Me & My Boyfriend. Keisha Ervin

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Название Me & My Boyfriend
Автор произведения Keisha Ervin
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780974789521

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air conditioner.” She said, not knowing what else to say.

      “You're welcome Shorty.” He said, while finishing the last of the drink, standing ready to leave.

      Meesa stood and walked him to the door. “Thanks again.”

      Turning to face her not really wanting to leave but knowing he should, he said, “a'ight Shorty.”

      Looking at her for the first time, he really saw how beautiful Meesa was. He never saw anything like her before. She was breathtaking, with no make-up, T-shirt and cut off jogging pants on, she looked good. If she wasn't a rat, he would hop on her, he thought to himself.

      “Bye.” Meesa said, as he turned to leave.

      Mind Games

      Destiny finally came and got her car two days later. Meesa had called and called, worrying herself sick. Come to find out, Destiny went with Daryl to California. Daryl lived in Los Angeles and needed to re up. So he asked Destiny to accompany him back home. Meesa cussed her out dearly for driving her crazy.

      Daryl had taken her on a shopping spree to Sak's, Bloomingdale's, and the Bergdorf Goodman store. Destiny had enough clothes and shoes to last her a year. She gave Meesa two of the outfits for caring so much about her short disappearance. Meesa was still mad though, she was going to call the police that very day, if she hadn't show up by then. Destiny told Meesa that Daryl was moving to St. Louis, so that he could set up shop there too, and that he wanted Destiny to move in with him. She also told Meesa that she said yes, and that she thought she was in love with Daryl.

      Meesa couldn't believe that the person she was talking to was the same person she was just with three days before. Meesa asked, “Are you in love with him or his money Destiny?”

      “Girl, I love them both.” She honestly answered.

      Thinking she was crazy, Meesa didn't say anything. She loved seeing her friend happy, and if Daryl made her happy, then so be it.

      June 19th, 2002, 12:30 a.m. and Meesa was still awake studying for an exam that she had to take at school the next day.

      Meesa attended Flo Valley, a community college in St. Louis. She took summer classes so that she could catch up. Fashion Design was her major. She had planned on, after she received her bachelors that she would go to school out of state. All of the best design schools were out of town. She was already behind in her classes since she had to start school the second semester due to her mother's passing.

      It was now 2:00 in the morning, and she was finally climbing into bed, when she heard loud music coming from outside. Normally, she would get up and go to the window to see who it was, but tonight she was too tired. All she wanted to do was curl up underneath her sheets and relax in the cool air.

      Outside, parked in front of her building, was Black sitting in his 2002 black Lexus. He had just gotten done shooting craps with the fella's, and smoking weed getting high. Instead of going home like he planned, he wound up in front of Meesa's building. Sitting, he sparked up yet another blunt, wondering what in the hell was he doing sitting in front of her apartment. He sat and smoked the blunt and contemplated going up. Dazed, he got out and walked the flight of stairs that led to 3B.

      Meesa was just falling into a deep sleep when she heard a knock at her door. Startled, she jumped up and wondered who was at her door at 2:25 in the morning.

      “Meesa, open the door!”

      “Who is it? Beating on my Goddamn door at 2 in the morning!” She yelled back.

      She eased out of bed and crept to the door, looking out the peephole. Excitement filled her when her eyes saw Black. What the hell was he doing at her apartment in the wee hours of the morning also filled her mind.

      He knocked harder the second time, getting impatient. Meesa slowly opened the door. Black didn't know if it was the weed or her, but his dick hardened at the sight of her. She had on a fitted silk-strapped pink nightgown that only met the middle of her thighs, showing every curve God gave her. Dick, stay down, is all he could think.

      With her hands on her hips, she asked, “What are you doing here, Black?”

      “I don't know, man.” He said mumbling.

      The glazed over look in his eyes said it all. He was high. He looked good high though. His already slanted eyes were at half-mast, and he had this sleepy look on his face that made him look vulnerable. She laughed at him and said, “Come on in.”

      He walked past her almost stumbling. She led him to her couch and sat him down. Sensing he was tired, she went to the linen closet. Searching her linen closet, she fished him out a comforter and a pillow.

      Black stared at her, taking all of her in through his daze. Black liked very much what he saw.

      Every gesture she made spoke sexuality. Speak to me, he thought while kicking off his shoes. Laying him back, Meesa placed the cover over him and a pillow under his head. The touch of his locks sent shivers down her spine. There was nothing better than a man with locks. Touching one at a time, she wondered what made him grow them. He was already sleeping, staring at him she laughed. She couldn't believe he was there on her couch snoring. This person, who acted like she was the plague, was actually at her house. He looked cute knocked out on her couch though. She couldn't resist it, she had to kiss him. Starting to lean down, she suddenly felt a rip of fear run through her. What if he wakes up and catches me, she thought. Fuck that, she encouraged herself. She had to, how could she not. Leaning down, she forced every muscle not to move, so she wouldn't make any unwanted noise. Lightly touching his face, she kissed his cheek. It was everything she thought it would be.

      His skin tasted like Hershey's chocolate. Meesa crept back into her bedroom and relaxed underneath the covers, with a huge smile spreading across her face. The sound of the alarm clock woke Meesa up. After last night, she had forgotten all about her test. Groggily, she eased herself out of bed.

      Walking into the living room, Black was still in a deep sleep. So, she let him sleep while she got dressed for school.

      Thank you God for my new air conditioner, Meesa thought. The past couple of nights she had finally gotten a whole night sleep. Waking up from sweating herself to death was now over. After showering and dressing, she looked in the mirror, pleased at what she saw. Being another hot day, she decided on a white Baby Phat tank top, matching Baby Phat mini skirt, and a pair of Christian Dior sandals. Her shoes matched her Christian Dior logo purse.

      Her hairstyle was getting old, so she made a mental note to give Kisha a call. A little foundation, eyeliner, lip-gloss, and Meesa was ready.

      Black must have heard the clanking of Meesa's three-inch heels, because he immediately jumped up, wondering where he was and where Meesa came from.

      “What time is it?”

      “It's about 8:10. How did you sleep?” Meesa asked, out of curiosity.

      “I must've slept good cause I don't know how I got here.”

      “Well, let me refresh your memory. You showed up at my door last night, high as hell. Banging on my door and yelling my name. I'm pretty sure you woke up neighbors. So, instead of me letting you drive home and kill yourself, I let you sleep on my couch.”

      “Oh.” Replied Black. Suddenly, slowly he remembered having a urge to see Meesa the night before.

      “Why are you so dressed up this early in the morning?” Asked Black groggily.

      “Well, for your information, I'm on my way to school. So, it's time for you to bounce.” She answered with her hands on her hips.

      She would go to school dressed like a hot girl, he thought to himself. He thought this while staring her up and down. Her legs, tan and silky, said come and touch me. How would they feel wrapped around me?

      “What? What are you looking at?” Self-consciously, Meesa asked.

      “Look, don't start that smart shit, it's too early in the Goddamn morning.” He demanded.