Leading Intercessions. Raymond Chapman

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Название Leading Intercessions
Автор произведения Raymond Chapman
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781848253827

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May the grace of his communion fortify us until we rest with them.

      As we come to the Table of the Lord, may these our prayers be united with the great Prayer of Thanksgiving.


      In sorrow, in penitence and in thanksgiving for the divine sacrifice of the Passion, let us pray.

      Give to your Church grace to enter deeply into the sad mystery of this day . . . As we stand before the Cross of Jesus Christ, make us more worthy to take that Cross as the sign of our faith.

      Have mercy on a world that goes its way ignorant or forgetful of Christ’s sacrificial love . . . In the power of the Cross, let his true kingship be established.

      As Jesus cared for his mother and his friend even in the hour of death, let nothing diminish our concern for one another . . . As he was crucified near to a city, may his saving love come into our homes.

      Look with compassion on all who are bruised and smitten by suffering . . . In the sufferings of Christ, let them find healing.

      We pray for all whose earthly lives have ended . . . We pray that the death which destroyed death shall be their life.

      Now and at all times, we offer our prayers through Jesus Christ, crucified for us.


      In quiet confidence and joyful expectation, let us pray to the Lord.

      With sorrow and hope we offer our worship this day . . . Grant to all the faithful the grace to wait upon your will in peace and stillness.

      Bring to busy, restless humanity the blessing of calm . . . May the message of hope be preached even in the darkest places of the world.

      Bless our families with the peace of Christ . . . Heal disputes and divisions in our community with the remembrance that Christ suffered for us all, even to death.

      Give rest to the tired minds and bodies of those for whom Christ suffered in the flesh . . .

      Have mercy on all who mourn, and give them confidence in a new and greater life. Be close to those who sleep now in death . . . Come to the dying, and bring them with Jesus through the tomb into eternal life.

      Through the peace of trust and repose in Jesus Christ, we offer these our prayers.


      Let us pray to the Father who raised his Son to life that we might live for ever in him.

      Strengthen your Church to be the Body of Christ at work in the world . . . Heal our divisions and imperfections, make whole this visible body so that it may truly reflect his glorious Body . . . Give grace to ministers of the Gospel in proclaiming the message of the Resurrection.

      We pray that the joy of the Resurrection may be known throughout the world, that those who are ignorant of the love of Christ may feel his presence and share his risen life . . . May all human endeavour become part of the new creation and the life without end.

      Give grace this Easter time to heal the wounds of differences among our families, friends and neighbours . . . By the offering and acceptance of pardon where there has been wrong, may we know together the fullness of the Easter life.

      Grant to all who suffer the knowledge of where true healing is to be found . . . Heal the hurt and broken bodies, give peace to the troubled minds, restore hope to the grieved and anxious spirits . . . Lead all human sorrow through the pain of the dying Christ to the joy of his Resurrection.

      As we rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ our Saviour, we pray for all who, like him, have suffered the death of the body . . . We pray that the power which brought him from the grave may give them a part in his victory over death and in his risen life for ever.

      Risen with Christ and filled with new life, we pray as his people on earth.


      Let us pray, in the peace of the risen Christ and with the faith of the Apostles.

      As the Apostles proclaimed the good news of the Resurrection, inspire the Church to make it known to all people . . . Come with power among us and confirm our faith.

      Break through the barriers that close human hearts against your love . . . Let all people understand their true inheritance through grace.

      Make us your witnesses to others, bringing news of the Risen Christ to our families and friends, our neighbours and colleagues . . . May the peace of your presence spread through our community.

      Have mercy on those who cannot grasp the reality of your love for them . . . Give confidence to those who are constrained by doubt and fear.

      We give thanks for those who held their faith through the trials of this world and have received their salvation, resting in the peace where all wounds are healed, all doubts dispelled.

      May God pardon our doubts and imperfections in these and all our prayers.


      Let us pray to the Father through the Son who is close to us now and always.

      As the risen Christ was made known in the breaking of bread, give grace to all Christian people through the holy communion of his Body and Blood . . . Forgive our failures of devotion when we come to his Table.

      Open the eyes of those who do not understand that Christ is near to them . . . May the truth of his sacrifice for men and women everywhere be known in all the world.

      Guide us to discern Christ in all our lives, in our friends and colleagues, in those that we find difficult to love . . . Inspire us to share the good news of the Resurrection.

      Have mercy on those who are so cast down by sorrow that they cannot feel the divine love . . . Lighten their darkness with the light of the new life in Christ.

      Abide with those whose days on earth are spent and who now rest in Christ . . . Grant to all who have walked with him the fullness of his presence.

      That our eyes may be opened and our hearts warmed with faith, we offer our prayers.


      Let us pray to the Lord, by whose grace we are led in the paths of righteousness.

      Strengthen your Church in the desire for true fellowship . . . Make us one in heart and mind, so that we may share the riches of your grace with all.

      Make all the world hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and turn from the ways of evil . . . Give strength to those who work for better sharing of this world’s goods.

      Enfold our homes and places of work in the love of Christ . . . Let nothing destroy our care for one another.

      Have mercy on all who like sheep have gone astray . . . Lead them back to the true fold of your love where they may find fullness of life.

      We remember those who have passed through the door of death and found it the door of life prepared by the Resurrection of Christ . . . Grant them eternal life.

      We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of his sheep.


      In the faith of Christ, we pray as he has commanded us and given us his example.

      As we have become your people by grace, make us more worthy of our calling . . . Lead your Church to follow Jesus in all things as the way, the truth and the life.

      Spread your healing presence in a world where many cannot bear to hear the truth . . . Give grace and power to those who seek to do great works in the name of Christ.

      Use us as living stones to build a community in your name . . . Keep us, our families and friends, in the true way.

      Soothe the hearts that are troubled and guide the feet