Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man. Lytle Webb Robinson

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Название Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man
Автор произведения Lytle Webb Robinson
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046913

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the Creator. Thus they became absorbed with their own creative powers, with which they had been endowed from the beginning, and they mimicked the beasts of the fields and the fowls of the air, dreaming up ideas of bodies it would be pleasant to inhabit.

      Thoughts are deeds, and these desires eventually materialized; for from the beginning the resources of all creation have been available to man. The forms so conceived were at first merely in the nature of thought-forms or visualizations, made by pushing themselves out of themselves in whatever manner desired—much in the way of the atom which, when split, eventually forms two more complete atoms; or as the growth of the amoebae in the waters of a stagnant pool, which multiply themselves again and again. As the gratification of their carnal and material desires took shape, however, the forms hardened or congealed into matter itself and took on the color of the environment, much as a chameleon adapts itself or takes on the color of its surroundings.

      The mentality of the soul was its predominant activity, or direction of growth. The fact that the mental was constantly seeking expression in and becoming attached to the material necessitated a division of the mind-force. This resulted in the three phases of thought-process: the conscious mind, which gives direction to the building-up, use, and control of matter; the subconscious or unconscious, which is the storehouse of memory, the inter-between; and the superconscious, which is devoted entirely to the soul-mind.

      These are not three distinct minds but rather are the functions of one mind at three different levels. Between the conscious and the superconscious there appears to be a constant war, or working at cross-purposes. Yet in the end the superconscious must be the victor.

      As souls used and abused their privileges, the highest and the lowest applications of divine forces were made. The few who sought to know the way were given guidance, as it has always been given; the masses deliberately turned away, seeking fulfillment of their own desires. These became entrapped.

      Chaos resulted not only from the forms taken but from the misapplication of spiritual powers. The male and female came into being. This was the separation of the sexes, the division of the nature of man into positive and negative forces.

      The first female was called Lilith, the forerunner of Eve, and a conglomeration of monstrosities emerged. The cyclops, the satyr, centaur, unicorn, and various forms mentioned in mythology, having animal bodies and human heads, came into existence. Thus the souls who had been hovering about, influencing and directing, inhabited bodies that were projections of their own mental creations—and propagated a race of monstrosities.

      Their bodies were their own creations, not God’s. These were the daughters of men, the giants in the earth, of the Old Testament. So a weird, corrupt state of existence came into being, but it was the beginning of a new period of evolution for the soul—the long struggle for spirit’s conquest over matter.

      The monstrosities roamed the earth and mixed with the animals. Sex was the determining factor, as symbolized by the serpent. Through their offspring, souls were being born again and again into a prison of matter from which they could not extricate themselves. Trapped in these grotesque bodies, man as such was drifting further and further away from his Source, the harmonious existence in peace and love that had been his. This he had willfully discarded for the selfish gratification of the carnal; and he had accomplished it by the spirituality destructive use of creative powers for self. This was the Original Sin of man.

      Only in the earth did souls take on matter and become physical. In other planes and realms—other states of consciousness—the plan for evolution of the spirit varied. Only in the physical, three-dimensional plane does the transition from one plane to another necessitate the process called birth and death. The soul, the spirit of God in man, has been immortal from the beginning. It is not born and does not die, for souls are as corpuscles in the body of God, the Whole.

      Amilius, with the aid of spiritual-minded soul entities from other realms—the “sons of the Most High”—intervened in this misshapened evolution that earth-man had created for himself. From among the various physical forms on earth, a body was patterned that most perfectly fitted the needs of man. This was a body that would help, not hinder, in the struggle for at-one-moment (atonement) with the Maker.

      By his own choice, Amilius himself descended into matter and became Adam, man as flesh and blood, the first of the perfect race, the first of the Sons of God as opposed to “Daughters of Men,” the freakish offspring of the Mixtures. This was the reason for the admonishment to keep the race pure, for “the Sons of God looked upon the daughters of Men and saw them as being fair.” (Gen. 6:2)

      Adam was an individual but he was also more; he was the symbol of the whole race of man, the five races. Eve was created as the ideal helpmate for Adam, because of the division of man’s spiritual nature into positive and negative. Thus Eve was also the symbolic “other half” of man’s nature in all races. This was the last of the important creations.

      In woman, the negative and receptive was expressed, the positive suppressed. In man, the positive and active was expressed and the negative suppressed. For at first the Sons of God, the souls, were androgynous, combining male and female as one. The first companion, Lilith, was a projection into the animal world—a means to an end, for the satisfying of desire that had entered. With the turning-back to the Creator’s plans and the turning-within to creative impulses, the creation of Eve was made necessary as a helpmate and a balance in the long struggle back to God, which was to ensue. Eve was created by God and drawn in an instant from the soul-entity already in existence. “God said, ‘Let there be life,’” and there was life.

      Through Eve, the perfect complement to Adam, there was the channel for reproduction of the perfect race. Cain was born of physically perfect parents. Adam and Eve, with their contemporaries, were special creations and not evolutions from that which had already been created. Man did not descend from the monkey.

      Everything in the earth had been prepared for the coming of man. The immutable laws of nature were established for his life and sustenance. Through the law of relativity, the positive and the negative, man and woman experience earth: night and day, hot and cold, good and bad—all realized through the five physical senses via the reasoning of the mind.

      Yet always man retains—even unknowingly—the sixth, seventh, and eighth senses. These are the psychic or extrasensory factors of the soul that have gradually receded into the background as man has entered more and more into matter.

      The projection of the perfect race into matter occurred not only in the Garden of Eden—which the readings say was in Iran and the Caucasus—but in five different places in the earth at the same time.

      These five occupations in the world represented the five physical senses that are to be conquered before spiritual perfection can again be attained. There were 133 million souls in the earth at this time. The white race was in Iran, the Caucasus area along the Black Sea and the Carpathian Mountains of Central Europe. The yellow race was in what was later to become the Gobi Desert of East Asia. The black race was in the Sudan and upper West Africa. The brown race was in the Andes and Lemuria, the continent lying then in the area of the Pacific Ocean. The red race was in Atlantis and America.

      The environment and climatic conditions determined the color of the race. For all peoples, regardless of color, were of one blood and members of the perfect race. Color of the race merely adapted man to the conditions that were to be met, and symbolized the chief attribute of the people of that race. In the white race, sight or seeing was predominant or emphasized; in the red, feeling or emotion; in the yellow, hearing; in the black, gratification of the appetites; and in the brown, the emphasis on the sense of smell.

      The Jews, as a people, developed at a much later date. The Egyptians also came later, as a result of the mixture of red, black, and white races, in about 10,000 B.C.

      The continent of Atlantis was the most important land area of the world and the center of the first civilization. With the second influx of souls—i.e., the coming of the perfect race, some 10—million years ago—a new era was to begin in the evolution of man in the earth.

      The Atlanteans