The quatrains as a source of the coincidences. Александр Борисович Моисеев

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Название The quatrains as a source of the coincidences
Автор произведения Александр Борисович Моисеев
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006429543

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lines of the quatrain about Mars, which says that he «will make blood be shed seventy times» and «the destruction of the church and its shrines,» then, probably, it should be understood as an allusion to the USSR, which will be discussed in more detail in the article «The prophecy about the USSR», where the quatrain is considered 70 from the second century. During its formation, many churches were destroyed. All religions were outlawed.

      The destruction of the Church in the USSR


      Quatrain 39 of the 1st Century is quite popular on the Internet, and many rightly interpret it with the assassination of Russian emperor Paul First.

      Russian emperor Paul First

      Translated, it looks like this:

      The ruler will be strangled in bed at night

      For bringing the blond man too close to him.

      Instead, the much-tried Empire is being offered


      Many will die, and the card and package will remain


      His murder took place on the night of March 12, old style and March 24, new style, in 1801, that is, 38 years, 8 months and 6 days after the strange death of his father, Peter III. Thus, after almost 39 years. And a little more 39 years, the coronation of the next emperor Alexander took place. I, held on September 15, old style and September 27, new style.

      Emperor Alexander First, who inherited the Russian throne

      By the way, pay attention to the very name «Pavel». The letter «п» is followed by «авел», as if some kind of abbreviation for «Александр Великий (Alexander Greatest)!». And well known, the emperor Alexander was nicknamed «The Blessed One» for his services to the Fatherland. Therefore, it is also appropriate to call him «greatest». By the way, it was he who issued a decree on the celebration of January 7 as Victory Day in the Patriotic War In 1812. But, first, it is worth saying a few words about the accession to the throne of Emperor Paul himself, which took place in 1796 on November 6, old style, and November 17, new style. On the day of the death of his mother, Catherine the Second. So, by a strange coincidence, he had exactly 6 children, and Alexander I was the eldest. And if we remember that the letter with which the name of the emperor begins in the Russian alphabet is the 17th in a row, then again we get a strange coincidence of the numbers 6 and 17. As for the last days of his life, that it seems to be, according to some data, he was killed as a result of a conspiracy when a group of conspirators broke into the emperor’s chambers, and after being hit with a golden snuff-box, he was strangled with a pillow. It should be noted that this happened in the Mikhailovsky Castle, which was rebuilt from the Summer Palace of the Empress Elizabeth First.

      Mikhailovsky (Engineering) Castle

      And it was this place that Pavel too was born. And see that the strange coincidences here couldn’t without. The main reason for the conspiracy is the severance of diplomatic relations with England due to its seizure of the island of Malta, and the rapprochement of Paul with Napoleon Bonaparte. In addition, Pavel offended the greatest commander Suvorov. At first, he forbade him a solemn entry into the capital after his victory in the Swiss campaign, and on the day of Suvorov death, he announced a military review, not allowing the soldiers to say goodbye to him.

      The three who were «offered to the Empire», mentioned in the 39th quatrain of Nostradamus, are not people at all, but 3 fundamental documents: «The Most Gracious diploma, complained to the Russian people», «Draft manifesto on the peasant question» and «Draft reorganization of the Senate». But they were never published due to disagreements. Finally, the «unread card and package» is an unsuccessful attempt to warn the emperor. And, of course, everyone who supported Emperor Paul in one way or another suffered. Although, the conspirators also failed to take influential positions under the new emperor, since Alexander First gradually removed them all out of a sense of «disgust» towards them. However, some of them left the civil service themselves. The exception, perhaps, was the commander of the light-horse Izyum regiment, Leontius Benningsen, who, generally speaking, at the tragic moment itself, was not in the bedroom of the emperor Paul.

      Leonty Leonty Benningsen

      Therefore, he was subsequently appointed Lithuanian Governor- general. And then, on June 11, 1812, he was promoted to general of the cavalry, and very successfully participated in the war against the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. For which, in the future, he was showered with all sorts of awards. Certainly, the murder of the emperor Paul it was presented to the Russian people as «death from apoplexy». And there were those who took it as a holiday, but there were those who felt a sense of disgust, suspecting the criminal nature of the death.


      There are many «white spots» left in the tragedy of the Nord-Ost, which are connected not only with the circumstances of the use of «special gas». The crimes of terrorists are terrible, but they are not the only ones who should be considered criminals…

      Eternal memory to the victims and those who rescued the hostages!

      This terrible terrorist attack took place on October 23, 2002, practically in the very center of Moscow, during which the terrorists captured 916 people. And they were released after 3 days, that is, On October 26, leaving behind questions that many famous people were trying to get answers to. Both leading politicians and journalists, lawyers, businessmen, relatives of the hostages and the hostages tried to figure it out. By the way, the storming of the Moscow Bearing Theater Center occurred, by a strange coincidence, just through 1 year and 45 days after another terrible terrorist attack, which went down in History as the «Tragedy of the Twin Towers.», where it took place the musical «Nord-Ost», based on Kaverin’s novel «Two captains». Well, in Nostradamus, the quatrain 45 from 1 Century hints at this, translated, looking like this:

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

      Текст предоставлен ООО «Литрес».

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