Me & My Boyfriend. Keisha Ervin

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Название Me & My Boyfriend
Автор произведения Keisha Ervin
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780974789521

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Meesa teased.

      “Girl, it's hot than a muthafucker.”

      “I know, I can't take this shit either.”

      “But anyway, I was calling to see if you wanted to go the Q 95 party tonight?”

      “Hell yeah.” Destiny answered.

      “I need to get my freak on tonight, besides we ain't been out in like a week.”

      “Well it starts at 11:00, so pick me up at about 10:30 so we can make it there on time.”

      “Damn, you just telling me what I'm gonnna do. I'll be there when I get there.”

      “Fuck you.” Said Meesa jokingly.

      “Bye girl.”

      “Aight Dee.”

      Of course, they were late anyway. Destiny and Meesa never made it anywhere on time. But that made shit even better for them though. Cause, the later they were, the better their entrance would be. The rest of the girls were going to meet them there. When all of them got together, they always set shit off. Meesa, Destiny, Nikki, Tamara, Gwen, and Kelly always partied hard. Dudes loved them and hoes couldn't stand them. But they understood they were the shit. None of them were ugly, they always were dressed nice and kept themselves up, so bitches always hated. They all met in the third grade, and surprisingly, stayed friends over the course of eleven years. Even in high school, hoes hated them. They were ninth graders and had senior girls hating them. There was always jealously and rumors surrounding each of them. Every boy in school wanted to see one of them. So, you know they got labeled as freaks, just because dudes were giving up cheese to them, and not to the rest of the bitches in school. Meesa was not a freak herself. Some of her friends were, so that labeled her one as well, all because she hung out with them. Meesa just had a good mouthpiece that she used to get whatever she wanted. She spit mad game to niggas. Leading them to believe she liked them and that it was only them she was seeing. Gwen and Kelly used their bodies instead, to get what they wanted. To each is own, was Meesa's motto. Meesa and Destiny spotted the rest of the crew as soon as they walked in.

      They were lounging upstairs in VIP. Walking through the packed crowd, dudes were trying to make them stop and holla. But Meesa and Destiny weren't having it. They were trying to make it upstairs to see how the girls had gotten into VIP.

      “What's up?” Screamed Gwen.

      “Hey girl!” Said Meesa, yelling.

      “How in the fuck did ya'll hoes get into VIP?” Asked Destiny.

      “Girl, this dude just walked up to us and was like he want us to chill in VIP with him and his boys.” Answered Gwen.

      “Who is he? Ya'll don't know him?” Asked Meesa.

      “Nah, he said his name was Daryl and that him and his partna's were from out of town.” Said Kelly.

      “Here you go ladies.” Said the waiter from behind. He was bringing a bottle of Cristal and glasses over to their table.

      “We didn't order this.” Said Tamara nervously.

      “I know you didn't, a Mr. Daryl Jones did.”

      “I got to see this boy Daryl.” Replied Destiny.

      “Fuck that, lets pop this muthafucker open.” Gwen said, excitedly.

      “Let's make a toast.” Meesa Said.

      “Aight.” They all answered.

      “To friendship and having a good time.” Meesa toasted.

      “Cheers.” They said, as they all clinked glasses.

      Meesa didn't drink much, so the one glass of champagne went straight to her head. They all rocked and bobbed their heads to the music, as Daryl and his friends approached.

      “So, I see you all like Cristal. The bottles almost gone.” He spoke while eyeing Meesa.

      “Yeah we do.” Answered Destiny, liking him immediately. Meesa saw him checking her out, but ignored him, he wasn't her type. Daryl sensed it and didn't like it at all.

      “I've never seen you here before.” Destiny spoke. Snapping him out of his trance, Destiny got his attention.

      “And who are you? I'm Destiny, you must be Daryl?” She said with a smile.

      “Yeah I'm Daryl. These are my homies, TJ, Kevin, and my little homey Lil Howard. Say what's up boy.”

      “Hi-hi-hi-hi, my na-na-na-name is Lil Howard.” He stuttered shyly.

      “Get the fuck out of here with your stuttering ass.” Daryl teased. All of Daryl's homies laughed. Destiny felt kind of bad for him.

      Lil Howard was used to Daryl clowning him.

      “So, do you invite people you don't know to VIP and buy them expensive bottles of champagne at every club you go to?”

      “Nah, I was just sure that I was gonna meet someone like you tonight.” Daryl was gaming her and she didn't even realize it. Meesa still held his attention, but Destiny would do for now.

      “Like me.” Destiny countered, blushing.

      “Yeah, like you, sexy as hell.”

      While Destiny and Daryl continued to flirt, Meesa decided she wanted to go to where the real party was. The dance floor was really jumping.

      Meesa was glad she decided on wearing the red silk peasant blouse she designed. It cut all the way down to the middle of her breast. She had a nice size chest and was perky, so she got away with wearing shit like that. The low rider jeans from BeBe made Meesa's butt look even bigger than it really was. And Meesa loved it. Kisha her stylist had hooked her hair up the day before, so her shit was tight. She wore her hair just like Halle Berry and many people couldn't pull that off like Meesa did.

      Her honey colored skin glowed underneath the neon lights. The flash of lights showed off her hazel green eyes. The Mac lip-gloss she sported made her lips look juicer than usual. Meesa was a lethal weapon and only nineteen. With a badass shape, and a personality to match, she couldn't be touched. And she knew it.

      She wasn't all sick looking like those stick figured models on the runway. She was black and liked having meat on her bones. All her curves were in the right places. And niggas couldn't get enough of her voluptuous thighs. Besides her eyes and lips, they were one of her best features.

      Walking through the crowd of dudes, one in particular caught Meesa's eyes. She had seen him around the local clubs before.

      His name was Latrell Patterson. They called him Black for short. He was a twenty-four year old sexy, chocolate brother, and chocolate that nigga was. She had been eying him for awhile, Meesa loved dark skinned men, especially this one, but she could never get up the nerve to say anything to him. She tried subtle things like walking pass bumping him on accident. Or she would give him her sexiest face, but nothing worked. He acted as if she didn't exist. Black would just look the other way and laugh. The shit was starting to piss Meesa the fuck off.

      Tonight would be different though she thought. She was buzzed and had enough confidence, so she walked up on him and asked, “why is it every time I see you, you act like you don't see me?” She knew she had to be a little tipsy because normally she wasn't this forthcoming.

      “What are you talking about shorty?” He asked.

      “You know what I'm talkin' about. You see me checking you, and you play it off like you don't.”

      “Look, I don't know what the fuck you on or what you talking about ma. But you're high and tripping. So next time, approach me like you got some sense. Come on Rick dog, let's go. I ain't got time for this shit.” He said as he walked off.

      Meesa had been played and in front of his boy. She couldn't believe he did her like that. Fuck him, she thought as she walked onto the dance floor and started to dance by herself.

      Upstairs in VIP,