Prayer the Source of Strength for Life. None Grace Dola Balogun None

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Название Prayer the Source of Strength for Life
Автор произведения None Grace Dola Balogun None
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780985198015

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prayer our worries will be reduced or erased to the point that it will not border us anymore. The most essential care for worry is our prayer.

      Through prayer we renew our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ’s faithfulness, we cast all our problems upon him, who cares for us God’s peace comes to keep and guided and lead our hearts, mind and soul, spirit as we commune with our Lord. God wills continue to strengthen us in order to do all the things for us according to His will. Prayer helps us to connect and receive the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. (Phil. 4:6-7).

      Believers must rejoice in the Lord Jesus and gain strength by recalling His grace and promises. The Bible said that we restyled against spiritual warfare with the help of the Holy Spirit’s power. We are Christian soldiers, we must fight against all the power of evil, not in our own power but with the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 6:18).

      Prayer shows our dependence upon God’s power and His infinite wisdom, what we need in prayer is powerful tools so important that we will be completely surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and let Him know that we cannot do anything for ourselves, and we have no strength or power to solve this problem on our own. He is the only one who can help us.

      What we need in prayer is to show that we are complete in Christ, and we are acting as we supposed to act as a child of God. We must ask the father for everything, even up to drinking water, we must pray that the water go down safely in our throat to our stomach.

      All believers need to communicate with the father and tell him what is in our minds. Even though God has the power to read our mind, He still wants us to come to him as His child and humble ourselves and let Him know what we are going through, what we needed, even though he understand our situations farther more than we are thinking or asking, He wants us to maintain an intimate relationship with Him as His child His children with complete trust.

      What we need in prayer is a heart full of praises to God the father through our Lord Jesus Christ who give us His Spirit, the Spirit of holiness, and the Spirit of prayer. The more we praise Him and acknowledge what He has done in our life, what he is doing right this moment in our lives and what He will continue to do in our lives, the more the heart of God rejoices with us, and the more he is ready to do more and more great things in our lives.

      We praise the Almighty God when we acknowledge His greatness, mercy and love in our lives, His provisions, His power of healing all our diseases, His power of protection from all evil from day one we arrived on this earth. His innumerable company of angels that he sends to us every day to protect us while we sleep or in danger.

      Believers need to praise him for His mercy, goodness and love that follow us everywhere we go every day of our lives. The Bible said if it is not the mercy of God we would have been consumed His mercy failed not it’s been renewed every morning great is thy faith-fullness Lord our God.

      What we need in prayer are praises and adoration, proclamations of His holy names in our prayers. Praises him for who he is and for what he continues to be in our lives by calling His holy names in your prayers.

      A mighty fortress is our God, the Almighty God, Compassionate, gracious Loving God full of truth and righteousness, Lord God Almighty Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ever one God; The very God the true God, the Creator of everything that exist in heaven and on earth, the only Blessed ruler of human souls, the one who have immortality in the light, the immortal, the invisible the only wise God.

      The Lord Jesus Christ full grace and truth, the Lords of Lords and the Kings of kings, the Holy one of Israel, the Seed of David, The bright and the morning star. The ascended God, the God of resurrection eternal live, the one and only who ascended into heaven, and sited at the right hand of God the father Almighty, the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the whole world, the incarnate begotten Son of the Father, the Holy child of Bethlehem, Our crucified Lord, our risen Lord, the great shepherd of the sheep, the good shepherd, the Chief Shepherd, the one and only our Hope of Glory who is coming back to judge the quick and the dead and all the eye shall see Him.

      The one and only the way the truth and the life, the giver of life. The Messiah who came to this world and redeemed us from our past, present and future sins, our gracious master and our great redeemer, the light of this world the true light that shines forever, and no darkness can comprehended it.

      The mediator of a new covenant, our prophet, priest and High priest of a new covenant, the mediator of a new covenant, the mediator between God and Man. Our advocate of a new Covenant, the one and only Jesus Christ our Lord same yesterday today, and forever. When we call on His names, our heart rejoice and shows how glorious great is our God, God of love, God infinite mercy, God of great infinite compassion, compassionate gracious loving God.

      The book of psalms full of prayer of praises to the Lord who is the great I am. If we believers pray the prayer of praise we will be full of happiness and rejoice, our heart, mind and soul will magnified the Lord.

      Our heart will rejoice in God our Savior who has done and continues to do great things in our lives Holy is His name forever. Our heart will be full of peace of God that surpasses all understanding and we will be stronger in the Lord and in His almighty power.

      What we need in prayer is the heart and mind of thankfulness at all times. God will be able to do more great things in our lives. The fruits of our lips are given thankfulness to His holy name.

      We need to thank God before we sleeps and thank him when we wake up in the morning because He is the one that make us to sleep and wake up.

      We must give thanks to God for the food we eat, for the good health that he gave us, we must thanks God for our physical health, and spiritual standard because in him we move, and we have our being.

      He clothes us with His goodness, righteousness and love. The holy Bible said for God so love the world that he gave His one and only begotten Son that those who believed in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16). He provides for our clothing and shelter, he also surrounded us with good people in our lives that help us when we were down and in distress they take care of us.

      We must continue to give God thanks every day of our lives, he bless us with His peace that pass all understanding he save us from perils of danger, disasters, accidents, violent behavior from some people around us. He fills our heart and mind with joy everlasting. We must continue to give him unceasing thanks.

      What we need in our prayers is to confess our sin if we know we violate His orders or commandments telling him we are sorry for what we do or have done. Especially when we intentionally hurt someone feelings physically or emotionally know that no matter what they are, God created them in His own image.

      By telling God about our sins, we put our trust in him that he will restore us back into the fold as our Lord’s parable of prodigal son. (Luke 15:11-21), verses 17-19, “When he came to his senses, he said, How many of my father’s hired men have food to spare and here I am starving to death I will set out and go back to my father and say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against your I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.” Our Lord said God and the angels rejoicing in heaven with great love, compassion and grief for those who have fallen into sin and spiritual death but when one sinner repents they rejoice.

      The book of Isaiah 62:5 said, “As a young man marries a maiden, so will your sons marry you; as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.” God is never silent. He has appointed watchmen on the walls of Zion, prophets and faithful intercessors who never stop praying for the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth and for the Glory of Jerusalem.

      We, the body of Christ, need to be diligently pray without ceasing for the establishment and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth in order to set up His kingdom that Christ will rule with righteousness over all the earth.

      What we need in our prayer is the power of prayer for the great commission to be fulfill through the help of the holy spirit through all the believer of Jesus Christ for all the believers to work hard for the great commission sincerely, so that all the elect of God will be save and Christ will return without delay.

      We must