Want be a scientist? Read it!. Сергей Владимирович Зайцев

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Название Want be a scientist? Read it!
Автор произведения Сергей Владимирович Зайцев
Жанр Юмор: прочее
Издательство Юмор: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449854476

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other technical institutes were somehow on the second plan. To create to myself advertising and to prove before the heads, the rector of one of solid Moscow technical institutes (I will not name, and that still will take offence) has decided to collect all honours pupils of the first course in one group, and became in the ministry and at any meetings of rectors to tell about the new fine initiative. Now it is called «PR». In the central newspapers laudatory articles have been placed about it. And he has so taken a great interest, that has lost any vigilance, and has invited rectors of all leading Moscow institutes to familiarise with its best practices.

      There have arrived rectors, representatives from the ministry, long spoke before representatives of the press grandiloquent, smart speeches. Have then met students – honours pupils. The rector of MEPhI also speaks to them: «Children, and pass all of you in MEPhI!». All is final for! After that case the initiative as can guess, has decayed.

      And on the life experience I have come to conclusion, that if to you Intolerably «It is necessary a science», of course, go to MEPhI or on PhysFak. And if as all normal people, you wish to live well and cheerfully go in any unpretentious institute.

      MEPhI hostel

      «When there is no vodka snack it becomes simple meal».

      «Vasia, and who carries your shirts when they pure?».

      «Ugly women do not happen – there is not enough vodka».

      «A lot of vodka does not happen – there is not enough snack».

      «How many vodka take, and all the same second time to run it is necessary».

      «Why students after the first have not a snack? – Because Then after the second there will be nothing…»

      Axioms of a student’s life

      «At us in a hostel such things become,

      That I never would believe, if In it did not participate».

      The letter in AIDS-info

      In MEPhI hostel, especially in 2nd case drunkenness and other «disgraces» prospered. Probably, partially it spoke what on our faculty did not accept a female? Then the institute management has thought again, and began on two maidens in group to take, probably that somehow though in audiences restrained in expressions (and that, passing near to audiences of our faculty, all heard there such analysis!). Our case had special success in maidens of «easy behavior» as they then were called by the press. In the mornings, having approached to the case №2 it was possible to think, that this female hostel, it is so much them therefrom left. The head of our group Sashka Pilipenko (already grated man with the life experience, served army) very much liked to organize «parties» where forced these maidens (and they not very much and objected) naked to dance on a table. It was it best number! All knew about it, including a management of institute which repeatedly demanded to stop disgraces, and tried to seize all «by naked buttocks» on «scene of crime». The task has been given Komsomol operative group, and hunting has begun! But here only everything, even the most smart, carefully planned round-ups for some reason always came to an end with anything. I think, the reason that a good few of members of operative group simultaneously were habitues of these «parties». The similar occurred and in the Moscow State University. In a high-rise hostel of the Moscow State University the student begins process of copulation with the student. At the same time the group of members of the Komsomol knocks on their door on purpose to check up – and whether there is no who at the student at night. Understanding, that threatens them, the guy, not long thinking, «easily dressed» leaves on a wide window sill, and, keeping there for a pipe, calms down. The student opens a door in a dressing gown, rubs as sleepy eyes. Combatants attentively examine a premise, one looks out in a window, sees there the naked man, and on a question: «Well there?» From man’s solidarity, fairly answers: There anybody. AS ANYBODY!!! – the girl shouts, fainting!

      Superintense study at absence enough cultural rest (it is simple time for it does not remain) led sometimes to mass psychological failures. In 1967 during summer examinations children in a hostel sat, prepared for session, look out of the window – little girls any go. They it to shout something have begun. Те have answered, little by little, all hostel has rebelled, poured out on street, have written posters with «political» slogans of type «down with session!!», has begun The spontaneous Demonstration and meeting, began to beat glasses, the administration has caused a heap of militia, firemen with fire engines… Then when, at last, all «have tied» and have begun «пытать», anybody plainly could not explain anything. Radio stations «Freedom» and «the Voice of America» have somehow found out about this case, and were out of itself for pleasure. They long sucked round this event, naming it «Revolt in red confidential nuclear college». And just Session of the Supreme body any there on which to all students, certainly, was deep to spit at this time has opened. But these «radio voices» assiduously repeated, that students of MEPhI ostensibly demanded closing of Session of the Supreme body of the USSR!

      To the rector has got «on the first», and from it to all subordinate. Students have received also. All who lived in a hostel, have forced to repeat repeatedly CPSU history, (I consider is very severe punishment) and above a three on social studies at this session have put to nobody.

      Second time left directly on the international level, when at restaurant «On-excite» Have got acquainted with any African, and have invited him to continue fun in a hostel. There have got drunk really. Next morning have regained consciousness – beer!!! And rise can nobody. What to do? – Have sent this African behind beer. And he does not know in Russian. Then notes have written to it. It approaches to the saleswoman and reads a note: «Pivo est?» It to it: «there is no BEER,!!!!». It gets the second note and reads terrible braided language: «Bilad! Ia tak i znal! «All alcoholics in turn have disappeared. The saleswoman has taken out from the personal stocks and has supplied with its fuel. Drinking has proceeded. And here in a hostel such delegation is! Militia in cars with flashers, people in the civilian, a heap of afrikan …. Have surrounded a hostel, have rushed into a room, have seized this drunk afrikan, have laid on a magnificent stretcher-palatines, and have solemnly incurred. It has appeared – it any prince from the country «Zhmurkinakvaso», and it was searched all night long by special services of two states. Became ripe large international scandal. All participants of drinking have, of course, expelled from institute.

      We sat somehow drank in a hostel, suddenly bustle on a corridor, shouts. It has appeared, the first-year student was hung up in a toilet on a zone belt. From love-with! I knew it a little – like normal was. Has managed to fall in love with the student from computing faculty, has come to it in the evening – and at it in Beds any muzhik lays. Well, it in a temper also was hung up.

      Unique disgrace which is not present, and I think, never will be in MEPhI, these are drugs. I at all did not hear, that someone used them. This entertainment for humanists and gays. Even it is better to them to spin under a high any nonsense about gnoseological roots of creative intelligency, cognitive verbal noosphere, to put forward global paradigma heuristic concepts etc. And here as you integrals you will take? At once on a start. By the way, a strange thing. In the presence of a large quantity of philosophical faculties, in our country there is no well-known philosopher. Here you can tell, who in our country the philosopher? Well, or name though one achievement of philosophical thought for 50 years. And in tiny Athenes what constellation was! Even I, not descending from a place, can list ten, and their basic thoughts to state.

      Chineses in MEPhI!

      «And at me the wife the Chinese woman, and she so ridiculously speaks: Hiui»

      From letters in Spid-info

      «Probably, in some years it will be necessary to spend once again revolution».
