Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man. Lytle Webb Robinson

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Название Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man
Автор произведения Lytle Webb Robinson
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046913

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      Amilius by necessity was endowed with free will and reason, otherwise he would remain of the Whole, at the will of the Whole. Although a part of the Source and aware of his identity with the Source, he was a separate entity and conscious of his own individuality while still one with the Creator in spirit and purpose.

      It was Amilius who fostered the coming of other soul entities into this electro-spiritual world—for all souls were created in the beginning; none was created later. With their free will and reason, they existed as children in a state of perfection, in full accord with the divine will of their Source. These numberless, sexless manifestations of the spirit were the perfect offspring of a benevolent Father and enjoyed a truly spiritual life in a truly spiritual world. Wholly attuned to the Supreme Will as was Amilius, they were the companions of the Father as they were intended to be: a part of the Whole yet aware of being separate and independent entities.

      Since they possessed free will, each entity’s first thought, first reaction, and first expression were slightly different from those of all others. Thus each individual idea and each realization or motive became a part of the entity. Thought upon thought, experience after experience, each of these unembodied spirits built its own peculiar individuality and character. The activity of the spiritual entity thus became its soul-record. That which it thought it gradually became.

      Every thought and every deed registered not only on the entity’s soul but on the skein of time and space, or the Akashic Records. This is the “Recording Angel” or the “Book of Life.” Nothing escapes it. Every vibration from the beginning is permanently recorded on the stream of time and space.

      But not for long did the will of the souls remain the will of their Source. They began to experiment, fascinated with the power of their own creative individuality. Desire and self-aggrandizement gave birth to the destructive—that which was opposed to goodness, the opposite of God’s will. By magnifying their own will and independence, the selfishness of the ego came into being. It was this turning away from God’s will that brought about the downfall, the separation, the end of the state of perfection. This was the Revolt of the Angels, or the Fall of Man.

      When souls turned from God’s will to their own, they separated themselves from their spiritual home, their natural home, for a long time to come. The link was severed by their own choice, and only by their own choice could it be reforged. Soon there was no turning back; the perfect state that was their birthright was already too difficult to attain. A self-created evolution was under way. They fell away further and further from the Divine Will, until there was no hope for a retreat—a return to their natural abode.

      Amilius realized what was happening. A plan was conceived whereby a means of escape was devised from the predicament into which the lost souls had fallen. By intervening he accepted voluntarily the burden of the world to come—a task almost overwhelming in its magnitude. This was the first of many sacrifices.

      In accordance with the plan, materiality came into being; for matter was essential in order to demonstrate physically the separation from spirit, so that the souls might become aware of their fall, although the earth was not created solely for man. The solar systems, the planets, and the earth took form, created by the same thought vibrations and the same life-essence emanating from the mind of God. The poles—the positive and negative around which the world revolves—were the keystones. The atom, made up of negative electrons revolving with positive protons, was the building block. Every atom, every cell is a world in itself and motivated by the same life-giving spirit: not the Creator but the manifestation of the Creator.

      The Cosmos was built by and upon the principles that became known as music, arithmetic, and geometry; harmony, system, and balance. By changing the rate of vibration—the wave-length and the frequency, so to speak—varying movements, patterns, forms, and substances came into being. This was the beginning of the law of diversity that supplies endless designs for the universal pattern. Upon this law are based the great divisions in force and matter.

      Each design carried inherently within itself its own plan of growth and evolution, which corresponds to the sound of a musical note. Notes unite to make chords; chords become phrases; phrases turn into melodies; melodies intermingle around and between each other to make a symphony. Back and forth the mind of God played upon the universe, unlimited within the scope of imagination of an all-creative Spirit.

      All matter moved and changed, assuming its design according to its own vibration and maintaining its activity by the law of attraction and repulsion, the positive and the negative. Everything that came into being was an aspect of mind—the Spirit of the Creator.

      All matter contains spirit and is electrical in function, manifesting in different forms because of varying rates of vibration or speed. Every condition that exists in the material plane has its counterpart and its pattern in the cosmic or spiritual plane. All force is one force. Things spiritual and things material are the same in essence although different in manifestation or expression.

      The earth is only an atom in the universe of worlds. The solar system comprises other dimensions or other states of consciousness of existence. Although each dimension has its own set of laws, the same force governing the earth rules the planets, the stars, the constellations, for all are held in space by the same law of attraction and repulsion. The earth represents the third dimension, the testing laboratory for the entire system. The other planes—Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus—were to play their part in the plan of evolution for the soul, although in a way somewhat different from that later supposed.

      “The earth plane, first a mass of vibrating heat from which arose a seething mist, settled itself as a companion world in the universe of worlds. As it began its natural rotation, it slowly moved closer to the sun, from which it receives its impetus for the awakening of the elements that give life in its various forms.” (364-6)

      The laws of creative forces are universal. The first is the law of Love, the second the law of propagation, the third the law of evolution, or growth and development. Thus the spirit of God, the Creative Force, had moved over the face of the earth, and out of chaos came the beauty of raw nature in all its glory.

      Said Cayce: “The mind of God embraces the one total life energy with its universally evolved portion called mind, in all its forms, all its stages of development, and all of its self-conscious, individual viewpoints, including ourselves. Yet while in the physical form we possess not the Creator’s kind of mind, but rather the kind that mind becomes in materiality.” (792-2)

      “The First Cause was that the created would be the companion for the Creator; that it, the creature, would by its manifestations in activity of that (which was) given unto the creature, show itself to be not only worthy of but companionable to the Creator. Hence every form of life that man sees in a material world is an essence or manifestation of the Creator; not the Creator but a manifestation of the First Cause.

      “Then a soul—the offspring of the Creator—(when) entering into a consciousness which becomes a manifestation in any plane or sphere of activity, is given free will for its use of those abilities or qualities or conditions in its experience. And it will demonstrate, manifest and show forth what it reflects in its activity towards that First Cause.” (5753-1)

      To Amilius was given the keeping of the earth-sphere. The mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms were thriving long before man entered this plane. They were governed by immutable laws already set in motion. Souls still in the spirit were attracted by matter and came to the new outer realms in large numbers. The earth was only one of many spheres that came into their paths and to which they were drawn.

      Those souls, still in the spirit, who were attracted to the earth plane observed the various forms of animal life and the fleshly ties. They hovered about it, viewing the abundance of growing things in the slowly cooling and tropical earth. They saw the fruit of the land and wanted to taste it; they observed the sex life of the animals and wanted to experience it. Since desire impelled them to seek expression in matter, they partook more and more of the material, becoming eaters of, feeders upon their physical surroundings.

      Since souls were also self-conscious viewpoints possessed of God