Spiritual Facelift. Victoria Holt

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Название Spiritual Facelift
Автор произведения Victoria Holt
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Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047064

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      If you are resistant to change, then remember that nothing in life is permanent. How many times have you been adamant about your opinion and then a few years later done a 180-degree turn when you believed something completely different? How many times has a scientist proven a certain law of physics and then had to refine his work when new information came to light? The world is always changing, just like the change of seasons in nature; the only permanent thing is impermanence itself and the truth about God’s universal laws. If you hold on too tight to your beliefs and cling to something that is not in harmony with God’s Truth because it seems too painful to accept that you might be wrong, you will continue to feel only pain and stress in your life. Often our personal truth is based on fear and is in error from God’s perspective.

      When you realize that what you have been taught and believed all your life is not the whole of God’s Truth, it can bring up a lot of grief about your life. What if you have lived many years following belief systems that ultimately turn out not to be true or to have been misinterpreted? The fear of feeling grief about how you have been lied to or how different your life would have been if you had known the whole truth may be so intense that you resort to anger and refuse to allow any new knowledge to enter. But God’s knowledge and wisdom is infinite— an absolute truth—the Divine Truth that has no finality. New information is coming to light all the time. You should not allow yourself to stay locked in the darkness of a stubborn, fearful mind. Every day God is trying to awaken us to something new about the universe and ourselves.

      That is why I hope you can stay open to the new information in this chapter. If you can allow Divine Truth to enter and be open to investigate the possibility of a false belief, then perhaps your life will change for the better. As you continue to read this chapter, allow yourself to investigate how your current belief may need expanding. Permit yourself to identify, experience, and release your fears and also feel, experience, and release the underlying causal emotion that is blocking you from Divine Truth. Truth is often felt to be “painful,” but in reality, only error is painful. If you feel pain when you read the following truths of God, then it is not because you are hearing truth but because you are releasing errors that you have been carrying for all your life. If you can let your knowledge be eternally progressive and can align your personal truth with God’s Divine Truth, your life will be filled with greater peace, clarity, and understanding. As the saying goes, “The truth will set you free.”

      If you understand God’s universal laws, you will understand everything that happens in your life. Everything happening in and around you is a result of either living in harmony or disharmony with these laws. If you understand and embrace this truth, you can ease your physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental suffering. When we feel pain, we are in error and out of harmony with God’s laws; when we feel joy, peace, and love, we are living in harmony with Divine Truth and Love.

      God created many universal laws as a divine guidance system, but most people have ever heard about only a few. They understand the physical laws, such as the Law of Gravity, the Law of Thermodynamics, and the Law of Electromagnetism. Throughout the centuries scientists have studied the physical laws and have proved how they operate on physical and metaphysical matter. Most people know that their life is governed by physical laws, especially that of the Law of Gravity which allows them to walk on the planet.

      But few people understand God’s higher spiritual laws of Natural Love and Divine Love even though these are the most important ones they need to learn. The laws of Natural Love and Divine Love transform the soul and help end suffering permanently.

      Gaining knowledge and wisdom about God’s spiritual laws is the most important gift people can give themselves because it is the soul-based laws that affect your level of happiness. These laws are higher than the physical or metaphysical laws which do not operate on the soul so therefore do not affect how you feel. As an adult, our personal pain and long-term suffering are the result of personally breaking God’s spiritual laws. All God’s laws are loving in their operation and have loving consequences upon the soul; they always operate whether you are aware of them or not.

      The reason most people follow only the physical laws is because they feel an immediate, painful impact on the body such as a broken leg or arm if they go against gravity and fall out of a tree. What they do not realize is that breaking the higher spiritual laws of God creates an automatic penalty on the soul that also immediately impacts the condition of the spirit body and ultimately the physical body.

      When you awaken to God’s higher laws, you will become aware of all your illusions and will learn the truth about life. These laws will not only change the way you think and feel but will also change your reality and perception of the world around you, which will further impact your thinking. You cannot control people or stop life’s difficult situations, but you can change how you react to them by following God’s universal laws.

      Following is a brief overview of God’s laws of Natural Love and Divine Love. You can apply these laws to your current spiritual practice or religious belief system. There are hundreds of other universal laws, but I have selected only the main laws that directly affect and govern your inner and outer life. If you can follow them in your life, you will reduce your stress, your facial tension, and therefore, your wrinkles. For life to exist and continue to exist, the universe must remain in a state of harmony. Therefore, each law God creates or has created results in a completely harmonious universe for all of creation. These divine laws confirm that God is not, as many people teach, a punishing God but rather a loving God because all of these laws help to end suffering and lead us all back to a place of perfected love.


      Natural Love laws are moral or spiritual laws governing and operating on the soul. They are higher laws than the physical laws such as the Law of Gravity. Portions of these laws are reflected in most religions and spiritual practices, but often they are incomplete. Very few people on earth fully understand the laws of Natural Love even though they govern our enjoyment of life.

      The laws that people have heard of are the moral commandments dealing with killing, stealing, or committing adultery. But what many do not understand is that even if people do not physically break a moral law by taking action and killing, stealing, or cheating but they think about killing, stealing, or cheating, then they have still broken God’s spiritual laws of Natural Love because of their innermost thoughts and feelings. This will create an instant emotional penalty on the soul, which will degrade the soul condition and therefore, the spirit body and physical body. The purpose of the penalty is not to punish but rather to correct the person and bring him or her back into a state of harmony with the universe, the true state of happiness. God does not exact the penalty for the violation of the law; the law does it itself.

      Your soul condition is significantly influenced by Natural Love laws because they show you not only how to love yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically but also how to love other people. Natural Love laws help to develop the love that comes from inside the human soul, from within you. Natural love exists as an emotion within your soul and can be given to and felt by another human. If you are in disharmony with these laws, you will feel unhappy. If you are unhappy, then God’s divine system is showing you that a law of love is being broken. There is an emotional penalty on the soul that is causing you pain; you probably learned the wrong things about love as a child.

      Examples of Natural Love laws are: the Law of Free Will, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Compensation (also known as the Law of Karma), and the Law of Desire.


      The Law of Free Will is one of the most important of God’s laws of Natural Love. It is a gift from God that allows us to choose or do anything we desire. By acting on your free will throughout your life, especially as an adult, you have been able to gain knowledge about who you are and why you are here. The Law of Free Will allows us to act in harmony with anything that is truthful (loving) or in error (unloving). When we love ourselves,