Spiritual Facelift. Victoria Holt

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Название Spiritual Facelift
Автор произведения Victoria Holt
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Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047064

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sensations. It is energy materialized into solid matter. Your physical body is attached to the spirit body by a silver cord. At death, the cord attached to the spirit body detaches from the physical body so that this body no longer receives a stream of life-force energy and information. This causes physical death.

      Your physical body has a brain that communicates directly with the mind of the spirit body (the subconscious mind). The brain is the main computer of your physical body; it sends messages to parts of your body so they can fulfill necessary bodily functions and actions. The brain controls the body either by activating muscles or by causing secretions of chemicals such as hormones and neurotransmitters. As the human soul purifies and expands its level of consciousness, soul-to-soul communication takes over while the mind and brain become less dominant and less controlling. You begin to communicate through feeling, which is the only true form of communication. Your memories and intelligence are actually in the soul. When the soul and spirit body disconnects from the physical body at death, the brain dies.

      When you understand the basic flow of energy through your soul and your spirit body to your physical body, you can begin to understand that your physical body—the level of matter itself—is the result of hidden causes taking place in the soul. Many healers are concluding that disease can be identified in the soul and spirit body before it manifests in the physical. In fact, the term disease literally describes the imbalance in your energy systems. As you become “ill at ease” with your thoughts and feelings, they will eventually manifest as some form of disease or disorder in your spirit body and physical body.

      The cycle of energy through your systems changes the state of the subtle energy field around you, especially when you become imbalanced and your feelings change. If you feel hatred, shame, or fear, that energy will flow from your soul into your aura, which will lower your vibration level and damage your physical body. As the vibration of energy lowers and the quality of the energy gets denser, it slows the flow and causes blockages. We record every thought and feeling in one of our seven chakras, and they become lodged there until they are released. This slows down the chakras spin rate. When your energy vibration gets slower and your body gets denser, your cells and body move further away from their naturally high and light vibrational state which is the state of perfected love. This causes your cells to age and die. So if you want to change your spirit body and your physical body, you have to change the contents of your soul.

      Now you have the full picture to enable understanding of the workings of your physical body, your soul, and spirit body. You can begin to reverse the aging process and heal the years of harm you have unwittingly done to yourself. Hopefully, as you look in the mirror, the invisible has become visible now so that you can approach the rejuvenation of your body in a new way.

      But where do you begin your healing process? How do you start to tap into the eternal fountain of youth? It is simple; you have to purify your mind, body, and soul. You have to embark on a program of spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional detoxification. You have got to say goodbye to the old in order for your cells and your soul to be reborn.

      You need to set about restoring your youthful beauty and vitality by beginning a journey back to a place of perfected love, which is the highest of energy vibrations. This state of perfected love is known as becoming at one with God or at-onement with God. You reach this high level of energy frequency by clearing your Qi, unblocking your chakra system, cleansing your mind, your spirit body, your physical body, and your soul, especially, of all the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual toxins that have accumulated in your system since childhood. You need to take yourself back to the beginning, to your foundation, when you were once a pristine soul with pure energy and no false beliefs, negative thoughts or feelings.

      As I said at the beginning of this chapter, spiritual masters treat their bodies as sacred temples—a place to house their souls. To maintain their body temples and keep them looking golden, shining, and brand new, they dedicate time to cleaning and honoring the soul inside.

      If you want to begin the process of healing and age reversal, then you, too, need to become a master and learn how to treat your body as a sacred space, worshipping not just the outside temple but the inside of your soul.

      “But,” I hear you panic, “how can I become a spiritual master? I’m an ordinary person. I can’t possibly reverse all the harm I have done to my body when my life has been so hard? It’s too late to start now because too many years have gone by. I’m over forty; I feel overwhelmed. I need a quick fix; I don’t have the time to do all this work.”

      Believe me when I say that you can create a new body that selfreplenishes, does not self-destruct, and stays healthy, vibrant, and young. You can become your own healer, dermatologist, dietician, fitness trainer, and spiritual guru. There are already thousands of ordinary people doing this process. You can become a spiritual master in your own right, especially if you make the purification of your body, mind, and soul an important part of your daily schedule.

      Once you have decluttered your system and removed all of the emotional toxicity, energetic density, and the physical damage, you will go through a metamorphosis. A transformational alchemy will occur in your cells. Your DNA will recode and change as your body returns to a state of “lightness” and well-being. All the blockages will be released, and your energy will start to flow properly through your chakra system again.

      Your body will vibrate at a much higher frequency—the same frequency as the field of universal love. As you raise your vibration rate, your body will become more nourished in its own being. It will transform into a light body by allowing less trapped matter to manifest and allowing light to enter so you are not so solid. It is at this state of high vibration that you will tap into the eternal fountain of youth.

      From this ageless, sacred place you will have an abundance of energy. Your aura will become brighter and more expansive; you will start to radiate light from your eyes, and your face will transmit your beautiful energy. Other people will begin to notice your change; they will feel drawn to your light and your pure, loving soul. You will become the superbeing whom God intended you to be—a vessel of youth, vitality, love, and true beauty.

      So be assured that you can naturally redesign yourself, but it is going to take some commitment, some reorganization of priorities, and an oath to declutter. But do not be overwhelmed; the process can be easy if you simply dedicate a small amount of your busy day to staying pure and balanced. When you change your priorities and your outlook, not only will your face have a spiritual facelift, but your entire life will be uplifted and forever changed for the better.

      Now that you have full understanding of the powerful destiny that lies ahead, you can start your natural health and beauty program today. Follow the seven steps of purification in this book, and stay open to the spiritual truths that you read in each chapter even if they feel strange at first. Your soul will soon awaken to truth again and organically start its healing journey back to pure light and love.

      Remember, your goal should not be to create a perfect physical body. Your goal should be to stay focused on your destinations of finding the real you—your authentic self—and of reaching a state of perfected love in your soul. It is only at the level of soul purity, love, and authenticity that your body will function at the highest of energy vibrations and will heal itself naturally. From this place of perfected love, your life will also transform.

      Go be a spiritual master; go claim what is rightfully yours—your health, your beauty, and the best years of your life.

      The following exercises will help to develop a sensory gift and awareness of energy. Please do not get discouraged if you do not get immediate results. It may take some time to develop an ability to read, see, feel, and sense energy. As you work your way through your purification process over the next few weeks and months, you