The quatrains as a source of the coincidences. Александр Борисович Моисеев

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Название The quatrains as a source of the coincidences
Автор произведения Александр Борисович Моисеев
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006429543

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where the ideas were created were paid from the state budget. However, the fees were «reduce to acceptable values», usually. «That inventors, couldn’t get rich. God forbid». Well, there wasn’t much freedom for creativity in culture and art. Basically, of course, propaganda art and literature were encouraged, where it was necessary to constantly praise the Soviet government. Even the whole History was edited for socialist propaganda. Because of this, many serious scientific historical research was banned, or very poorly funded. And yet, the undoubted achievement was completely free medicine and spa treatment. Vouchers for a three-week vacation in the resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus were generally given for free, which now sounds like fiction. In addition, under socialism, it was customary to exchange experiences between various enterprises for free, and easily transfer secrets of a wide variety of technologies, unless, of course, they were related to defense and security. Therefore, employees of various institutions, and especially various research institutes, had the opportunity to travel all over the country on government-paid business trips, and students also had free internships in various cities of the USSR. Well, starting from the end of 1988, again, as indicated in the quatrain, the Bolsheviks, were «not kicked only by the lazy» for all their «outrages», especially after there began to open various state archives and even those that were previously deeply classified. By the way, it was then, in Russia, for the first time, as a result of the so-called political campaign «Glasnost» announced by Mikhail Sergey Gorbachev, that translations of quatrains into Russian appeared of Nostradamus. Of course, and, reborn again, the Church no longer hesitated to anathematize the former red chiefs. And, I must say, there was a reason, although this eventually led to thoughtless copying of the conditions of «Western democracy» and the loss of a number of important achievements that called into question the very integrity of the Russian state and a number of former Soviet republics. But, gradually, the «corners have smoothed out» and now, the current heirs of the Bolsheviks, the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have no hesitation coming to the same Orthodox prayer services. Needless to say, History is capable of making very amazing «zigzags».


      Quatrain 15 from the first Century, apparently, «predictably» alludes to the last sovereign of the Romanov dynasty, who was the head of state for a record short time: total 1 day. And after his death, he was canonized by the Russian By the Orthodox Church on November 1, 1981.

      Mars threatens us with military force

      He will make shed blood seventy times.

      The destruction of the church and its shrines

      The destruction of those who don’t want to hear about them.

      So, the fifteenth crowned ruler, starting from Peter Greatest, was Michael Romanov, one of the emperor’s sons Alexander III, the brother of Nicholas II, after he was abdicated from the throne in his favor on March 2 according to the old style, and on March 15 according to the new one, in 1917, although he did not accept the throne, and according to the law it was impossible to do so. But, formally, he can be considered the last fifteenth ruler of the Romanov dynasty. As you know, Michael did not accept the imperial crown on March 3 (16), because he believed that the constituent assembly should choose the head of state, which would form the people, which caused the strongest disappointment in the Russian army. But, it should be noted that the situation itself was not at all favorable for this. There was no longer any trust in the Romanovs among the people. Therefore, Michael would have to prove his complete independence from the elder his brother. And it would be practically impossible to do that. Except to arrange his public execution. But, of course, he would never be able to do this. And he renounced the Russian throne for the second time, because, before that, he had been persuaded to accept the powers of the emperor by the chairman of the State Duma, M. V. Rodzianko, who summoned him by phone to Petrograd (St. Petersburg) on the morning of February 27 (March 12) 1917. And a little before these events, in 1912, emperor Nicholas deprived him of all titles and inheritance rights for his «morganatic» marriage with Natalia Wolfert (nee Sheremetyevskaya).

      Grand Duke Michael Romanov and Natalia Wolfert

      Yes, besides, he also forbade me to return to Russia. By the Supreme decree of December 15, 1912, the prince’s estates were under sequestration (custody of the state). However, when the First World War began, Mikhail turned to his brother with a request to send him to the front. And for the bravery and talent of a military commander shown in battle, Grand Duke Michael is awarded, at first, the Order of St. Vladimir of the 3rd degree (January 20), and then the Order of St. George, 4th degree (March 3), and finally the St. George’s Arms (June 27), 1915. And in the same year, Natalia Sheremetyevskaya and her and Mikhail’s son George received from Nicholas II the title of Countess and Count Brasov. Well, after his abdication in March 1917, Mikhail was in Gatchina. After the Bolsheviks came to power, until March 7 in 1918, he lived as an ordinary citizen, though deprived of voting rights, like all representatives of the Romanov dynasty. On the night of June 12—13, 1918, he, along with his personal secretary Johnson is kidnapped near the unknown place near on Malaya Yazovaya river. But, what was the true reason for this shooting, and Mikhail was actually shot, it is not known for certain. An attempt to figure this out is made in the article «The Prophecy about was shot Nicholas II and his family», because, apparently, there is some kind of relationship between these events. However, here I would like to say a few words about something else. Russia, of course, has repeatedly been very unlucky that such noble, intelligent, brave and talented people do not become its supreme rulers, because they are too noble. They, a highly cultured people, did not consider public speaking necessary to recognize their services to the people. They were not ready to wage a tough struggle for power. The same cannot be said about many other figures of different political trends. The same, Bolsheviks, Social Revolutionaries, anarchists. In other words, Michael himself and his brother Nikolai tried to fight for power intelligently, hoping, mostly, only that the people themselves would appreciate their intelligence and talent. In general, as it is sung in the song of bandit Jafar from the movie «Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!» directed by Yuli Solomon Guzman:

      Azerbaijani actor Hasanaga Sattar Oglu Turabov as bandit Jafar

      He’s unarmed – I’m always armed

      Would have sat quietly, no, he’s getting into trouble

      He wants to argue the gun

      Big gentleman, but as child!

      And he’s an opponent, it can’t be better

      You’ll fall, but he doesn’t finish you off.

      I stab him in the back and don’t expect an answer

      A gentleman is a good man!

      If I don’t kill him, then he’s me – that’s the law.

      Lamb eats grass for the satiety of wolves.

      There are no exceptions to the laws of life.

      I am not the enemy of the laws, but he is a gentleman!

      And he’s an opponent, it can’t be better

      You’ll fall, but he doesn’t finish you off.

      You stab him in the back and don’t expect an answer.

      A good man is a gentleman!

      A gentleman is a rare sight in our neighborhood.

      He’d take care of his life, but he wants under bullets.

      And he could live a long time, he will die in the prime of life.
