The quatrains as a source of the coincidences. Александр Борисович Моисеев

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Название The quatrains as a source of the coincidences
Автор произведения Александр Борисович Моисеев
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006429543

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      Александр Борисович Моисеев

      Translator Александр Борисович Моисеев

      © Александр Борисович Моисеев, 2024

      © Александр Борисович Моисеев, translation, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-2954-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      «The paradox is the unwillingness of a stupid Universe to follow the clever theories of theorists»

      Internet wisdom

      Future as a forgotten Past

      It is widely believed that only charlatans can deal with prophecies, since it is impossible to foresee the Future due to a violation of the causal relationship. So, all this is typical pseudoscience. But, a consistent analysis leads to a completely different conclusion. Judge for yourself. As you know, there are three time categories: Past, Present and Future. The past is gone, and the Future is not there yet. «There is only a moment between the Past and the Future. It is called «life», as it is sung in the song based on the poems of Leonid Derbenev from the movie «Sannikov Land». Now, that’s not true. It is a widely accepted false stereotype. Well, firstly, it has long been known that we receive information about the world through the transmission of various signals. The fastest is light, which moves at a speed of about three hundred thousand kilometers per second. Therefore, any object, phenomenon will be able to send us it’s information after a short, but… non-zero time. That is, please note: not instantly. Besides, our brain still needs time to transform this information about the surrounding reality into familiar images, which, strictly speaking, we call «Information». Otherwise, we won’t be able to see, hear, smell, or touch anything. We don’t see with our eyes, we don’t hear with our ears, we don’t feel with our skin! All this is our brain. But while this is happening, the Reality we have realized is already becoming the Past, as Time continues to flow. After all, there is no way to stop him. Therefore, everything that we see around us it… ceased to exist yet. And so, it seems to turn out that the surrounding Reality is only an illusion of the existence of the World itself.

      An unreal world

      Is it logical? Yes. Undoubtedly. But! There is no one and to realize this amazing fact, because there is no one. Including ourselves. And it turns out that it never even happened! Therefore, what mind was brought this idea about Universe missing? Right. Similar mind is no. So, there is a world. «By default». Although, it exists, in such a strange way, in the Past. So, if the World is Past today, then tell me: and what will change tomorrow? And in a month? And a year later? In a billion years? Nothing. The situation will not change. And so, therefore, it turns out another mind-boggling conclusion: there is no Future, as well as Present. There is only a known and unknown Past. That is, the Past, about which all Information has been lost, becomes… Future! Isn’t it amazing?! In other words, Chaos and Information are, as it were, a continuous struggle between themselves. But the information cannot be destroyed. Rather, it resembles a large wheel, part of which is in the water and part above the water. And it’s constantly rotating. It is appearing out of the water some drawings and inscriptions made on this wheel.

      The Wheel of Time

      That’s how we get information about an object, a phenomenon, and immediately begin to lose it. And after a while there comes a moment when we lose it completely. Despite any technological development! It turns out that there is nothing in this World something that didn’t happen in the Past. Do you remember how in the fairy tales of the Thousand and One Nights? The djinns say there: «everything whatever you wish, it has already happened!» Yes. That’s exactly why. And the clairvoyant, in some way that is still incomprehensible to us, receives information about what is still hidden from us, but exists somewhere! Another thing is that until the event has become a Reality, we cannot be sure of the correctness of such a prediction. And then, when the confirmation is received, it still looks like it’s just a coincidence! In other words, it is fundamentally impossible to prove the fact of the fulfillment of the prediction. Therefore, there is no violation of the causal relationship. Moreover, we ourselves, in fact, make predictions every now and then! In fact, if you say, «I’m going to go and have tea now,» then this does not mean that this is exactly what will happen with 100% probability, because unexpectedly, for example, some very joyful news may come to you. And what kind of tea is there! Only cognac. And by all means, the best! But, here another question arises: what is the use of predictions if they cannot be used practically? What’s the use of predicting «afraid the 21st» before cause of the French Revolution, how it happened to the French King Louis XVI? Anyway, he was executed on January 21st, 1793. In addition, a truly correct prediction simply has to be vague, because in the Future both people and everyday life are completely different! Therefore, a lot of effort must also be made to correctly identify it. And why, then, is it necessary? The answer touches on the very meaning of Life. An objective study of such a phenomenon as «clairvoyance» is necessary because it allows you to reveal the secret properties of Information, which, in fact, is God himself. By the way, even in the concept of «God» there is also nothing unscientific, oddly enough. After all, it is obvious that there is some kind of Entity that has shaped the Universe. But, that’s just it, it is extremely paradoxical. Why? Because on the one hand, she has to be inanimate, because at the time of the formation of the Universe, there could be no living matter. But she can’t be dead either, because then she would never be able to give birth to a living thing. Otherwise, there would have to be some other «Super God» above God. And if all matter is considered «alive», then, in the absence of the concept of «dead», it also loses its meaning. Like a «top» without a «bottom». So, let’s summarize. Clairvoyance is a way of interacting with God, with Information. And God himself is neither alive nor dead. The universe is and is not, just like we are in it. Therefore, having died, we quite possibly do not cease to exist. After all, we are no more real in Life than we are after Death. Therefore, our Soul is quite capable of existing after death, although this existence is radically different from life here. Thus, on the scale of the universe, a Person cannot be a «grain of sand»… But, of course, this article does not aim to answer all questions of such a global nature. At least, so far, we understand the laws of the Universe too little to draw at least some concrete conclusions about the frailty of our Existence and Life after death. Well, the most famous of all clairvoyants, of course, is Nostradamus.

      The alleged portrait of Michel Nostradamus (Michel de Nostrdam)

      It is his predictions (quatrains) that are quoted at every «convenient and inconvenient» case, almost always presenting it as «the ultimate truth.» «Nostradamus predicted this», «Nostradamus predicted that» can be seen among the headlines of the most respected online publications. And since the beginning of the 30s of the XX century, the study of his prophecies was actively engaged in the Fascist Germany, in particular, the secret structure of the Ahnenerbe.

      The symbol of the secret Nazi organization «Ahnenerbe»

      Moreover, they managed to find quatrain 35 in the third group of quatrains (had named Century), which they began to associate with coming to power Adolf Hitler. And, although, to their credit, they generally defined the meaning correctly, nevertheless, they did not fully understand everything. In particular, the numbering itself turned out to be misunderstood by them, which is not surprising in general. Well, in the vast majority of cases, this is a free interpretation without any justification. In fact, it is extremely difficult to understand exactly what he predicted. That is why there are many people