Want be a scientist? Read it!. Сергей Владимирович Зайцев

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Название Want be a scientist? Read it!
Автор произведения Сергей Владимирович Зайцев
Жанр Юмор: прочее
Издательство Юмор: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449854476

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to the overwhelming majority not only the population, but also to the government officials allocating on it Money. Yes that it! To the majority of scientists these purposes are not clear. And here, at last declared, that with some probability have found out Higgs boson. Also what now? And Higgs it knows! leaves that the aether all the same is? Or not?

      Is not present, it is better to continue and continue this building and in general to play for time and money, While all its initiators not dye. All according to Law Паркинсона: for what the establishment (the ministry, an industry, etc. has been created.), eventually, it starts to work only for self-preservation. The majority of grandiose projects are necessary only… To their heads. Projects of piloted flights concern the same category to Mars, initially senseless Soviet shuttle «Snow-storm» and rocket Н1 also. Still a magnificent feeding trough – INTOR (the international thermonuclear reactor). Its termination of building is planned already for 2040! Here beauty! All the same before payment anybody from initiators will not live. And there after us though a flood!

      There is also a possibility to turn the old goods, to give it the bright name. It, for example, nanotechnology. What is such, anybody distinctly to formulate till now cannot, but in it are engaged now all. For example, people silently were engaged earlier in powder metallurgy. Now they, it appears, are engaged nanotechnology! And what has changed? Absolutely anything except the name. It is a lot of years and without them it was known, that all-round miniaturization is a main way of development of a science and technics. This truism have now lifted on a board and began to cry out, as though they have thought up it. And this nanonism to supervise which have put all the celebrated personality, recently abruptly grows in the plan PR. To people «give» the silliest tales about crowd any nanorobots (on their slang – nanobots) which ostensibly will collect something useful from separate atoms In the garbage container. This shocking obscurantism! In a century before last the impossibility of «devil of Makswell» has been convincingly proved. Any competent physicist perfectly knows about it. Or esteem the book of one of founders of quantum mechanics E.Shredinger «That such a life». There it in detail considers the given question. All this delirium obviously contradicts a science and thermodynamics in particular.

      Also will be never the such nanobots, «devils of Makswell», even «Chubays’s devils».

      Still there was an artful maneuver which I at all do not know, to what section to carry. These are nuclear filters. Short for those who does not know – make on the accelerator bombardment by heavy ions of a layer of a thin polymeric film, and then chemically pickle it, and in tracks from ions the material is poisoned faster. So receive filters with identical small apertures. How many was enthusiastic shouts, publications, reports, promises of scientific and technical revolutions and protection of dissertations round this primitive invention! And here somehow at a scientific and technical exhibition I approach to the leading research institute stand on a problem of nuclear filters. Also that I see – there are no filters! I ask: where your remarkable filters? There are no filters. Have not thought up – as them to clear. After all they are instantly hammered. Each five minutes you will not assort a design and to change filtering membrane! So, of it could not think at once before to inflate a censer? But, of course, scientific degrees, posts and the huge spent means have not been returned back state. Though, undoubtedly, somewhere disposable filters on some milliliters as in syringes, also are necessary. But it after all a drop in the sea. Or here, for example, fluorescent lamps. That, their developers (Academicians!) Were so stupid, what did not understand consequences? All dumps are dirtied now by mercury, and no economy from these lamps will suffice on liquidation the negative consequences for ecology. The main thing was to take awards, ranks, posts.

      Has widely got into a modern science and a direct criminal act. These are recoils, additions, the whole laboratories from dead souls, other frauds. It is natural to be engaged, it is necessary to get preliminary on certain level in administrative hierarchy. On This background on (Forgery and swindle) already and for a criminal offence do not consider the writing of false dissertations. So in the newspaper «Troitsk variant» the situation when the candidate (woman) in pre-election campaign she was openly praised by that in 90th years earned additionally a writing of such forgeries is described.

      Further I result the description of some most interesting events which together, I hope, can it is live and from the different parties to illustrate an event picture in sphere of scientific activity and mutual relations of scientists with an external world.


      «The school learns to live in the world which does not exist». Albert Kamu

      Cases in MEPhI (Now it FBGOU VPO NIJaU— language to break it is possible!)


      «Who to us has got to MEPhI, that to long has ceased…»

      Student’s song

      «Sciences do not have the end, and the life is instant

      Therefore aspire to acquire an essence only

      From a mix of milk with водою geese

      Skilfully to take milk will manage»


      Gaudeamus igitur, so, we will have fun,

      Juvenes dum sumus! While we are young!


      MEPhI was, (and can and now is) one of the main suppliers of psychiatric hospital №15 which is very conveniently located opposite to it. Who – I do not remember, but has very truly told: «you will read a little – you will not learn to think, you will be too much – you will forget».

      I have somehow gone on offset. In one hand there was a package with textbooks, and in another Mother has given to a hand dust that I have thrown out it. I come on offset – in a package dust. I have understood – it is necessary a measure the nobility in study. At big parts of students all cares were reduced to that, as though this session opposite to hand over, yes properly to have fun. Well, still to earn additionally a money. Wau, me now these cares! And all after all, little fools, would dream to finish somewhat quicker institute… Here then —we will begin to live!

      Earlier students, in my opinion, were somehow more cheerful and more carefree. Constantly everyone thought out something, that повеселить the company. So, for example, there was a French film «Fantomas». One student in a hostel after viewing of this film has had hair cut «under Kotovsky», has then dissolved зеленку in a bucket with water, and has dipped there a head. It has turned out poured out Fantomas. In such kind it has gone at first to student’s buffet, nearly has not finished to a faint the barmaid, and then was in institute on examination where has made the present furore.

      At socialism all students have been obliged to be members of the Komsomol. And at us student Ulyanov to whom severe parents have arranged a name and a patronymic – Vladimir Ilich studied! The person for all life has appeared is doomed to mockeries. It is natural, that for a trick we have chosen it at once comsomol organiser. And he should write characteristics on all of us. And here just there was on the screen a film «Seventeen instants of spring». He also has written on us type characteristics: «the excellent sportsman, is ruthless to enemies of the CPSU, character firm нордический, the exemplary family man etc.» Above as have learnt about it … … …. Well was to all of us on nuts! Hardly was Vladimir Ilicha Ulyanov from Komsomol have not expelled. But were afraid, probably – and suddenly the voice of America learns – then the end would be all! Still, Lenin have expelled from Komsomol! Though, then it for poor progress have deducted all the same from institute.

      In MEPhI