Edgar Cayce

Список книг автора Edgar Cayce

    Jesus As a Pattern

    Edgar Cayce

    The Edgar Cayce readings present Jesus' life as having meaning for every soul in the earth. Regardless of our religious or personal beliefs, Jesus' life of service provides an example for all of humankind and each of us will ultimately be challenged to fulfill that same pattern in our lives. The Cayce readings can help to provide insight into your life and your own patterns.

    Beyond Death

    Edgar Cayce

    Few visionaries have as detailed and expansive a vision of life beyond death as renowned psychic and seer Edgar Cayce, and this latest book presents his discourses on everything from reincarnation to communication with those that have passed on, culminating in the realization of our ultimate purpose for existence.

    Soul & Spirit

    Edgar Cayce

    Learn Edgar Cayce's clear and profound distinction between your soul and your spirit. Spirit is the Life Force within you; soul is your developing True Self. Learn why the difference matters!

    Psychic Sense

    Edgar Cayce

    Cayce answers questions and explores methods to safely explore the unconscious mind and develop psychically and spiritually while warning against some methods that are deemed dangerous. All manner of exploration are included from hypnosis and mediumship to ESP experimentation and using dreams for guidance. Additional reports on possession, automatic writing, Ouija board dangers, and more are also included.

    Reincarnation & Karma

    Edgar Cayce

    The Power of Your Mind

    Edgar Cayce

    Dreams & Visions

    Edgar Cayce