Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man. Lytle Webb Robinson

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Название Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man
Автор произведения Lytle Webb Robinson
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046913

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resources of nature. Natural gas and fire were among the first discoveries. In the years ahead, they were to build a civilization superior in many ways to any fashioned since.

      Division of the forces of mind took place during the first thousand years of the occupation of the earth by the perfect race. By this division, part of the mental forces related to the material, and part to the spiritual. It occurred as man emphasized less and less the divine aspect of his nature, became less and less aware of that from which he came. For man recognized that he was a part of what was about him, and he acknowledged the oneness of all matter and force, but he relied more and more on the physical mind with its carnal interpretations. As time went on, only dreams, prayer, and religion remained to remind him of his divine origin. Desire led him to accept things that he instinctively knew were not true; he mingled with the monstrosities and produced the “mixtures”—half animal and half human. Finally, he put ego of self above everything else, “And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him in his heart.” (Gen. 6:6) The Bible gives an account of the flood, which occurred about 28,000 B.C., and in Atlantis it resulted in the submergence of many large islands. Lemuria, too, vanished into the Pacific Ocean.

      Yet even in those days, as in all ages, there were men who were able to attain to such a high consciousness of the Creator that it was not necessary for them to pass again through the earth plane. For “even in that day did they call upon the name of the Lord”. . . .and “Enoch walked with God, and he was not; for God took him.” (Gen. 5:24) A few souls return to the earth plane by choice, the many by law.

      From time to time individuals were raised for specific purposes, and as the cycle continued, again and again there rose certain souls manifesting in a “more beneficent, more magnificent and noble manner” to show the way for man. There has always been direction for those who seek the light, the way to become one again with the Creator. Throughout man’s many and varied periods of development, his progress has accelerated or retrograded, or remained stationary in proportion to the exercise of his will toward good. Thus in each man’s development the first to be conquered is self. Like begets like, for this is part of the universal law. Putting it another way, the mind of man itself, in its total functioning, must be unified and harmonized if he is to remember and accept his divine origin, his inheritance.

      There have been almost as many variations in the use of mind-force as there are individuals. What a soul fed upon or dwelt upon became its means of development or retardation; for good and evil were expressed according to motives and the use made of motives. The people of Atlantis were to pass through the same stages of development as did the other races in other lands; but their progress was to be more rapid, materially if not spiritually.

      Thus through the Christ spirit, the Holy Spirit in Adam—in man as a race—a way was prepared for the conquest of the world; the conquest of spirit over matter, good over evil. Hence, Adam, as an individual as well as a group (Adam means man), started humanity on the long journey back to the state of being worthy of and companionable to the Creator. It was to be a long, weary journey, for men are strangers in the earth.

      In the 1930’s Edgar Cayce gave a series of lectures on the creation story in the Scriptures. This is the gist of what he said.

      In the Bible, the writer of Genesis had the task of explaining infinite happenings in finite words, understandable to finite minds in principle if not in method. The first chapters deal with the period before and during the five-point projection of the Christ Soul, Amilius, into the earth plane.

      The book of Genesis is supposed to have been written by Moses with Joshua, and was evidently done with the idea of giving the people of Moses’ time a concept of what took place in the beginning of man’s advent into material consciousness.

      The Book of Job, written by Melchisedek, is an account of the Son into whose hands the earth was committed and who passed through the trials in the flesh so that he might become the deliverer of mankind.

      The Bible is primarily an esoteric book, a symbolic book; Genesis is the story of creation compressed into a few short verses. Symbols and personifications are used in an earthly setting to convey ideas behind occurrences throughout the universe, in the spirit realm, and in the human body itself.

      It is in the second chapter of Genesis, in the story of Adam, that the real history of man as man begins. This is not a recapitulation of what has gone before. Where the first chapter of Genesis speaks of man the spirit, the second chapter deals with the coming of the perfect race and man’s physical tenure on earth, “for there was not a man to till the ground” (Verse 5). The earth was complete in itself, with the ability to supply everything necessary for the reproduction of itself.

      As a result of the creation of the sixth day, the earth became occupied with souls who had projected themselves into matter, interested in the physical evolution taking place in the earth—and not yet conscious that they were thus separating themselves from the image in which they had been made. A perfect, physical man had to be created as a separate creation, in order that there might be a comparison for the souls who had projected themselves into animals and produced monstrosities. Man, perfect physical man, created in Genesis 2:7, would be a physical counterpart of that spiritual creation expressed in Genesis 1:26. The material man created was made in the image of God, in that he was formed of the dust of the ground—i.e., the human body is chemically composed of all the elements in the earth.

      As the souls were created in the beginning, they were neither male nor female but both, a complete whole. The soul itself has no sex, and it takes on the positive or negative expression when it comes into materiality, according to its development and its purpose to be accomplished.

      The time arrived when Adam, too, was divided as in other phases of creation. Eve was created to complete Adam’s expression as the example for others. Adam had already been made complete, so it was necessary to take from his physical body the negative force, which would be expressed by Eve. This does not mean that Adam’s soul was split, but that out of his body was taken negative force through which another soul manifested as Eve. They were what we might call twin souls. Each soul is complete in itself, but in relation to one another, man is positive and woman is negative.

      Thus the universe came into being through Mind—the Mind of the Maker. The earth came into existence much in the same way in which each atomic cell multiples in itself; and worlds are still being made by the same process.

      When the earth cooled and became habitable, man as man entered through the mind of the Maker. He entered into materiality in the form of flesh-man—that which carnally might die, decay, and return to dust. But the spirit in man is immortal and eternal that he may again be one with the Creator. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

      Although man has come a long way towards subduing the earth, materially and scientifically, he nevertheless persists in trying to subdue his fellow man. He has not yet fully accepted the Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. For all men are indeed brothers; there is no other real relationship.

      Overcoming the monstrosities, the mixtures, and the animal influences was accomplished through rebirth, surgery, and evolution towards a more divine purpose. The animal influences finally disappeared about 9000 B.C. Remnants of these pathetic creatures with their appendages of wings, tails, feathers, claws, and hooves were later depicted accurately in Assyrian and Egyptian art. The sphinx is a notable example of one of the earlier monstrosities.


      “When the forces of the universe came together, upon the waters was the sound of the coming of the sons of God. And the morning stars sang together. Over the face of the waters was the voice of the glory of the coming of the plane for man’s indwelling. The earth in its form became a place; and afterwards able to be an abode for the creature called man.”


      “The entity was . . . in the beginning when the first of the elements were given and the forces were first set in motion that brought about the sphere . . . called the earth plane . . . when the morning stars sang together, and