The quatrains as a source of the coincidences. Александр Борисович Моисеев

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Название The quatrains as a source of the coincidences
Автор произведения Александр Борисович Моисеев
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006429543

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was the Russian-Japanese war for control of Manchuria, Korea and the Yellow Sea, which began January 27 (February 9), 1904, which Russia lost (August 23 (September 5) 1905). In the epic novel «Tsushima» by Alexey Sil Novikov-Priboy, the mistakes of the combat training of the Second Pacific Squadron, which caused its defeat, were considered. The point is that, in this novel, the author accuses the emperor of having chosen a very unsuccessful fleet commander. And this once again confirmed the image of the «loser tsar» among the people, who is unable to govern the state. Well, in 1905, against his will, he again confirmed the nickname «bloody» once again, January 9th. There is a peaceful demonstration of workers led by a priest George Gapon was shot and this day was named «Bloody Sunday». Of course, Nikolas did not give the order to shoot at the demonstrators. He himself was not in town at all that day. And this tragedy has already initiated the revolutionary events of 1905—1907.

      George Apollon Gapon

      And again, the ninth Russian emperor since the time of Peter Greatest, Nicholas limited himself to decrees on this subject. Again, neither he nor anyone on his behalf made a penitential speech to the people, although, of course, there was a trial. But no one informed the people about this either. On the basis of these events, on January 11, the emperor established the St. Petersburg Governorate, under whose jurisdiction the city of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg province were transferred. Also, Mayor Fullon resigned.

      Mayor Ivan Alexander Fullon

      That is, these mistakes of the tsar as head of state brought the revolutionary situation closer, and not at all the «class hatred» invented by Lenin. So, the number «14», as «a red line» (according to the Russian expression meaning «the significance of the event»), like the «reds» who later came to power, as the Bolsheviks were later called, became as the curse of Nicholas, and as his family, and the entire Russian Empire, forever depriving the tsar of self-confidence as the leading politician in the country. That’s probably why the two wars he participated in ended in defeat. Well, he abdicated the throne March 2, 1917, according to the old style, and March 15, according to the new style. And the last ruler of Russia from the Romanov dynasty, brother of Nicholas II, Mikhail, it turns out, is the fifteenth and last ruler of the Romanov dynasty. Because the emperor abdicated in favor of his younger brother. Besides, there is as if, hint that the sovereign with number «2», whose name begins with the fifteenth letter of the alphabet renunciation is happening!

      The pre-Reform Russian alphabet

      In addition, even after the reform of the alphabet, the letter with which the name of this emperor begins retained its ordinal number.

      The modern Russian alphabet

      By the way, it is also interesting to note that the first arrest of the former emperor began on March 9 1917, old style (9th emperor of the Romanov dynasty), and ended on April 1 1917, old style and 14 new. So, the revolution in 1917 became possible also because the tsarist government did not act in the best way in the First World War. Especially, the development of events after the so-called Brusilov breakthrough, when the success gained with considerable blood, was gradually completely lost, «overflowed the cup of patience».

      Adjutant General Alexey Alexey Brusilov

      All this led to decomposition in the Russian army, to a feeling of futility, of participating in hostilities, where there is a high risk of becoming disabled, or even dying, as they say, «not for a sniff of tobacco,» while many workers and peasants were waiting for families, their agricultural work on the fields and in factories. In short, an ordinary, peaceful life awaited them. But, in addition to major failures at the front and the loss of a significant number of soldiers, his power was significantly discredited by scandals related to Grigory Rasputin. It should also be noted here that the current State Duma, in fact, was already in opposition to the emperor. Finally, the chief of Staff of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, general Alekseev, on the eve of Nicholas’s abdication, deprived the capital protection, stopping with a circular telegram all combat-ready military units heading for Petrograd (St. Petersburg). In general, it is difficult to imagine what else had to be done for the collapse of the Russian Empire.

      Well, after the fall of the monarchy, the Provisional Government, headed by Alexander Kerensky, tried to continue waging war, which most soldiers no longer wanted. And therefore, the Bolsheviks, just «hit the nail on the head» with their anti-war propaganda. In addition, the red leaders «on all corners» shouted about freedom, equality and fraternity, about the exploitation of workers and peasants by landlords and capitalists. But, only, with the word «democracy» they immediately got something «wrong» Instead, the concept of «dictatorship of the proletariat» was actively introduced into the consciousness of the masses, where the key word immediately turned out to be «dictatorship». By the way, as you can see, here, the word «worker» is replaced by «proletarian» (translated from Latin «common people», and according to Dahl’s dictionary «homeless, penniless»), because this is the word Lenin liked the most. And the letter «п» (see the picture of the modern alphabet), by a strange coincidence, is the seventeenth in the Russian alphabet.

      The poster «Proletarians of all countries unite!»

      So, if monarchy did not mean freedom, then Bolshevism did not mean it even more. It seems that mentally normal people, having become, in fact, slaves overnight, sincerely believed that they lived in a free country that would someday provide them with a «wonderful future». No, of course, at first, there was even a lot of freedom. Besides, there was such freedom that it bordered on with Chaos. «Expropriation of expropriators,» Lenin shouted. And without investigation and trial, they seized property and valuables, raped young ladies, easily breaking into any house where the «bourgeoisie» lived, without much hesitation passing sentences with the help of a gun. But, at the same time, every Bolshevik had to be ready to endure any hardships and without hesitation give his health and life itself «for the cause Revolutions». And each party meeting and then, already, the Komsomol meeting were necessarily accompanied by the performance of two anthems: the International and the Workers’ Marseillaise, which set up full dedication in the name of the «great goal». As if, following the text of the fourteenth quatrain, slaves, or proletarians, really got the will for many prisoners from masters. In addition to those who were convicted, relatively speaking, for political views, many dangerous scoundrels were released, who, moreover, were also considered «socially close elements» at that time and tried to involve them in the fight against the «counterrevolution». However, the first stream was organized by the Provisional Government Alexander Fyodor Kerensky.

      Chairman of the Provisional Government Alexander Fyodor Kerensky

      Because of this, numerous criminal gangs arose, which had almost regular military units and had been operating throughout the country for a long time. But, this time period it would be not quite right to paint only with black paints either. The main achievement of the victorious socialism was the accessibility of school and university education for all and the opportunity to develop their talents in science and invention. In addition, at that time, rationalization proposals, or as they were popularly called, «ratsuhi», they’re very encouraged at many enterprises. No patents were issued for them, although the very concept of «patent» referred only to the «decaying West». In general, there could only have copyright certificates that allowed any businessman abroad to use them completely free of charge, without even mentioning the author.