Psychic Sense. Edgar Cayce

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Название Psychic Sense
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048436

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positive or negative?

      (A) Just as we have given, is it of a creative force, or it the creative force? Is it the force producing or, is it that produced? Just as we have in sex force known on this plane: Man, the producer, woman, that produced. One positive, the other negative. That is the law.

       (Q) Why is Fay Autry, who is now in this room, better than most people to make these suggestions to Edgar Cayce, while he is in this state?

      (A) She is negative.

       (Q) How is the name spelled, of the best person in the world to make these suggestions?

      (A) E-d-w-i-n R-o-t-h.

      (Q) Why is he the best person in the world to make these suggestions.

      (A) Negative.

       (Q) What is his business or profession?

      (A) Scientist is his first appearance on this plane as a man.

       (Q) Is he a medical man?

      (A) He has been. Not at present. We are through.

       (Q) Spell the name of the town, state and country in which he is located at present?

      (A) Serben Servia Bavaria.

       (Q) In what manner can Edgar Cayce communicate with him?

      (A) When the time has arrived, when these forces are to be made manifest to the populace, the forces will draw these bodies together, that the work may be shown in the manner that will be acceptable to all, who would seek the right way, as is shown through this work. This body must first enter into the holy of holies in the mount, before the time comes.

       (Q) What is meant by aliments [ailments?] of the soul, mental and spiritual forces on which this work may border?

      (A) Mental is of the physical, which with its relative forces connecting the soul force and unbalancing of the trugh [truth?] may perform on the soul forces that which brings abnormal results to physical and soul matter. The correction of these only means that it, the work, assists the individual or the entity to find itself and to follow in that way that would lead that individual to its own better self. Each individual must leads its own life, whether in this sphere or in the other planes. The environment makes or performs the variations in whatever it may enter, else we would have no redemption in the blood.

       (Q) How can this body go about the establishing of a hospital at any place at the present time?

      (A) Only has to choose where that this institution or hospital is to be located, and then call on the forces to direct the manner and means of the physical show or building of such a place.

       (Q) Does the environment have any bearing on the results obtained when the body is in this state?

      (A) Environment bends the weakest and the strongest not in the same means, but we have given the environment carried on to the re-entering of the entity.

       (Q) Is it a strain on the person, who makes the suggestions or conducts the readings, either mentally or physically?

      (A) When properly done, no. Each individual has its own set laws of strain on physical or mental forces. With the conducting of the universal force or law, one correctly dividing should gain strength. If not balanced correctly, they may make it a detriment to their physical or mental force. It is their own making, just given strength. Just as the physical of the body, the more often it enters the presence of the universal force, gains strength, that is, when done in moderation. Moderation is as we have given. The pivot, as it were, of all force, strength or weakness, high or low, no excess in any direction good for any force.

       (Q) Why are there times when the forces say “We are through”, when they haven’t completed the work attempting to be done?

      (A) Being deflected to, to force an extent by question or environment as to cause the distress to the connection between the conscious and the subconscious or superconscious forces. A digression of the law forces the issue before it becomes a transgression of the law. Law is love, love is law.

       (Q) What persons now in Dayton, Ohio should be associated with Edgar Cayce in this work?

      (A) These will not be given from this plane.

       (Q) Why do the forces sometime answer questions after they say they are through?

      (A) Suggestion by the director or by environment from those present have again entered within the law, as we haven [have given?]. That makes the digression.

       (Q) Why can one individual get a better reading than another?

      (A) For the same reason as we have given of how it becomes a hardship on an individual to be or act as director. The one nearer in accord or keeping the negative force that the positive question may be given to the forces keep or give the better force . . . [Editor’s Note: To stay on point, a paragraph has been removed.]

       (Q) Is memory thought, or thought memory?

      (A) With the evolving of the individual, the thought becomes a part of the memory as evolved through the developing of the entity. In memory, we may have from either plane, in physical or mental speaking—they are separate. In that of spirit and soul forces, thought and memory are as the entity. If not with spirit, thought and memory depending then upon the plane from which the question is approached. Physically, memory and thought are not synonymous, neither are they of the same beginning in physical forces. In that of the soul and spirit force, they become one and the same in evolution.

       (Q) In the physical plane, do the thoughts of a person of another affect the other person either mentally or physically?

      (A) Depending upon the development of the individual to whom the thought may be directed. The possibilities of the developing of thought transference is first being shown, evolution, you see. The individuals from this plane will and are developing this as the senses were and are developed.

       Text of Reading 3744-2

      This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Phillips Hotel, Dayton, Ohio, this 8th day of October, 1923, in accordance with request made by [5717], [953], [294], [4121] and [5453].


      Edgar Cayce; Linden Shroyer, Conductor; Mamie Rosenberg, Steno. Others (?).


      Time of Reading, Phillips Hotel, 3:00 P.M. Dayton, Ohio.

      (Q) Please give a definition of psychic phenomena.

      (A) Psychic means of the spirit or soul, for cooperation of the Phenomena, or manifestation of the workings of those forces within the individual, or through the individual, from whom such phenomena, or of such phases of the working of the spirit and soul, to bring the actions of these to the physical plane, Phenomena meaning only the act itself, brought to the attention, or manifested in such a way as to bring the attention of an individual to the work itself. [See 900-19 for expansion on this.]

      Psychic in the broader sense meaning spirit, soul, or the imagination of the mind, when attuned to the various phases of either of these two portions of the entity of an individual, or from the entity of others who are passed into the other planes than the physical or material; yet in the broader sense, the phenomena of psychic forces is as material as the forces that become visible to the material or physical plane. [See 900-19]

      Psychic forces cover many various conditions, depending upon the development of the individual, or how far distant the entity is from the plane of spirit and soul forces.
