Me & My Boyfriend. Keisha Ervin

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Название Me & My Boyfriend
Автор произведения Keisha Ervin
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780974789521

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blunt and filled it with his own supply of weed. Leaning on the railing, he saw Meesa dancing by herself on the dance floor. He hated the way he had treated baby girl but he had to. Hoes and Black didn't mix. And he had heard to much foul shit about her and the hoes she hung wit.

      Baby girl is fine as hell, he thought to himself, and her body was banging. He could just fuck her and then leave her alone he contemplated. Black quickly put the thought out of his mind. She had been with too many men and he wasn't going to take a chance on getting a STD or AIDS. No matter how fine she was.

      “What's up, baby?” A voice said from behind him.

      The female voice had her arms wrapped around Black's waist. She rubbed up and down feeling his abs. Turning around, he found sexy ass Brandy standing.

      “Shit, what's up with you?”

      “I'm trying to see you tonight. I hope you ain't leaving with one of these other bitches.” She replied.

      “Nah ma, we can get up tonight. Just meet me outside when this shit let out a'ight.”

      “A'ight.” She answered, while kissing him on his lips. All the while, rubbing his dick giving him a sneak peek of what was to come.

      After three hours of dancing the night away, the Spotlight was about to close, so Meesa went back upstairs after getting two numbers. Destiny was sitting on Daryl's lap kissing him. Jealousy ran through Meesa. She wished she was somewhere kissing Black's beautiful lips.

      “Where in the hell have you been Mee Mee.” Asked Gwen.

      “Minding mine.” Answered Meesa, with an attitude.

      “What in the hell is your problem?”

      “Nothing, I'm just ready to go.” Not wanting to tell her friends she got played by Black.

      “Well let's go then, they letting out now.” Replied Tamara.

      “Meesa, here are my keys take my car.” Destiny said.

      “Lil Howard go and fetch the truck. And hurry up! Put those legs to good use.” Daryl said, throwing the keys.

      Trying to catch them, Lil Howard fumbled and dropped them.

      “Pick the keys up dumb ass! And go get my car. Damn! That's one clumsy ass lil dude.” He spoke loudly.

      “Where are you going?”

      “She's going back to my hotel suite with me.” Daryl answered for her. Rolling her eyes, she pulled Destiny by her arms and asked. “Are you sure you want to go to a hotel with him? You don't even know him Dee.”

      “Girl, he's cool, I just want to spend some more time with him before he leaves tomorrow.” Said Destiny. Looking at Daryl, she could tell there was something shady about him, but what, she just didn't know. Her friend was happy and she didn't want to cock block, so she let it go.

      “Okay.” Replied Destiny, while giving them all hugs goodbye. Walking out, people were pushing and shoving. Brandy just so happened to bump into Meesa. (Only on purpose.)

      “Excuse you.” Meesa said, with an attitude.

      “My bad.” Replied Brandy, with a smirk on her face.

      Meesa knew she had done the shit on purpose. It was no secret they didn't like each other. For some reason, since the first day of junior high, Brandy hated Meesa. Even though she was equally pretty and had style, she was secretly jealous of Meesa. Brandy was never willing to admit it to anyone, especially herself.

      Even though Meesa was nice to everyone she met, some girls just didn't like her. Something she just never grew to understand. She decided, at the age of thirteen, that she had to just live her life, and not worry about what others thought of her.

      People were always gonna talk about her. And that was something she was just gonna have to except. Meesa hugged her friends and told them she would call tomorrow. She sat in Destiny's 2000 Altima, and waited to spot Destiny.

      After a minute or so, she finally saw her getting into a 2001 red Denali truck sitting on twenty-twos'. She had to admit, if the car was Daryl's, the boy was doing the damn thing. As they pulled off, Meesa started up the car, but quickly turned it off again. She spotted Black across the parking lot getting into his 2002 black chromed out Cadillac Escalade, and guess who was in the passenger seat beaming Brandy.

      “I can't stand that bitch.” Meesa said aloud. She hated even more that Black was taking her home that night. Not wanting to hate, her heart was still crushed. She really liked Black and didn't understand why he didn't like her back. Frustration filled her. However, she quickly checked herself and willed herself not to trip.

      “Girl, pull yourself together, you can have practically any man you want. Fuck him.” She laughed to herself. She was not about to let herself trip off somebody like him. No matter how fine he was.


      June 16, 2002, and it was another scorcher. It had to have been hotter than the day before. Meesa slept naked just to keep cool the night before. She couldn't take the heat anymore. So she decided, while she still had Destiny's car, she would go to the local Wal-Mart and buy another air conditioner. It was 9:00 a.m., and a Monday, and Wal-Mart was already packed.

      Meesa finally made it through the long line and paid for her new air conditioner. The damn thing was so heavy she had to have one of the guys who worked there help her get it to the car. In front of her building, Meesa was struggling trying to get the heavy air conditioner out of the back seat of the car. Loud bass came bumping up her street. Meesa stood up to look to see if it was somebody she knew. Black, riding in his truck, saw her and was going to keep going, but decided to stop.

      Rolling her eyes, Meesa wondered what he was doing out at that time of morning. Quickly she remembered Brandy and the night before. He must have just dropped her off at home she thought to herself. Black parked his car on the other side of the street, and sat for a moment, wondering why he stopped in the first place.

      Meesa played it like she didn't even notice him. He knew she did though, smiling to himself, liking her strong will. Meesa was becoming agitated with the air conditioner, not knowing how she was going to get it out of the car. Black had finally stepped out of his truck and was now standing on the opposite side of the Altima.

      “You know you can't lift that, so why you tryin?” He questioned.

      Finally looking up, Meesa felt the blood run from her head to her toes and back. Black had that effect on her, and he knew it. He stood before her black as night. With his shoulder length locks, almond shaped coal black eyes, perfectly trimmed goatee, athletic build, pearly white teeth, lying beneath his medium sized kissable lips, there stood beauty and all that it was.

      “Instead of asking stupid questions, why don't you help me Black?” She responded.

      “I don't think you're in the position to be getting smart, Shorty.”

      “Look will you help me get this upstairs to my apartment or what.” She asked aggravated. He loved seeing her angry and the way she pouted.

      “Yeah I'll help you.”

      “Thank you.”

      They carried the air conditioner to her apartment on the third floor. Huffing and puffing, she asked him if he'd like something to drink. He said yeah, like she asked a dumb question, being that he'd done most the work. She poured them both a glass of juice since it was still breakfast time.

      Black looked around her little apartment liking what he saw. She had taste, and everything in her apartment went together quite well. It was very girlie to him though, too girlie. There were no signs of a man around. Meesa sat next to him and handed him his glass of juice. They sat in silence for a minute or two, not knowing what to say.

      “So, you have fun last night?” She finally asked.

      “Yeah, it was cool for what it was.” She wondered why he could never give her a straight answer.