Want be a scientist? Read it!. Сергей Владимирович Зайцев

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Название Want be a scientist? Read it!
Автор произведения Сергей Владимирович Зайцев
Жанр Юмор: прочее
Издательство Юмор: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449854476

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to their talent have not received.

      In our society propagandise the meanest and silliest slogan: «the Talent itself will punch to itself road!». It is difficult to think up something more disgusting. Actually it is necessary to cherish such people simply. They, as a rule, in a usual life are helpless, as children. And after all were such which not going at lecture, read volume of theoretical physics Landau for a night, went on examination, and on it nonplused the teacher! Or for the first time at examination from the ticket having learnt about theorem existence, there and then found the, original way of its proof. Some of them laid down the person in a pillow and without ceremony won even against good players in dark at game in chess on three and more boards. Them was about one on group. Obviously, that they not such, as we, usual people. My opinion, that at them for some reason brains do not get tired. At me, for example, after an hour of intensive mental work comes full out. Thus I have noticed, that all talented, they simultaneously good, pleasant and benevolent people. Probably, because unlike us, are deprived envy. I sometimes even think, that to us, to usual people, in such institutions as MEPhI and to do there is nothing. They read «on-diagonal» for an evening the book stuffed with mathematics and acquire all. And I while itself will not make all mathematical calculations, I do not acquire anything. When I have handed over on the five entrance examination in physics in MEPhI, and left «winner» through a front entrance on steps, and to me relatives towards ran, jumping up from delight, the internal voice accurately to me has told: «it is not necessary to you here!». I have not obeyed. But on the first course all like would go perfectly. I – that studied at mathematical school, and already knew higher mathematics bases. Therefore sometimes even tried to prompt to the lecturer. All also have decided, that I – talent. But then really capable people, of course, «have made» me. And as has gone mathphysics, theory of complexes, quantum mech, I here have absolutely become sad. The internal voice was right all the same. You see a stone not under force – do not lift! But on entrance examinations all climb as mad, and do not reflect on consequences. Probably, works an agiotage and a gregarious instinct. And it was necessary to me to go in any economic-statistical, building, or «Trade-Institute» and, quite possibly, would achieve much bigger successes. There by the way, bad students from us forwarded, and them with pleasure took. I met some then – successful, big-bellied, in ties, with secretaries, People happy with a life. Here all my moral, intellectual and other forces as in sand, have left in mad study. It all the same as in a frontal attack on machine guns to go. It is well told: «all useful – is simple, all unnecessary – is difficult».

      Pay attention – practically all first people in our state finished any Periphery, third-rate educational institutions. It is possible to explain it to that they were not required need deeply into a difficult speciality and consequently they had possibility to spend all time for procrawling on a Komsomol and party line, an institution of useful acquaintances.

      Tricks in MEPhI was it is a lot of, but some were remembered only. Here, for example, there was it in 1965г. On change we have run out in a toilet who to smoke, who what for. One of students, the huge guy «from a plough», has run up to a booth and so has jerked for the handle (and it has appeared closed from within) that all sickly castles with guts have taken off. We in shock! There «as the mountain eagle at top of Caucasus» sat itself chef of cafedra of physics on the brink of a toilet bowl! A mute scene. He stretches the right hand to close a door. decides, that he wishes to greet him. Alexander catches his palm, shakes and speaks: «Hello Igor Vladimirovich!». Then on semibent, leaves a toilet, having forgotten, what for has come.

      Loading at study was very big. The main problem consisted that to me tried to push a huge heap in a head absolutely not necessary to me Information. Someone has well told, that the student differs from the teacher that the teacher should know only one subject, and the student – all. And here, at last, all having overcome, I have received the desired diploma! Ur! – Ur! But when to me have appointed the salary …. 100 roubles (and some even a rank «the senior laboratorian» with the salary of 90 roubles!), I have strong and gloomily reflected for the first time. After all being the student, I received much more. Went only in the best restaurants, went by a taxi, has not been constrained at all in means. Really, we will count up: the grant of 60 roubles, earned additionally 40 roubles – conducted a circle of radio for children at the Moscow House of scientists and went in student’s стройотряды – roubles in the summer to 500 earned. And it not considering tutoring. What now was to do? Either defend the dissertation, or live, as the vagabond. What for then so much forces are spent? It is told: «The one who in sciences has deeply got, but has not taken from them neither advantage, nor a joy in vain only I smother has exhausted. To it and to know them it would be not necessary». That was to do, it was necessary to the dissertation to write.

      Though, of course, on 100 roubles then it was possible to live somehow still. It not any 15000 roubles which pay to the engineer in the scientific organizations today. Now has simply paid for apartment and journey, and die, as you know. Therefore the management pretends, that in it pays, and engineers pretend, that work. While this string somehow lasts. But the end any more not behind mountains. Certainly, in a press there are announcements of employment of engineers with the salary of an order of 3000 dollars. But when I esteemed, that they for this money demand …. simply they wish «to buy on a penny of five-kopeck coins».

      Group of honours pupils

      «It is better to have a red physiognomy and the dark blue diploma, than a dark blue physiognomy and the red diploma».

      Student’s wisdom

      «If you such clever, where your money?»

      The American question

      CONCLUSION of Beiker: the problem decision puts two new problems, therefore the best recipe of a happy life: do not solve a problem. (Who such Beiker —till now it is not known.)

      «Either be able to win, or be able to be on friendly terms with the winner.» Fokion, the Athenian politician and the commander

      In Russia there is a phenomenon of working highly skilled poverty. You can be the brilliant engineer or the sensible lawyer – and to receive copecks. A problem that at us the social environment and the state – as at the countries of the third world, and human potential still as at rather developed country. This problem acts in film degradation of human potential when level of professionalism, erudition and culture Z.Sidorkin.

      In the early sixties MEPhI was extremely popular among youth. Simply to a psychosis. To other technical institutes, I think, was very much enviably. In general always there was a traditional competition between PhysFak the Moscow State University, MEPhI, PhysTech and MVTU – who more abruptly? I remember, any student from PhysTech «has not bad acted». It have caught without the ticket in an electric train. Money is not present. Who such? The stude nt From PhysTech. How call? – Albert. A surname? – Einstein. Have sent in institute the letter with the request to work it on general meeting for driving without the ticket! And more recently the candidate for presidents has arrived in PhysTech and at collective meeting has given out to them: « You the best… AFTER PhysFak the Moscow State University». That them SO do, it would be necessary to think long even to very clever person … …. And my acquaintance from MVTU told, how they before April, first over one student have played a trick. In its room the window left on a balcony, the general with the next room. When he has fallen asleep, its window have outside painted over ink, and have rearranged accordingly an alarm clock. On first of April he has woken up, has seen, that is still dark, has looked at an alarm clock and, happy, has fallen asleep. And so some times. Only in the evening he has felt the wrong. Still they had a traditional cool April Fools’ joke for first-year students. Hung up the announcement in a hostel that it is necessary to unload the lorry with products for buffet which will arrive to 12 o’clock in the morning. And loaders