Prayer the Source of Strength for Life. None Grace Dola Balogun None

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Название Prayer the Source of Strength for Life
Автор произведения None Grace Dola Balogun None
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780985198015

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restore the desires of our hearts and fulfill them if He knows that our heart’s desires are good for us.

      My prayer is that this book will bring great changes into the lives of those who read it, no matter what church denomination, and also in the heart and mind of other people of different religions and religious perspectives and beliefs all over the world.


      Lord, Teach Us How to Pray

      In Luke Gospel Chapter 11: 1-13 and in the book of Matthew 6:5-14, during the time of Our Lord’s earthly ministry, He was praying in a certain place. When He finished, His prayer was so inspired that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord teach us to pray, just as John taught His disciples.” Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:

      “Our Father who are in heaven,

      hallowed be your name, your

      kingdom come your will be

      done, on earth as it is written in

      heaven. Give us today our daily

      bread. Forgive us our debts as

      we forgive our debtors. Lead us

      not into temptation and deliver

      us from evil. For thine is the

      kingdom, the power, and the


      Our Lord indicates the area of concern that all the body of Christ must concentrate on in a Christian’s prayer. Our Lord said believer’s greatest concern in prayers and in our lives should be the hallowing of the name of God. It is the utmost important that God be reverenced, glorified and exalted in our lives.

      In our prayer and in our daily walk we must be intensely concerned with the reputation of God, awareness of who God is in our lives, in church, His gospel and His kingdom.

      We must pray for the kingdom of God on earth now and with its ultimate fulfillment in the future. We must pray for His Will to be done in our lives which means that we must sincerely desire God’s will and purpose to be fulfilled in our lives and the lives of our families, relatives, and friends according to His eternal plan.

      Believers must determine the will of God primarily in His revealed infinite word, the Bible, and through the Holy Spirit’s leading in our hearts and mind.

      We should pray for our daily bread and needs. Our prayers must be concerned sins and willingness to be able to forgive those of who trespasses, or have done any form of evil against us. Believers must pray for deliverance from the enemies, Satan’s enmity and evil its evil purpose, we must pray for deliverance from his power and schemes and all his tricky games in believers mind and soul.

      Our Lord Jesus Christ emphasizes that all Christians must be determine, ready, and willingly to forgive the evils from the other Christians and the unbelievers around us. God is saying to us if we do not forgive those who offended and willfully do wrong to us,

      He will not forgive us our offenses, and our prayer will not be able to ascend to Him. All the believer of God must take this warning of our Lord seriously to heart by forgiven those who hurt them. We have more than six or eight forms of prayer request to the Lord.

      Three of these prayers are concerned with our holiness and the will of God for us. The other three pertain to and concerns with our personal needs.

      Our Father in heaven means that our prayer connects us with our heavenly father. As our father, the Almighty God loves us, cares for us, and He always welcomes our fellowship and intimacy.

      Through Christ our Lord we have access to God our father at any time either to worship Him and communicate all our needs to Him. God is a father of holiness who opposes sin and all unrighteousness.

      He does not tolerate evil. As our heavenly father, He disciplines and blesses us; He will withhold as well as give us what we need. Even things we do not know that we need. God justice and mercy is incomparable. He responds to all His children according to our faith in him as well as our obedience to him. The most important concern in our prayers and in our lives should the hollowing of the name of God.

      In our walk with God and our prayer to Him we must be focused and concerned with the reputation of God, His church, Gospel and His kingdom. Our prayer must be based and concerned with the kingdom of God on earth now and with its ultimate fulfillment in the years to come.

      Our prayer must be based on Christ return on earth and the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom in the new heaven and the new earth. We must pray for the Holy Spirit’s presence and manifestation of the kingdom of God now and forever.

      Our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates God’s power and authority over Satan and demons and plundered his possessions with the power of prayer and His communion with God the father when he was conducting His ministry on earth. It is impossible to remain neutral in the spiritual realm and conflict between Christ’s kingdom and the power of evil.

      Many people who decided not to follow Christ, set themselves up against Jesus Christ and His righteousness, or they are on the side of Satan and the ungodly.

      Jesus’ words indict any attempted spirited neutrality or compromise with unrighteousness and disobedience. All the believers, body of Christ and all the household of faith must be delivered from sin; they must renounce sin totally in their lives.

      They must be committed to the life of obedience, prayer, and righteousness. They must be filled with the Word of God every day by so doing they be will filled with the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Believers must know that after their conversion, Satan’s power does not end but continues, it never-ceasing.

      We are safe from sin and Satan if we are fully committed to Jesus Christ using all the necessary means of Grace that is available through the word of Christ. Where sin abound grace abounded more and more by His grace we are saved.

      Believers of Jesus who have been delivered from all demonic and were clean by renouncing all sin in their lives if they should leave the door open for more evil spirits with the increase of evil influence to come to them will fall back into serious sin.

      It’s like someone that was wash clean, and put on white robe, later decided to go into the coal mine, for the white robe to be completely clean as before will be very difficult, or impossible. I urge all the believers to learn how to be ready to pray at home, and in our churches.


      What We Need in Prayer

      What we need in prayer is confidence to approach the throne of grace. When we pray, we are calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; we are placing our dependence and trust in God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

      We are pouring out our heart and soul to him, and letting Him know that he is the only one our Deliverer in the time of affliction, distress, and all forms of disappointments, and in time of troubles and tribulations.

      We need to pray to seek His strength and His power over all our trouble soul. We must call upon God in prayer and reminded him that we are a sinner, undeserving of mercy, but he saved us and bless us with His mercy and love. We must remind him about His great love for us, and His goodness and mercy that followed us through all our lives, His unceasing protection in the past and throughout our lives.

      As children of God, we must ask that he listen to our prayers and answer our prayers according to His will and infinite mercy. When we pray, we are strengthening are trust in the Lord and we are exercising our unshakable faith in Him.

      We are also obeying His commandment because God commanded us to pray therefore, we pray in response to God’s loving invitation. Our Lord said, “Ask