Leading Intercessions. Raymond Chapman

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Название Leading Intercessions
Автор произведения Raymond Chapman
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781848253827

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. Lift the crushing weight of fear from those who live by law without mercy.

      Bless our families, friends and neighbours with health of mind and body . . . Fill us with love and forgiveness for those who have offended us . . . Help us to receive them in love, acknowledging our own need of healing and pardon.

      Have pity on those who feel that society has despised and rejected them . . . Come with your healing power to the chronically sick who despair of health . . . Make them know that they are not forsaken in their suffering.

      Raise up to eternal life the souls of the departed . . . Have mercy on all who mourn, especially for the death of a child.

      That we may be made whole through faith in Christ, we pray in his name.

       PROPER 6

      Let us pray for the Church entrusted to the Disciples and the world into which they were sent.

      As Jesus called the twelve to be disciples, make all members of the Church faithful followers in the way that he taught . . . Strengthen the hope and love that belong to Christian people.

      By the Holy Spirit, bring the radiance of your love into the hearts of all who do not know you . . . Make the Gospel known to those who wander as lost sheep in the world.

      Open our eyes to recognise the needs of others who come close to us . . . As we go on our way, fill us with desire to speak the good news of the Kingdom.

      Relieve and comfort those who suffer from any kind of sickness . . . Empower those who care for them . . . Give new hope to those who have lost it through distress of body or mind.

      As the living receive your divine compassion in their suffering, grant mercy to those who have died and gather them into your eternal Kingdom.

      Called to labour for the Lord, we pray that all we do and say may be truly in his name.

       PROPER 7

      That all Christian people may be one and witnesses to the world, let us pray to the Lord.

      United by baptism into the death of Christ, we seek to be bearers of his life . . . Give to your faithful people the strength to take up the Cross and follow Christ.

      Where selfishness makes people cling to false values, reveal the way of peace through the death of self . . . Give freedom from the sin that diminishes fullness of life.

      Bless us, our families, friends and neighbours, with the spirit of mutual care . . . As servants of our Master, let us be servants of one another, unselfish in our relationships, seeking the common good.

      Be close to those who are persecuted for their faith . . . Shield them from violence and give them hope.

      Enrich with new life those who have died in faith . . . As they passed through the waters of baptism in this world, bring them through the gate of death into glory.

      Seeking new life through the saving death of Christ, we pray in his name.

       PROPER 8

      Let us pray to the Lord, by whose grace we know that he is present here with us.

      Save us from falling back into the sin from which we have been made free . . . Shield the Church from carelessly accepting your grace without remembering the cost of our salvation.

      Hear the cries of the world in the thirst of the body and the thirst of the soul . . . Open the minds of all to the message of salvation.

      Help us to care for all who are our special responsibility through family or friendship . . . Teach us to receive your little ones in love, that we may discern the needs of our community and seek to meet them in the name of Christ.

      Have mercy on all who are held in the slavery of sin . . . Give to those damaged by addiction to evil habits the strength that they cannot find in themselves.

      We pray that the departed may be released from the penalty due to sin . . . In your mercy, grant them your promised gift of eternal life.

      We stand in the presence of God, praying that our faith may be shown in works of love.

       PROPER 9

      Let us pray through the Son to the Father, Lord of heaven and earth.

      Keep the Church strong in the law of Christ, resisting the temptation to accept false values . . . May your people in their generation be truly the children of wisdom.

      Have pity on a world full of discontent, restless and finding no lasting satisfaction . . . Guide into the right way all who desire the good but give way to evil.

      Help us to discern and follow the right way in all our relationships . . . May the knowledge of your truth be known to this community . . . Give wisdom to those who hold responsibility in it and make them agents of your law of love.

      Have mercy on those whose lives are weary and whose burdens are heavy . . . May they come to know the freedom of trust in Jesus Christ.

      We pray for those who have been delivered from their mortal bodies . . . Now that the struggle with sin is over, receive them into your presence.

      Secure in the rest that Christ has given, we pray in his name.

       PROPER 10

      Let us pray to God, through whose word our words are given life.

      Bless the Church, that she may be fruitful in good works . . . Let the word of truth not wither away, but grow to a rich harvest.

      Come to the stony places of the world, where the life of the flesh prevails over the life of the spirit, and bring your peace.

      May our families and friends, our neighbours and colleagues, receive the grace of the Spirit, to be rich in good work and sure faith.

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