Spiritual Facelift. Victoria Holt

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Название Spiritual Facelift
Автор произведения Victoria Holt
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047064

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       As your soul and energy field purifies, you will no longer need or have any desire to see a healer or outside source to help you heal or to make your body look younger. You will be your own self-healing, self-replenishing mind, body, and soul. This should be the end goal of your spiritual purification program.

      Exercise 6: Learning to Exercise with Energy

      Eastern martial arts techniques and exercise programs such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong will help you further understand and work with the energy of the universe and the energy of your body. The exercises harness the Qi or life energy force. They are slow and magnetically charged movements that are gentle, yet provide a very strong sense of Qi. Just lifting your hands along the front of your body can send a wave of heat and magnetic sensation (Qi) moving through your entire body. Buy a Tai Chi or Qi Gong DVD to practice at home or take a class in your local community.

       Tai Chi, also called Tai Chi Chuan, is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. To do Tai Chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Through proper breathing and movements that should be taught by a Tai Chi master, you will be able to achieve a harmonious state. Tai Chi can also be used for meditation and other health purposes. Tai Chi can also help you defend yourself in times of trouble by teaching you how to deflect the intentions and energy of your attacker.

       Qi Gong (ch’i kung, chi gong), China’s ancient system of energy medicine, consists of exercises and meditations that stimulate the flow of Qi, life energy. It is the philosophy and practice of aligning breath, physical activity, and awareness for mental, spiritual, and physical health as well as the development of human potential. As a spiritual art rooted in Taoism, it deepens awareness of self and nature as it creates a wonderful feeling of peace and harmony.

      Exercise 7: Learning to Scan Energy

      Learning to feel the energy of objects can be very useful—especially if you have lost your keys or your glasses. You can learn to tune into the object whether it is in your near vicinity or somewhere else. You will “feel” exactly where it is by sensing its energy field.

       Hold your glasses or keys and tune into the frequency. Remember the feeling of the energy of the keys and how you feel in your “gut” when you tune into them. Now ask your friend to hide the keys or glasses. Try and tune into the energy of the object. Feel the sensation in your solar plexus as you try to scan the room for your keys or glasses. You will soon learn to scan a room for something you have lost, and you will know whether or not it is in the room by realizing if you can feel its energy. This exercise will help you deepen the ability to read your own Yes/No energy beacons.

      Exercise 8: Tuning into Other People’s Energy

      Just as you can learn to scan objects, you can also learn to scan people’s energy fields. Practice this scanning technique on different people, such as strangers you meet or people whose hands you shake. When you learn to scan a person’s energy field, your body will tell you all you need to know about his/her soul condition and intentions, no matter how they look or what they are saying.

       Drop your attention down into your heart chakra and solar plexus instead of listening to the thoughts running through your head. These thoughts are often affected by outer appearances and can be biased or deceptive about the actual truth of the person standing before you. You will start to feel your own Yes/No beacons and a sense of good or bad energy in your intuitive center. You will feel nauseous as you tune into someone with negative energy who is unhealthy for you and just the opposite as you scan something or someone full of light energy, goodness, and love.

      Exercise 9: Sending and Receiving Energy

      This exercise will help you understand the power of energy and how far your energy travels.

       Think of a friend and send him/her your loving energy. See how quickly you receive an e-mail or a phone call from that person. He/she will say, “I was thinking of you.” Of course he/she was because your energy was sent out into the universe and directed at someone so he/she immediately felt your energy and presence.

       Remember that energy travels through time and space. You will usually hear from someone a day or two after you have sent that person a thought or feeling if he/she is emotionally connected and energetically open. Try it and see.

      Exercise 10: Crystal Rebalancing

       You can also experience different energy vibrations with colored crystals. You can use them as a supportive tool to help accelerate your deep soul work. They help unleash emotional blockages. The power of the crystal is not a hocus-pocus New Age myth. Many people have been healed through the powerful energy of crystals. They have been spoken about in ancient Indian texts and Chinese medicine as well as being referenced in the Bible. Throughout time, many cultures have understood the magic of crystals. They are a God-given gift from nature with remarkable healing properties.

       Each crystal has its own specific function and frequency to heal different areas of your body and to purify your chakra system. Crystals absorb your negative energy and replenish your body with their healing energy frequencies. Tune into a crystal, and your energy will change to match its. You can place crystals on your body at different chakra points to rebalance and heal your chakra system.

       Crystals such as jade, topaz, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, aquamarine, tiger iron, and garnet can help you sleep, heal your heart, clear your aura, and give you extra strength.

       You will learn more about the power of crystals and their specific healing qualities for different areas of your body throughout the book. But I recommend that you purchase a book on crystals so you can learn more. There is a whole array of crystals, and they all have different healing properties.

       Crystals can really change the energy of a room. Place some rose quartz in a bowl by your bed or a large amethyst on a coffee table. You could also place a piece of opal on your desk to create a good atmosphere at home and at work. Crystals not only change the energy of a space but also make great home accessories. They look very colorful and decorative.

       If you place specific crystals under your pillow at night, your energy will shift to match the energy of the crystal. Any emotional blockages will surface while you are sleeping.

       Carry a crystal in your pocket or wear a crystal as an attractive piece of jewelry round your neck.

       You can also make crystal elixirs if you place a crystal in a glass of water, leave it in the refrigerator overnight and drink the water the next morning. You can also meditate while holding crystals.

       Regularly clean your crystals by first dusting them with a dry clean cloth; then place them in warm salt water. Once you have soaked your crystals, put them outside in the sun for fifteen minutes. This will keep their energy field strong and will cleanse away the negative energy the crystals may have absorbed from you and your surroundings.


       Eradicating Facial Wrinkles

       A quiet mind speaks the loudest.

       Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta

      When we were young, we left the house without an ounce of makeup on and ran around naked. We enjoyed our day without a care in the world. But as we hit our teenage years and the first break out of blemishes appeared, we ran screaming back into our bedrooms. Paranoia set in; we felt that our lives were over and we were never going to be able to show our faces again. From those first moments of teenage angst, our struggles continue the older we get.