Psychic Sense. Edgar Cayce

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Название Psychic Sense
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048436

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of the expression of its flexibility. One is no more flexible than the other, though air can occupy with water, same as we have with individuals in this sphere. With the subjugation of one of the elements or of the Trinity of the individual, those characters, those powers, those forces, those laws of the other portion of body are brought out into play and only need the opportunity of their self-expression.

       (Q) Is this work harmful or detrimental to the physical and mental forces of this body?

      (A) No. It may be abused as any force, either of the physical, mental, soul or spiritual force of the body. It may be made to become destructive by the misapplication, as we would have in just those elements as we have shown by the changing of form. Only a very thin veil between sublime and ridiculous, thinner between good and evil, whether applied to the physical, mental, soul or spiritual elements of the physical or material body as is manifested on this plane with its attributes. The highest attributes of the material body being what is called on this plane, the senses and the body is given the vehicle or mode of expressing the fundamentals or findings of its senses or psychic or soul force is expressed to the mental or physical plane through one of these senses, or made manifested thereby. The destructive forces may be made to govern or control any or all these senses in the physical. With the subjugation of one in the material we find some one or all of the others become highly attuned or more sensitive, the same as in the developing of those inclined by the forces, either of the laws being followed by attraction upon by material ability or forces as applied by the universal force in the attraction of other bodies or spheres governing the plane and under the force in which the body takes on sphere, its scope of living. In this manner the developing of the psychic or soul forces through one of the senses so governed may be developed to good or evil, as is classified in this sphere. Evil is only evil to him, who thinks it evil or to what sense it has become applied. All is good as used to the developing of any force under which its law applies.

       (Q) How should this work be used to be the most successful and to do the most good?

      (A) As has been applied and under the laws governing force as is shown in just what has been given to this individual body, Edgar Cayce, we are speaking of, as known on this plane, though this has covered eight generations. We have the forces as applied through that of the healing of physical ailments and that may border on to ailments of the soul and mental and spiritual forces.

       (Q) Is this work to be perpetuated?

      (A) That is its material force, its universal force, see.

       (Q) Is it time to start an institution for the carrying on of these readings?

      (A) Very good. The time is nigh, and not just as yet, not just as yet. Time does not mean anything. Those only be secular.

       (Q) Where should this hospital be?

      (A) Near the sea.

       (Q) In the west or the east?

      (A) Doesn’t matter.

       (Q) What is the significance of the dream, which has come to this body so often in past years, the dream of climbing a hill with a lady?

      (A) All in this manifestation of forces from the universal force, only in symbolic forms. The two as shown represent the whole or entity that must exist for the better forces in the body, whether for secular or psychic, soul or spiritual reasons. None enter the presence of the Maker without its entity, hence the many laws and forces as shown in manifestated ways in the material world. The hill or descending only represents only as the living, way, with its pointing foliage as toward the heavens, almost up, only with secular ideas. The down road is followed, though strewn with the beauties of the universal forces in that covering the earth. The water or the living way as past with the beauty of all reacknowledged [?] [word was hand written] in the purity of the element itself. The messenger, the wavering of all the forces that secular element must enter in while this plane is being lead for the development of the soul forces. The mud and way representing that, the forces may be lead off from the better ways. The wall that is to be scaled being that which all must overcome, and that as the ones chosen to assist in mounting to the better ways do not lend their assistance they must be cut off, for we find as in this: Always the gold or that of the secular nature follows the other companion well in the one scaling to the top.

      The body in this work gives of the forces as is made manifested to the elemental forces as vibrates through from the superconscience [superconscious?] or subconscience [subconscious?] or soul forces as by the touch, by suggestion, which produces the thought as given or made manifest in words.

       (Q) Should the hospital be established in Dayton, Ohio?

      (A) Be very good. There are others, as we have given, that are much better. There are elements and forces and the influence of those forces that must be considered for the best development of the work or of that expected and that may be accomplished through the work or made manifest to others. The better place would be Virginia or North or South Carolina. The influence from the forces as just given here, that the work as accomplished in Dayton would radiate out to produce those, that would bring about the establishing of the work, those forces that must be considered as to the better are the influences as are brought to bear on the life as lived by the individual itself, and those connected or associated with such work.

       (Q) Just exactly what do you mean by this last statement?

      (A) Just what it said. With a body surrounded with those elements that do not give the vibration that is in accord with the work attempting to be accomplished, there is not the best given off through the work itself. That element would develop itself in any place and especially in Dayton, Ohio.

       (Q) Mr. Cayce, is it possible for Edgar Cayce to establish a hospital anywhere at present?

      (A) Anywhere the body would see fit to establish it, it may be established.

       (Q) Is it possible for the influences to be removed that cause it not to be best to establish a hospital here in Dayton, Ohio?

      (A) We have just given that it is not best to be established in Dayton, Ohio. Why kick against the pricks? (Virginia Beach)

       (Q) Should the hospital be established near Virginia Beach?

      (A) Very good.

       (Q) In what spot in Virginia or North or South Carolina would it be best to establish the hospital?

      (A) We have given it.

       (Q) What should be the environment of this body when he is normal and when in this state?

      (A) In the normal physical forces of this body, there should be the better forces and elements about this body, that which is in keeping with the work that is being attempted to be done—sufficient of the relaxing of the mental forces to keep the balance in the system. Remember that always that of the ordinary or not too strenuous forces of every character are the better elements with which to be surrounded—not prohibited of or licentious, but that of the mental or well balanced man or individual gives of the best under those conditions, whether in the plane of mental matter, physical matter, spiritual or soul or psychic forces. No one need to be expected to obtain the best under strain or by pressure. Only elemental forces are changed by too much pressure or too lax conditions.

       (Q) How should the body govern his regularity of meals?

      (A) Meet the needs as they present themselves.

       (Q) Should this body eat very much meats?

      (A) Not an excess of anything. Meats are not good for the body, only in moderation.

       (Q) How are the number of readings the body is able to give in any one day to be determined?

      (A) By the physical forces as manifested and by the conditions as they present themselves. An excess of any one