Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man. Lytle Webb Robinson

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Название Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man
Автор произведения Lytle Webb Robinson
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046913

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The entity came into being with that multitude.”


      “The entity finds itself body, mind, and soul; which answers to the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost—in the three-dimensional world. God moved and the spirit came into activity. In the moving was brought light and then chaos. In this light came the creation of that which in the earth came to be matter; in the spheres about the earth, space and time. In patience it has evolved through those activities until there are the heavens and all the constellations, the stars, and the universe as it is known—or sought to be known—by soul-entities in the material plane.

      “Then came materiality as such into the earth, through the Spirit pushing itself into matter. Spirit became individualized and then became what we recognize in one another as individual entities. Spirit which uses matter, which uses every influence in the earth’s environment for the glory of the Creative Forces, partakes of—and is a part of—the Universal Consciousness.

      “As the entity, the individual, then applies itself, it becomes aware through patience, through time, through space, of its relationship to the Godhead. For in itself it finds body, mind, and soul. As the Son is the builder, so is the mind the builder in the individual entity.”


      “Let it be remembered that the earth was peopled by animals before it was peopled by man! First (there was) that of a mass, about which there arose a mist; and then the rising of same, with light breaking over it as it settled itself (to be) as a companion of those (planets) in the universe; as it began its natural (or now natural) rotations, with their varied effects upon various portions of same (earth), as it slowly recedes—and is still slowly receding or gathers closer to the sun, it receives its impetus for awakening the elements that give life itself (by radiation of like elements . . . from the sun) . . . . These elements have their attraction and repulsion, or . . . animosity and gathering together. This we see throughout all of the kingdom . . . whether we speak of the heavenly hosts, or of the stars, or of the planets.”


      “Man was made as man. There were—there are, as we find—only three of the creations . . . matter, force, and mind. All flesh is not one flesh, but the developing of one has always remained in the same (pattern) . . . and only has been (developed) to meet the needs of man, for whom was made all that was made. Man’s evolving has only been . . . the gradual growth upward to the mind of the Maker.

      “Man was made in the beginning, as the ruler over those elements which were prepared in the earth plane for his needs. When the plane became such that man was capable of being sustained by the forces and conditions . . . upon the face of the earth, man appeared. And in man there is found all that may be found without, in the whole earth plane, and other than that, the soul of man is that which makes him above the animal, the vegetable and the mineral kingdoms of the earth. Man did not descend from the monkey, but he has evolved, renewed from time to time—here a little, there a little, line upon line.

      “Man is man, and God’s order of creation which he represents even as (does) His Son who, as the representative of the Father, took on the form on man, the highest of the creation in the plane; and became for man the element that shows . . . the Way, the direction, the Life, the Water, the Vine to the Everlasting . . .

      “All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came.”


      “. . . God moved and said, Let there be light, and there was light. Not the light of the sun, but rather that light which—through which, in which—every soul had, and has and ever had, its being.”


      “In the matter of form, as we find, there were first those projections from the animal kingdom; for the thought-bodies gradually took form; and the various combinations . . . classified themselves as gods or rulers over . . . herds, or fowls, or fishes—in part much of the form of the present-day man . . . These took on many sizes as to stature . . . from midgets to giants, for there were giants in the earth in those days—men as tall as ten to twelve feet, and well-proportioned throughout.”


      “The earth brought forth the seed in her season, and man came in the earth plane as the lord of all in that sphere; man appearing in five places then at once. There were the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations. (5748-1) The number of human souls in the earth plane then was 133,000,000 souls.”


      “In the beginning, as matter was impregnated with spirit of the Creative Influence, there came into being Man, in his environment that made for indwelling of the spirit with a soul that might be made one with that Creative Energy.

      “That matter became impregnated with spirit arose from the very fact that spirit, separated, had erred; and only through the environment of matter of flesh might the attributes of the source of good be manifested.

      “For the spirit of evil has not—did not—become manifested in matter; it has only been moved by, or upon, or through matter . . . . Just as the process of time has moved in and through matter, so there has come to man—in the finite mind—the consciousness of the indwelling of soul, spirit, body . . .

      “Hence, as we find, the mind of man then divided for the understanding into the conscious, physical-conscious; the subconscious or unconscious-conscious; and the super- or soul-conscious of the individual entity.”


      “For the entity came not merely by chance. For the earth is a causation world, and in the earth cause and effect are the natural law. And as each soul enters this material plane it is to meet or give such lessons or truths that others, too, may gain more knowledge of the purpose for which each soul enters . . .

      “Then ye as a soul-entity in the beginning sought companionship with God; losing that companionship by choice of . . . what would satisfy or gratify merely the material desire. Thus ye, as the Master, enter again and again; coming to fulfill the law that brought that soul into being: to be one with Him.”


      “Q. Do the lower forms of creation, such as animals, have souls or any life in the spirit form?

      “A. All have the spirit force. Man, as he was made, carries the soul force, that which was made equal with the Creator in the beginning in relation to production in his (man’s) plane of existence. Hence, the necessity for development of that soul energy . . . For in man we find both the spirit entity and the physical entity.”


      “Survival of the fittest applies in the animal kingdom, not for man. Let all read history. Which has survived—brute strength or the development towards God? Which survives—the man who studies God and seeks to emulate His forces and powers, or the man who emulates the forces of earth or flesh? This answers itself . . .”


      “Q. Are souls perfect, as created by God in the beginning? If so, where is there any need for development?

      “A. The answer to this may only be found in the evolution of life, in such a way as to be understood by the finite mind. In the First Cause or Principle, all is perfect. That portion of the whole (manifest in the creation of souls) may become a living soul and equal with the Creator. To reach that position, when separated from Him, it must pass through all stages of development in order that it may be one with the Creator.”


      “Q. The first problem concerns the reason for creation. Should this be given as God’s desire to experience Himself, God’s desire for companionship, God’s desire for expression—or in some other way?

      “A. God’s desire for companionship and expression.

      “Q. The second problem concerns that which is variously called evil, darkness, negation, sin. Should it be said that this