Psychic Sense. Edgar Cayce

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Название Psychic Sense
Автор произведения Edgar Cayce
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048436

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      (A) There is no stated position. The body may as well be in one position as another. In whatever position that it becomes easier for a body or this body, Edgar Cayce, we are to be able to put the physical under subjugation, that position assume or take.

       (Q) Why do the arms ache after the body comes out of this state and back to normal?

      (A) The last of the body re-entering as in the beginning of the personel [personality?]. The body gives off the radiation and it reaches the arms, for they are as in contraction, as might be given from heat to metal that governs and becomes the first and the last to receive and give off that radiated.

       (Q) Is there any way to overcome this?

      (A) Should not be wanted to be overcome. Rather the knowledge that the force is in perfect accord with forces when resistance or when imperfect accord is made or when suggestions are causing the deflection of truth. We do not have the actions when in normal or physical, material normal.

       (Q) Give word for word what should be used to take a reading properly and to secure the best results, that is, to cause this body to go into this state, while he is in this state, and how to bring him out of this state and back to normal?

      (A) The body is only perfect normal while in this state. Those on the physical plane should first know that, that which will reach the nearer accord or harmony between the individuals through which the information is attempted to be obtained, that is, the correct manner, as we have here with this individual and entity. The correct, and this case would be word for word as this: “Now the body is assuming its normal forces and will be able and will give such information as is desired of it at the present time. The body, physically, will be perfectly normal and will give that information now,” then the name, the suggestion of what is desired, and the minds must be in perfect accord without the vibrations being apart [abnormal?]. When the information is obtained, the body would then say: “Now the body will be so equalized as to overcome all those things that might hinder or prevent from being and giving its best mental, spiritual and physical self. Now perfectly normal and balanced, wake up.”

       (Q) Should the body wake up immediately or wait a minute and a half or so?

      (A) Just as we have given. When the conditions assumed this position the body of itself is normal to be awake whether it be moments or weeks or minutes.

       (Q) When is the correct time to say what you have given?

      (A) As the body assumes or passes into this presence here or this state as here.

       (Q) What kind of questions should be asked?

      (A) Only those that are in accord with spiritual and soul forces and laws, which are as these: That which is willing to assist or to make the All better, and by better we mean, relief from pain, suffering of any kind or character without the expense of another individual.

       (Q) Should all questions be positive or negative?

      (A) Positive. Negative gives deflection.

       (Q) Is the information always absolutely correct?

      (A) In so far as it is in accord with the soul forces or matter, and so long as the information desiring to be obtained is in that channel or so long as there is harmony between the one and the other, just as we have given, reflection so far as the deflection is made by the individual through their own suggestion guides or directs the information as it comes to the physical plane. The soul or subconscience [subconscious?] self of this body, Edgar Cayce, is in the state of being guided by the individual who makes the suggestions, and so long as the suggestions are in accord and the mind of the individual is kept in accord, correct—shaded just that much.

       (Q) Is it best that one person take the readings or more than one?

      (A) Only one can make them correctly.

       (Q) Should there be a variety of persons making the suggestions?

      (A) Only one person may. Deflections come more when individual is governed or turned aside by others. There may be at different times more than one. In the making of an individual, as we find the body here on the physical plane, the entity meaning the whole, you see, is made of both the opposite, or positive and negative poles. The body is not complete without the whole or both. We find this shown in the construction of man in many ways and is easily manifested to those who will only read the perfect union in all forces, whether of the physical, mental, material, soul or spirit, is when the two are combined in the body, hence in this individual personality and individuality, the negative often the truer, better information when in this condition. Find that individual.

       (Q) In what manner can the person be chosen to take the readings to obtain the best results?

      (A) It is given to the individual, whom obtains any vision of the super or soul plane to know when they are in accord with that individual. Sex as known on the material does not necessarily mean that a body is positive or negative, but only as shown from the soul or subconscience [subconscious?] or spiritual plane.

       (Q) What kind of a person should make these suggestions?

      (A) As we have given. Those whom are of the negative, for this entity or individual, Edgar Cayce, is the strong positive and must be reached through that channel, as we have given.

       (Q) Is Fay Autry, who is in this room, alright to make these suggestions?

      (A) Very good. Better than most of them.

       (Q) What is the name of the person, who would be the best in the world to make these suggestions?

      (A) Edwin Wroth.

       (Q) Where is this body located at the present time?

      (A) Severian, Bavaria.

       (Q) Is he an American citizen?

      (A) No.

       (Q) What nationality is he?

      (A) Russian.

       (Q) When the case is such that a part or a certain point in a reading is not clear or lost to the person taking the reading why is it not possible to have repeated?

      (A) When once past from the reflection as is shown in the first here, we find we have gone beyond that point or reflection and with the forcing of the condition we do not reach the point from which the reflection was first made.

       (Q) Is the psychic phenomena an inherited trait?

      (A) Not necessarily so unless the spirit or soul of the forces of those directly connected are transplanted in the one. The law of attraction is positive and remains with one. The material attraction is to be to those of the same form, as to whether the phenomena is produced by hereditary is far from being correct. Law of attraction would only draw. See, we have in this plane or sphere certain immutable laws. We have those that may be deflected by coming in contact with each other. The law that is unchangeable remains and is only deflected.

       (Q) Can anyone else do this work besides Edgar Cayce?

      (A) We have no work ahead of us.

       (Q) Mr. Cayce, I mean the psychic phenonema [phenomenon?] or readings?

      (A) All can do it.

       (Q) How can this work be developed so that all can do it?

      (A) All can already do it. As to the degree of the development, only the law of concentration through subjugation, as we have the law here, as this we illustrate conditions: Water occupies a certain place without changing of form. It always occupies that same place, though it is pliable. Air may be compressed without changing form, only needing the opportunities