Leading Intercessions. Raymond Chapman

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Название Leading Intercessions
Автор произведения Raymond Chapman
Жанр Религия: прочее
Издательство Религия: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781848253827

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      Have mercy on those whose suffering holds them in the agony of the moment . . . Bring to them the vision of the time when good shall triumph and there shall be no more pain and sorrow.

      We commend into your keeping the souls of those who faithfully looked for the fulfilment of your promise and have entered into the Church Triumphant of the saints . . . Give us grace to hold fast to the same hope of eternal life.

      We offer our prayers in the name of the Christ who was long promised, came in humility and will come again in glory.


      Having received the revelation of God through his holy word entrusted to human hands, we pray, confident in his care for all people.

      As the prophets foretold the coming of Christ, and the Baptist declared his presence, empower your Church to make him known at this present time . . . Guide us with wisdom and understanding in the reading of your word revealed in holy scripture.

      Enlighten the people of this world with repentance for past wrong and a new resolve for good . . . Fulfil in our time the promise of peace and reconciliation.

      Open our eyes to find your word for us in Bible reading . . . In all our dealings with one another, enable us to speak the truth in love, to be witnesses of faith to all whose lives touch ours.

      May the present comfort of your holy word and the hope of future glory bring strength to those who suffer . . . Give them relief through the power of Christ, healing all their ills and making all things new.

      Grant that the souls of the departed may share the joy of all who have witnessed to the message of salvation . . . We give thanks for those who have gone before to prepare for us the way of peace.

      We offer our words of prayer, that they may be acceptable in the name of the Word made flesh for us.


      As the grace of God has opened our way to come before him, let us pray in the assurance that he is present among us.

      As the Son of God was made known by mighty works, strengthen his Church in true faith and good deeds . . . Make through her witness a highway to your holiness, a garden in the wilderness.

      May the desert places of sin and sorrow blossom as the rose, filled with the joy of your presence . . . Bring light to those who are in darkness, love to the hearts that are barren.

      Bless us with your presence in our families and friendships . . . Give us patience in all our dealings with others . . . Where relationships are hurt or broken, give healing and renewal.

      As our Lord Jesus performed great wonders of healing, bring relief and renewed health to the sick and injured . . . Have mercy on those who after long illness are despairing of health . . . Give them hope and trust in your unfailing love.

      Grant rest to those who have seen the promises fulfilled, all troubles ended, all distresses healed . . . Make them perfect in the peace of Christ.

      Seeking to follow the way which the Lord has shown to us, we make our prayers in his Name.


      Let us pray with confidence in the promise that what we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus will be acceptable to our heavenly Father.

      Strengthen your Church in the name of Jesus, to know the power of the Saviour, of God with us . . . Hold us fast in the obedience and faith that enabled Joseph to perform your will in the work of salvation.

      Give hope and assurance to those who bear the burden of authority in difficult times . . . May all who are doubtful and anxious know that the promise of salvation is made to all who will receive it.

      Help us to be worthy of the name of Jesus which we honour in our faith . . . Number us among those who bear the message of salvation, to be a light to those with whom we live and work.

      Bring new hope and confidence to all who are in doubt and uncertainty . . . Give peace to the troubled minds that distrust those near to them, and bring them new strength in love.

      We pray for those who have known and believed the message of salvation and now rejoice in its fulfilment . . . Be merciful to those who in this world were doubtful and did not find perfect trust: make them also sharers of the promise.

      In humble trust we offer these prayers to Almighty God, through the Name that is above every name.


      God sent his Son to live as a man among us: let us pray in the confidence of our new life in him.

      Rejoicing in the birth of our Lord and Saviour, we pray that the Church may be continually reborn . . . Let us share the humility of the manger, the adoration of the shepherds, and the love of the Holy Family, in the light of him who is the Light of the world.

      Pity and pardon this world of conflict, deaf to the message of peace . . . Bring harmony where there is strife between nations and where people are divided by suspicion and bitterness . . . Heal those who have no peace within themselves.

      We pray for the families and friends with whom we celebrate this happy time . . . Give us true love, unselfish desires and grateful hearts . . . We pray especially for the children, for their unclouded joy at this time . . . Create in us a pattern of human love that will lead them to the love of God who sent his Son as a little child.

      We pray for those who cannot feel the joy of Christmas, through the burden of sickness, bereavement or other distress . . . Comfort with your presence all who are separated at this time from those they love . . . Bring the light of Christ into their afflicted lives.

      Have mercy on the departed who, having shared with Christ their human birth and infancy, have shared with him also the death of the body . . . Make their joy complete, in the Kingdom where there is neither birth nor death but abundant life without end.

      Through Christ who is the hope of the nations and the joy of all people we make our prayers to God who is most wonderfully with us.


      Let us pray, with joy for humanity redeemed and in sorrow for humanity still marred by sin.

      As we rejoice in the Incarnation of Jesus, we acknowledge also his suffering for our salvation . . . Give to the Church grace to proclaim both the joy and the great price of God’s love.

      May the message of this holy time be heard in a world where mistrust and cruelty still bring the abuse of power . . . Give understanding to those whose indifference wounds the divine heart of love.

      In the strength of the incarnate Christ make us instruments of his peace . . . Reconcile us where we are in dispute with others and cleanse us from all resentment.

      We bring before you the innocent who suffer by human sin . . . We pray for civilians caught up in war, for victims of terrorism and crime, for children abused: protect them with your power of love.

      We remember those who died in childhood or youth . . . As they find their fulfilment in the life eternal, comfort those who remain to mourn for them.

      In our fellowship with all God’s people, worshipping here on earth or in the fullness of his glory, we offer these our prayers.


      Let us pray in the unity of all who worship Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and the Lord of mercy.

      You have gathered your people together, with the purpose that they may be one . . . Bring to the Church the complete unity that is your will . . . Give us grace to proclaim the promises prepared from the beginning and revealed in Jesus Christ.

      In a world torn apart by divisions and strife, lead us back into the way of peace, heal what is damaged and unite what is sundered . . . Give to all in authority wisdom and a true desire for peace.
