. They probably dreamed of her in the very same position she was in now, and tonight was John’s lucky night. Or so he thought. One of the main reasons for employing her, he had said, was because he was convinced that his clients’ prurient thoughts would increase their wine sales figures exponentially. And how right he was. She was creaming it. Unlike Jen’s friends, she had to work to live, so she had always used what talents she had to her advantage.

      She regretted not having drunk more. Alcohol made her think less, and thinking about Jen had made her feel guilty. She was the only one who gave Patty the time of day. They had chatted occasionally, and she had invited her to a movie once. Patty had declined because she didn’t want to cross any boundaries between her work and her personal life, but she’d been grateful to her for her kind gesture.

      The furore Jen’s speech had caused had given Patty the gap she was waiting for. She remembered being surprised by Jen. She had shown some guts. Good for her! “Nowhere to go.” How dare John? Then he draws attention to her pants! Horrible pants, admittedly, but still. Jen had retaliated. She had spoken out in front of the Stellenbosch gentry, and that’s why Jen was ensconced in her bedroom and Patty was fucking her boss.

      Patty remembered being pulled from her seat. “You’ll have to be my partner for the evening!” John had shouted drunkenly over the loud music. “My wife has locked herself in our bedroom and we can only assume she has passed out.”

      Patty obliged. “Is she okay?”

      “I don’t know,” he shouted back. “Frankie says she had a word with her about the speech so maybe she’s feeling a bit embarrassed. I did try, but the princess is not coming out of her chamber.” He laughed. “It’s my party and I feel like a fucking thirty-year-old!” The revellers on the dance floor whooped in delight.

      “Here, feel my abs.” He grabbed Patty’s hand and placed it on his stomach. “Not bad for fifty-five?”
