The quatrains as a source of the coincidences. Александр Борисович Моисеев

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Название The quatrains as a source of the coincidences
Автор произведения Александр Борисович Моисеев
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006429543

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concept of the structure of matter arose. But if you look at it carefully, the associations with the fundamental interactions that have already been mentioned are very interesting. Is gravity the «Element of the Earth»? Undoubtedly. It is enough to remember about gravity, which comes as if «from the Earth». After all, our ancestors could not have known any other planets. Strong interaction – the «Element of Fire»? Well, of course! Nuclear and thermonuclear reactions are the main «fire» in the universe. «The element Air» – electromagnetic interaction? Of course. Like air, the electromagnetic field transmits information both outside and inside us over vast distances! Is the «Element of Water» a weak interaction? This is also fair. All the so-called «baryonic» matter, which makes up both planets and stars, «floats» in an ocean of neutrinos (or rather anti-neutrinos), and this «ocean» ensures the existence of our matter, not antimatter. Well, the doctrine of the primary elements itself has been transformed into a number of fundamental dogmas of various world religions, although, of course, it should be understood that this is only an assumption that is unlikely to be unambiguously confirmed. So, for example, the Christian Trinity and the way it opposes Satan is very similar to the opposition inside the stars of the strong, weak and electromagnetic interaction of gravity: because, gravity tends to compress matter, drive it into what is called a «black hole», and the rest of the interactions are resisting. Well, the doctrine of the primary elements itself has been transformed into a number of fundamental dogmas of various world religions, although, of course, it should be understood that this is only an assumption that is unlikely to be unambiguously confirmed. And God the Father and God the Son immediately evoke an association with strong and weak interactions (not a mother and a child, but the father!). The father is the head of the family, the cell, the nucleus. God the son is the personification of weakness. And the weak interaction is often called the «weak nuclear interaction». Moreover, these are indeed «related» processes, in the sense that they both participate in the formation of the atomic nucleus to a greater extent than gravity and electromagnetism. Finally, God-the Holy Spirit – electromagnetism. Please note: on icons, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. And the white pigeon is the symbol of the carrier pigeon, that is, it can be considered as a hint of the transmission of information. In addition, the word «holy» obviously has the same origin as the word «light». Light is an electromagnetic wave, as you know.

      The Holy Trinity

      Is this a coincidence, or a message from previous civilizations? It is unlikely that we will ever be able to get an unambiguous answer, although the associations are strange.


      The tragic fate of Emperor Nicholas II ended after the Bolsheviks came to power, who, as is known, shot not only him, but also his entire family. And 2 quatrains hint «predictably» at the events of his biography. The first of them, under the number 14 of the 1st Century, indicating the October Revolution of 1917. After translation, according to the source, it looks like this:

      Slaves will sing songs, hymns and demand,

      To release the imprisoned from prisons at by Princes and Gentlemen.

      In the future, as headless idiots

      They will be counted in divine sermons.

      The painting by N. M. Kochergin «The Storming of the Winter Palace», 1950

      First of all, it should be remembered that the main reason for this event was the First World War, which, as is known, began in 1914 after the signing decree about mobilization by the emperor Nicholas in July 19th, as a result of which Germany immediately declared war on Russia. By the way, Nicholas II was the ninth emperor, if we count down from Peter Great.

      Emperor Nicholas II

      But, his reign was the fourteenth just, since the country was also ruled by five queens. In addition, again by a strange coincidence, the Bolshevik party that came to power arose just 14 years before the events of October: in 1903, at the second Congress of the RSDLP (Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party). And the symbol of the Revolution, the 1st-rank cruiser Aurora entered service in the same year, although it was launched much earlier. And such name was caused by Emperor Nicholas from eleven other names when the cruiser was still under construction.

      The 1st rank cruiser Aurora of the Diana type

      By the way, his wedding and coronation were also held on the 14th. On November 14 (26), 1894, in the Large Church of the Winter Palace, he was married to Princess nee Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, fourth daughter Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Hesse and the Rhine, later known as Alexandra Feodor. And in 1896 on May 14 (26), she and Nicholas were crowned, after which on the Khodynka field, through 4 days, that is, on the 18th, during the distribution of gifts in honor of the coronation and wedding of the Romanov couple, more than 1,300 people died in a stampede and about the same number were wounded, which usually happens only in fierce military battles.

      Khodynka field shortly before the tragedy

      Of course, this made an indelible impression on both the Russian public and the Romanov couple themselves. The Empress could not recover from this nightmare for a long time. And then, for the rest of her life, she tried, as it were, to atone for this sin, even without disdaining to work as a simple nurse, for example, during the First World War. She was actively involved in charity work.

      The wife of Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodor

      As for Nikolas, he, of course, as the head of state, reacted to the consequences of the Khodynka tragedy. However, the measures he has taken cannot be called «sufficient» in any way. The Moscow chief of police Alexander Alexander Vlasovsky was removed from office. But, the emperor did not declare at least three days of mourning in the country, did not speak himself, and did not instruct anyone to make a funeral penitential speech to the people. Moreover, the public print media did not mention this event at all. Although, both he and the Empress on May 19 already have visited the victims in hospitals, and the emperor ordered to give 1,000 rubles to each of his personal funds. However, the very silencing of the tragedy turned out to be a mistake that outweighed all his further efforts to make amends. After all, for the common people, the festivities in honor of the coronation of the young emperor were something more than a simple holiday. These were hoping for a better life. But, after the tragedy, the tsar’s gift, the coronation mug already reminded of one of the most terrible catastrophes in Russian history. The people who believed in omens were now sure that the reign of Nicholas II would not be successful and would not end well. It seems that the whole of Russia realized this in an instant and was imbued with distrust and a negative attitude towards the emperor. In 1907, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian poetry of the Silver Age Konstantin Balmont wrote the poem «Our King», which turned out to be prophetic:

      «He’s a coward, feels hesitant,

      But the hour has reckoned awaits yet.

      Who began to reign with Khodynka,

      Will finishing by standing on the scaffold.»

      Therefore, the emperor was accused of cruelty «behind his back». The Romanovs’ experiences were inaccessible to the people. And it was then, according to some historians, that Nicholas II received the nickname: «bloody».