Prayer the Source of Strength for Life. None Grace Dola Balogun None

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Название Prayer the Source of Strength for Life
Автор произведения None Grace Dola Balogun None
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780985198015

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We must pray for those who are violent among us, for the Lord to turn them into peace, for the peace of God to rule and continue to rule in their heart and mind always so that they can live a peaceful life.

      We must pray for those who hate us for our Lord to turn them from hatred in to love, for them to see the light of God penetrate into and through their hearts and fill them up with joy of the living heart.

      God told prophet Jeremiah 32:41, “I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul.” God surely gather all the children of Israel from all the Lands God told prophet Jeremiah that the people would be restored to the land and to a right relationship with Him, and he will make an everlasting covenant with them. God did exactly what He said in 1948, is anything too hard for the Lord? The answer is No.

      Of the Father Almighty, father of our Lord and Savior, the father of all glory, sustainer of all things assured prophet Jeremiah that through His power the people would be restored to their land. Up until today God’s power of love never stop, or diminished for His people from individual people, to the people in the community, for the nations and for the entire universe. God’s Word promises a blessed future for all believers in Christ Jesus our Lord.

      Believers in Christ must and can depend on God’s Word even though we may not know the specific manner, or how His promises going to be achieve or takes place, or how it will be accomplished. But we must Continue to trust, and have strong faith in the Lord. We must believe that the good work He started on our lives, He is the only one that can carry it out to the completion according to the power that works in us. God hears the prayer of the righteous.

      Because of our sinful nature, we are powerless to make ourselves righteous and acceptable to come before God in prayer, we have to know that Jesus Christ is the only one that lived this earth sinless, His death and resurrection, declares us righteous, Jesus carried all our sin on the cross.

      His righteousness is ours by faith with this in mind, we are confident and boldly approach the throne of grace, where God hears and answers all our prayers.

      The holy Bible says: “There is only one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus our great intercessor in heaven. Christ is the only one who died on the cross for our past, present, future sins and rose from the dead, who is now sited at the right hand of God, who defeated death and the power of evil and sins.

      The same Jesus Christ is the only one that sited at the right hand of God interceding for us. Asking the Father for what we needed and the time we need it. Jesus Christ is our high priest of a new covenant in heaven, He knows and familiar with all our suffering, weaknesses, temptations, afflictions and troubles. When we call on God the father in prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ’s intercessory holy name we must know that we have the assurance and the confidence, and boldly we will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of all our needs (Hebrews 4:16).

      We must all approach the throne of grace with confidence because Jesus Christ our suffering Lord sympathizes with our weaknesses, we can confidently approach the heavenly throne, knowing that our prayers and petitions are received and desired by our heavenly father. It is the throne of grace because from it flows God’s love, help, mercy, forgiveness, wisdom, spiritual power, spiritual gifts, the fruit of the spirit, the river of living water, and all that we need in any circumstances of our lives.

      We need to abide in Christ. Jesus Christ explained to us that the key to a strong and healthy Christian life is abided in him. (John 15:1-7). Jesus stated that I am the true vine, He describes Himself as the “true Vine” we are the branches, by remaining attached or clued to him as the source of our live, and power, we produced fruits. God almighty the father is the Gardner who takes care of the branches in order that they may bear fruit and more fruits into His kingdom. Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks of two different branches: the branch that is fruitless and the new branch that is fruitful.

      The branches that stopped to bear fruit are those that no longer have life in them that comes from enduring faith in and love for Christ. These branches the father pulled from the vine, He separates them from vital union with Christ.

      When people or a believer stopped remaining in Christ, they cease to have life in him thus they are severed and thrown into the fire. The branches that bear fruit are those who have life in Christ and in themselves because of their enduring faith in and love for Christ these branches the father prunes so that they will become more and more fruitful.


      Pray Through the Word of God

      In order to be strengthened in our prayer lives we must pray through the Word of God. When we quote the Word of God in the Bible what he said to back up our request our supplications, our heart desires in our prayers to Him, we are praying through the Word of God.

      When Christ’s words abide in us, the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ takes control of our thinking our decision makings, our prayer lives our relationships with friends and our children, families, relatives and as well as in our neighborhood.

      Christ’s word is always alive and living in the hearts minds, and soul of believers. Christ word changes our values and it’s also re-arranged and reestablishes our life priorities. For example Jesus Christ our Lord stated in His words,

      “Ask it shall be given you, seek you shall find, knock the door shall be opened, to whom asked received and to whom knock the door was opened to them.” (Luke 11:9-10). With this word in our mind, it shows us that our Lord encourages prayer without ceasing with perseverance in our prayers.

      We must continue to ask, and keep on asking, seeking and knocking. When we continue asking it implies our consciousness of our need and our strong belief that God hears our prayer. Seeking also implies earnestness in our petitioning with our obedience, while we continue to exercise our patient and obedience to Christ’s will for our lives.

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