Spiritual Facelift. Victoria Holt

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Название Spiritual Facelift
Автор произведения Victoria Holt
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047064

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others agree with our decisions or not. If you follow this law, you never suppress the exercise of your own free will even if other people want you to. You will never suppress feeling and experiencing your own emotions or doing what you desire even if it is in complete disharmony with Divine Truth and Love. But you recognize that if you exercise your free will in disharmony with God’s laws, you will suffer consequences and feel an emotional penalty in your soul.

      If you go against your free will, it shows you that you do not love yourself; you have an addiction to “being loved” caused by a painful childhood emotional injury that makes you feel unworthy. Likewise, if you react negatively or try to stop someone else’s free will because he or she is not conforming to what you want, then you are out of harmony with God’s laws. This stems from a need to be in control and a desire to avoid recognizing your deeper emotions.


      The Law of Attraction means that our thoughts and feelings co-create our reality; what we think about we create; what we feel, we attract into our lives. The energy of our thoughts and feelings manifests into a physical reality.

      Our Law of Attraction is God’s messenger of truth, showing us what needs healing in our soul. The soul is a powerful magnet, and our feelings are the main basis of the Law of Attraction. Emotions are electromagnetically charged so they attract or repel into our life other electromagnetically charged things in the surrounding universe. The soul condition determines every single thing that comes into your life and all future experiences through the Law of Attraction. You can only change your Law of Attraction by changing your soul condition. If you experience a negative event, it shows there is something that you must resolve within yourself. Once you have cleared any emotional injuries from your soul, then you will be able to manifest anything positive your heart desires.

      The only people who do not have any Law of Attraction are children. Because children do not have free will at birth, they have no Law of Attraction until they are older. They are subject to their parents’ Law of Attraction which means that anything which happens to a young child is caused by suppressed emotions in the parent. When parents clear their emotional injuries and addictions, their child will automatically heal.


      This powerful law means that what you sow, you will reap. Every action that you do creates a positive or negative reaction. What you send out into the universe comes back to you and has an effect. Everything that has happened in your life and your physical body is the result of some cause. If you only attempt to change the effects and never address the cause, then the effects will continue. You need to treat the cause; otherwise your Law of Attraction will never change. If you follow this law, you will never blame another person or try to avoid the emotions created by events and situations in your everyday life. You need to look at what soul condition in yourself prevents you from being in harmony with the Law of Cause and Effect. It usually derives from a fear of feeling your childhood emotions. When you do not address the cause of your feelings, then much of your time and energy will be spent trying to control other people and avoid your own painful emotions. This will cause you to feel frustrated and exhausted.


      This law revolves around the instant penalties the soul incurs if you are unloving and break the laws of Natural Love. The Law of Compensation is different from the Law of Cause and Effect because it operates only on the personal level of your own soul and does not affect anyone else. The effect of breaking the law is man’s punishment inflicted on himself because of his memories and awareness of the unloving actions he has taken against himself or another. The Law of Compensation cannot be avoided under any circumstances because it was created to help a person develop in natural love.

      The only way the Law of Compensation can be stopped is to release our painful memories. Some people live for many years in great pain before they receive relief because they cannot forget what they have done. As the painful memories leave, the person will suffer less. He or she will be free from the penalties of the law, but it could take years of suffering until the feeling of freedom arises.

      The most powerful way to relieve people of their painful memories is love. This love comes in the form of remorse, sorrow, and the desire to make amends for any harm caused. But until love is awakened, a person usually cannot feel remorse, regret, or the desire to made amends. Once people feel remorse, the penalty is eradicated, and the soul is restored to a pure state.


      Ask and you shall receive! This law means that what you desire, you get. If you have a passionate longing and desire in your soul for something, you can manifest it. If you develop and allow a passionate longing for anything, whether that thing is harmonious or disharmonious with Divine Truth and Love, you will receive it. Your own desires and passions are paramount to your soul progression. Your soul has incarnated to fulfill its desires so if you do not follow your soul’s desire, you will experience pain.

      The results of this law create either pleasurable or painful experiences in your life. You can have a variety of desires that range from romantic love or material things to being a mother or a business owner, yet the highest desire is a passion for God’s Divine Love. If your desires are in harmony with God’s Truth and Love, your soul’s desires will bring you great happiness and joy. If your desires are out of harmony, then the consequences can be harmful. The saying “Be careful what you wish for” is true.


      The Divine Love laws operate upon the soul at the highest level and allow infinite soul progression. They affect the overall condition of the soul and can override Natural Love laws. These laws govern our connection with God and assist the transformation of our human soul into something divine and immortal. Few people on earth have ever heard of these laws even though they determine our universal existence. Most people feel these laws are purely religious and unscientific in nature and therefore invalid. None of these laws can be understood intellectually; they can be understood only emotionally at the level of soul perception.

      Examples of Divine Love laws are: the Law of Repentance, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Divine Truth, and the Law of New Birth.


      Divine Truth is the absolute, infinite truth of God; without it love cannot be complete. Divine Truth can only enter the soul emotionally; it is felt rather than intellectually understood. Divine Truth does not compromise, even to keep the peace. Many religions and New Age circles teach portions of Divine Truth, but most distort Divine Truth by intellectualizing and theorizing about it. God’s Truth is not personal truth, although personal truth can become absolute truth if we grow towards God. When you follow the law, you speak, feel, and live in harmony with God’s Truth at all times, never withholding truth, no matter what the consequences are or what anyone else feels. Emotional truthfulness is the most loving act you can do to heal both yourself and others. Divine Truth is essential because it is only the truth that truly sets you free.


      This law shows there is no reason to refuse to forgive in any situation—forgive others just as God forgives you—freely and immediately. If you do not forgive, then your soul will be filled with resentment and anger, which will cause physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harm. Forgiveness is not intellectual but emotional. When you have forgiven, there will be no emotional charge or emotional signature left inside of your soul. This means you will not remember the event or what a particular person did to you. When an emotional signature is released, its physical manifestation has no foundation and is, therefore, neutralized. The Law of Attraction will show you when forgiveness is complete because you will feel no more anger or resentment towards the people who have hurt you. You will not avoid or fear meeting them unless they choose to repeat their harmful actions.

      THE LAW